CrazeD 62850738
not much
this guy is not that good (or bad) but he just admited to useing hacks in a thread I made resently
Check out this guy, four star general>>

Kill Assist  1
Heal 1
Revive 4
Support 1
Repair 1
Driver 1

^^^^ stats reset ......
Formerly known as Missionless
+92|6638|105 RVK

blendiys wrote:

Check out this guy, four star general>>

Kill Assist  1
Heal 1
Revive 4
Support 1
Repair 1
Driver 1

its a new point exploit. Something to do with rank server providers and letting you edit the score u get for lets say, one kill would be 2500 points. Some ranked server providers have made the points un-editable but some havnt so they use that to get load of points and a rank up.
I think they can even make requirements for badges lower since u see ppl having expert tank with only 3 mins inside them.

This is just what ive heard

One of their members lsg.mckenzy is an asshole i killed him with claymores so many times he got mad at me and 2 round later he keeps me for fighting as a commander he just kicked me out of anger fuck him fuck his clan and fuck all nooby admins i am going to kill him. There i feel better.
As a member of that clan, i have to say we have evidence of what happened. Even so, you attempted to lie about the clan member, saying "he didnt give any warning". We have proof he gave you warnings, and it also states our server rules constantly on the server. So if you chose to ignore the rules, that is your problem.

If you dont believe me, perhaps you need your eyesight tested, because the proof is posted on our clan forum. Which you so helpfully posted on, from now on david, you are not welcome on our server. And dont expect any of my other clan members to be as polite as me.

From the other clan members, Fuck You
Monkey Spanker
Show it to the nice monkey.

David.Podedworny wrote:


One of their members lsg.mckenzy is an asshole i killed him with claymores so many times he got mad at me and 2 round later he keeps me for fighting as a commander he just kicked me out of anger fuck him fuck his clan and fuck all nooby admins i am going to kill him. There i feel better.
and breathe, can somebody pass the valium please. Quick he's gonna explode.
Quote of the year so far "Fifa 11 on the other hand... shiny things for mongos "-mtb0minime

lbmarshall wrote:

As a member of that clan, i have to say we have evidence of what happened. Even so, you attempted to lie about the clan member, saying "he didnt give any warning". We have proof he gave you warnings, and it also states our server rules constantly on the server. So if you chose to ignore the rules, that is your problem.

If you dont believe me, perhaps you need your eyesight tested, because the proof is posted on our clan forum. Which you so helpfully posted on, from now on david, you are not welcome on our server. And dont expect any of my other clan members to be as polite as me.

From the other clan members, Fuck You
You only believe mckenzy cause he's in your clan, I dont care for the ban, I used to have alot of respect for you not anymore, And finally i was nice he was'nt so please tell your clan mates to fuck off and good night( tell mckenzy he's a dead man) Porno! Clan Assemble! (Wait thats right i'm the last one left) btw +1 for being nice.

Last edited by David.Podedworny (2007-03-23 16:11:49)


David.Podedworny wrote:

lbmarshall wrote:

As a member of that clan, i have to say we have evidence of what happened. Even so, you attempted to lie about the clan member, saying "he didnt give any warning". We have proof he gave you warnings, and it also states our server rules constantly on the server. So if you chose to ignore the rules, that is your problem.

If you dont believe me, perhaps you need your eyesight tested, because the proof is posted on our clan forum. Which you so helpfully posted on, from now on david, you are not welcome on our server. And dont expect any of my other clan members to be as polite as me.

From the other clan members, Fuck You
You only believe mckenzy cause he's in your clan, I dont care for the ban, I used to have alot of respect for you not anymore, And finally i was nice he was'nt so please tell your clan mates to fuck off and good night( tell mckenzy he's a dead man) Porno! Clan Assemble! (Wait thats right i'm the last one left) btw +1 for being nice.
I don't quite know the level of idiocy that is being conjured in your tiny little brain yet I do seem to believe that you are a tad bit of a complete and utter twat. First of all you come on our server with a violation of the name rules and then continue to break our rules by commanding and fighting - which is clearly shown as a rule as an automessage in CAPITAL LETTERS. If you have a problem reading such notices then I believe you may need to see a doctor of some sort - and a therapist to sort out that god-damned attitude of yours before you start to meddle with someone you don't want to meddle with. If you expect venting your bad attitude and saying a big "Fuck you" to our clan is going to help your egotistical little self then you may need to get a grip on your lifestyle, boy.

If you expect to come into a server, disobey rules and constantly annoy and disturb the administrators of that server then you will be banned and you will be blacklisted on our "Girls and complete dicklover" list - which I believe I put you on myself.

What I do not like to see is the public humiliation of a clan I worked hard to make and strive to keep the good name of - especially when the reasons for such doing are 100% unlawful and not fair of you to do or say ...

To members of BF2s, I hope you have realised that this guy is a complete and utter cockmuncher and I also hope you will disregard anything, any comments or and other little posts he makes bitching about any other admins, servers or players from now on.



(=SFV= Leader )

David.Podedworny wrote:


One of their members lsg.mckenzy is an asshole i killed him with claymores so many times he got mad at me and 2 round later he keeps me for fighting as a commander he just kicked me out of anger fuck him fuck his clan and fuck all nooby admins i am going to kill him. There i feel better.
All I got out of that was "fuck fuck fuckity fuck fuck".

LemonyBrainAid wrote:

I don't quite know the level of idiocy that is being conjured in your tiny little brain yet I do seem to believe that you are a tad bit of a complete and utter twat. First of all you come on our server with a violation of the name rules and then continue to break our rules by commanding and fighting - which is clearly shown as a rule as an automessage in CAPITAL LETTERS. If you have a problem reading such notices then I believe you may need to see a doctor of some sort - and a therapist to sort out that god-damned attitude of yours before you start to meddle with someone you don't want to meddle with. If you expect venting your bad attitude and saying a big "Fuck you" to our clan is going to help your egotistical little self then you may need to get a grip on your lifestyle, boy.
First off twats is such an over used term it can apply to anyone, Second i did not know my name was not allowed, Third off I did not fight i was in the hideout movin away from fire, Fourth i do see therapists for my paranoid schizophrenia, Fifth being tough on the internet does'nt mean being tough in real life, Sixth I dont care what anyone says about me i learned to ignore it long ago, Seventh i'm really a nice guy unless you cross me then i will go after you with a vengeance doesn't matter who you are or what you do i will find a way to get you i have 134 people who i will deal with later i dont need to deal with you since you have already planted the seeds of your own demise.

LemonyBrainAid wrote:

If you expect to come into a server, disobey rules and constantly annoy and disturb the administrators of that server then you will be banned and you will be blacklisted on our "Girls and complete dicklover" list - which I believe I put you on myself.
Only rule i broke was saying the f-word an that was after i could not get a straight answer, Being banned hasn't stopped me before, Being blacklisted is the best you can do?

LemonyBrainAid wrote:

What I do not like to see is the public humiliation of a clan I worked hard to make and strive to keep the good name of - especially when the reasons for such doing are 100% unlawful and not fair of you to do or say ...
This thread was made for flaming all i am is stating my opinion, If you have to come on and defend your clan here then who's egotistical?

LemonyBrainAid wrote:

To members of BF2s, I hope you have realised that this guy is a complete and utter cockmuncher and I also hope you will disregard anything, any comments or and other little posts he makes bitching about any other admins, servers or players from now on.



(=SFV= Leader )
Why use such homo sexual profanity? Are you insecure about something? Ok i admit that is also over used i'll think of something later, Oh and i only hate a few clans and their admins but it's mostly because they are 12-13 year olds who only have admin powers since someone they know owns the server(Much like mckenzy was) Finally if you we're truly mature enough you would have ignored me but you didn't so which shows alot about your character.

k30dxedle i'm sorry that is all you understand but i was angry i dont get angry very often i'm fine now.

Everyone on this site i'm sorry for such an unwell thought out post i will do better next time when i complain.(Which i hope i dont have too)

Last edited by David.Podedworny (2007-03-23 17:44:09)

liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6985|Canberra, AUS

David.Podedworny wrote:

LemonyBrainAid wrote:

I don't quite know the level of idiocy that is being conjured in your tiny little brain yet I do seem to believe that you are a tad bit of a complete and utter twat. First of all you come on our server with a violation of the name rules and then continue to break our rules by commanding and fighting - which is clearly shown as a rule as an automessage in CAPITAL LETTERS. If you have a problem reading such notices then I believe you may need to see a doctor of some sort - and a therapist to sort out that god-damned attitude of yours before you start to meddle with someone you don't want to meddle with. If you expect venting your bad attitude and saying a big "Fuck you" to our clan is going to help your egotistical little self then you may need to get a grip on your lifestyle, boy.
First off twats is such an over used term it can apply to anyone, Second i did not know my name was not allowed, Third off I did not fight i was in the hideout movin away from fire, Fourth i do see therapists for my paranoid schizophrenia, Fifth being tough on the internet does'nt mean being tough in real life, Sixth I dont care what anyone says about me i learned to ignore it long ago, Seventh i'm really a nice guy unless you cross me then i will go after you with a vengeance doesn't matter who you are or what you do i will find a way to get you i have 134 people who i will deal with later i dont need to deal with you since you have already planted the seeds of your own demise.

LemonyBrainAid wrote:

If you expect to come into a server, disobey rules and constantly annoy and disturb the administrators of that server then you will be banned and you will be blacklisted on our "Girls and complete dicklover" list - which I believe I put you on myself.
Only rule i broke was saying the f-word an that was after i could not get a straight answer, Being banned hasn't stopped me before, Being blacklisted is the best you can do?

LemonyBrainAid wrote:

What I do not like to see is the public humiliation of a clan I worked hard to make and strive to keep the good name of - especially when the reasons for such doing are 100% unlawful and not fair of you to do or say ...
This thread was made for flaming all i am is stating my opinion, If you have to come on and defend your clan here then who's egotistical?

LemonyBrainAid wrote:

To members of BF2s, I hope you have realised that this guy is a complete and utter cockmuncher and I also hope you will disregard anything, any comments or and other little posts he makes bitching about any other admins, servers or players from now on.



(=SFV= Leader )
Why use such homo sexual profanity? Are you insecure about something? Ok i admit that is also over used i'll think of something later, Oh and i only hate a few clans and their admins but it's mostly because they are 12-13 year olds who only have admin powers since someone they know owns the server(Much like mckenzy was) Finally if you we're truly mature enough you would have ignored me but you didn't so which shows alot about your character.

k30dxedle i'm sorry that is all you understand but i was angry i dont get angry very often i'm fine now.

Everyone on this site i'm sorry for such an unwell thought out post i will do better next time when i complain.(Which i hope i dont have too)
Considering that your sig is a direct attack on another person... your position is compromised to say the least.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman

Spark wrote:

Considering that your sig is a direct attack on another person... your position is compromised to say the least.
I needed to vent i'll change it now thank you for pointing out my mistake.
Hah, thats funny

After I owned you on our forum with Bf2CC screenshots, you came here to whine.

Well then it is time to show the BF2S community what happend:

Look carefully at the following screenshots and you will see that David is wrong.


Last edited by Ltg.McKenzy (2007-03-24 02:37:03)

Proud Born Loser
In there i see nothing even close to a proof he was commanding and fighting. Just another opinion from a power addictive admin. You stating he was fighting does NOT do as evidence to me. I'ts only your matter of opinion. I'm not convinced in any other way than that he was kicked too easily.

Last edited by klassekock (2007-03-24 03:00:43)

He said he would guard third floor, and asked if anyone needed anything, that leads to supplies  and arty, sounded like he was commanding to me and being a good one asking what others needed. It's right there in your screen shot.
Idd, =)HA(=FemaleDriver, he asked if some one needed anything, and you are correct he was idd commanding.
The proff is in the screenshot, I guess that "klassekock" is a good friend of David and is just protecting him.

klassekock wrote:

In there i see nothing even close to a proof he was commanding and fighting. Just another opinion from a power addictive admin. You stating he was fighting does NOT do as evidence to me. I'ts only your matter of opinion. I'm not convinced in any other way than that he was kicked too easily.
let my tell you something mate, I dont think you have ever adminned a server before, did you?

Well, when you are admin you will see that being admin is a big responsability and a hard job. The rules on our server are there to be followed, if someone breaks them, they wil be punished. David broke a rule and got punished. When we wouldn't punish rule violations, what kind of  example would we show the other players on our server? We have a very popular server, and 98% of the players that play on our server say =SFV= has good admins. That 2% that doesn't think we admin our server good, doesn't make the difference at all. Our server won't go unranked because we kick 10 fighting commanders in a round, on the contrary it will make place for other player who do folow the rules listed in-game. And those 10 slots will fill up faster than you think, almost immediatly.

Aslong as I, and the other admins pay for the server, we can kick anyone for breaking the rules. Our job is to keep the server clear of smacktards like David. And that is what we do.


Last edited by Ltg.McKenzy (2007-03-24 04:57:34)

I completely understand about admin a sever!!! I know there are things in your written screen shot that are not SHOWN. Like the visual. (But these written words aren't proof)
I didn't call you power addicted, I know it's a big pain in the ass to play and watch the kiddies and make sure they behave! And it seems the ones that give you the most bs are the one pushing the rules to suit themselves. Get a bunch of them at the same time......well I'd kick them too, and they come back arguing = ban. Admins want to play the damn game too!!!!

=)HA(=FemaleDriver wrote:

I completely understand about admin a sever!!! I know there are things in your written screen shot that are not SHOWN. Like the visual. (But these written words aren't proof)
I didn't call you power addicted, I know it's a big pain in the ass to play and watch the kiddies and make sure they behave! And it seems the ones that give you the most bs are the one pushing the rules to suit themselves. Get a bunch of them at the same time......well I'd kick them too, and they come back arguing = ban. Admins want to play the damn game too!!!!
Idd, thank you for suporting me on this.

Last edited by Ltg.McKenzy (2007-03-24 05:09:03)

I am not for or against anyone.
There are always two sides of a story. I use to get kicked just for my name, and yes I am a 37 old Female. Now I get asked if I want to bone, (well those guys get banned for disrespect).
I would jump in the gunner seat of the chopper and be taken out of bounds because of my name, and now my clan members look to have me in the gunner seat. Respect other players!!!! I have my 4 and 10 year old sons play single player only, cause they can't grasp not tking yet!!!!! More parents should know what thier kids do and if they repectfully follow the rules.

Ltg.McKenzy wrote:

Hah, thats funny

After I owned you on our forum with Bf2CC screenshots, you came here to whine.

Well then it is time to show the BF2S community what happend:

Look carefully at the following screenshots and you will see that David is wrong.
Where does it show me fighting? Where does it show me moving away from the insurgent hideout when the nades come flying in? Where does it show me picking up a medic kit of a teammate and trying to revive him? Where does it show any wrong? Where? Exactly. It only shows what i said and thats it.

klassekock wrote:

In there i see nothing even close to a proof he was commanding and fighting. Just another opinion from a power addictive admin. You stating he was fighting does NOT do as evidence to me. I'ts only your matter of opinion. I'm not convinced in any other way than that he was kicked too easily.
I'm glad i can make a statement of opinion and actually have people listen to me, I'm glad for people's maturity and neutrality on this site, Instead of getting flamed on their forums since i am talking "Bad" about a clan member.

=)HA(=FemaleDriver wrote:

He said he would guard third floor, and asked if anyone needed anything, that leads to supplies  and arty, sounded like he was commanding to me and being a good one asking what others needed. It's right there in your screen shot.
Thank you femaledriver. Might i add that we only had third floor and security office and bleeding bad? Might i also add that 2 rounds earlier i killed him with claymore's atleast 3 times when he tried to cap plaza and t-bagged him with my teammate, Might i again add that i typed a friendly taunt towards him and it got him upset?

Ltg.McKenzy wrote:

Aslong as I, and the other admins pay for the server, we can kick anyone for breaking the rules. Our job is to keep the server clear of smacktards like David. And that is what we do.

Allright i admit that you pay for it but i disagree on you calling me a smacktard, Like i told lemony about the many definitions of twat a smacktard can apply to anyone depending the definer's attitude,
To me your attitude screams of a "Bitch" or "Bastard" as you are a male, So your smacktard definition of me is too how do you say "Stupid" as you act too immature to be calling anyone  "Smacktard" Good bye.
Also mckenzy tell bloodsport if he wants to talk to me to come on here so we can have a nice discussion. (Btw i admit i used to go on k&p servers in my early days but that was before i knew about roe, We're all noobs at one time we all make mistakes)

David.Podedworny wrote:

Also mckenzy tell bloodsport if he wants to talk to me to come on here so we can have a nice discussion. (Btw i admit i used to go on k&p servers in my early days but that was before i knew about roe, We're all noobs at one time we all make mistakes)
This is an extract of your server history, namely the Pistol and Knife servers.

12.03.07 00:45 Vereinigte Staaten KNIFE SNIPER PISTOL
07.03.07 19:50 24/7 Karkand Knife and Pistol Only =Ddn=
06.03.07 23:08 Niederlande Knife and Pistol !!! by German Gladiator

Now please note the dates.  They are this month.  Early days you say?  You've had a BF2 account since October last year.  I find it hard to believe that you know about on-line forums, indeed Battlefield 2 forums and not know about the ROE over those dates.  Regardless if you knew about them or not, they are part of the Terms Of Service that you agree to when you install the game.  Shot foot myself the in.  Re-arrange that.

Since everyone can clearly see that you're no stranger to breaking rules, they could perhaps agree with me when I have every reason to believe McKenzy, not only because he's a trusted clan mate, but because I know with 110% conviction that he is a good admin and does the right thing.  Sure there are times when decisions can be difficult, and proving them afterwards can be even more so, but to document every single kick every single hour on the server would take an incredible amount of time, and as others here have stated, us admins want to play the game as well.  Unfortunately we don't run battle recorder either.

The problem here is that you started complaining about being kicked.  I get kicked from loads of other servers as I tend to do well, so admins think I hack.  I don't post about it, kick up a fuss and lie to attract attention.  Nor would I complain afterwards on a public BF2 forum for the admins banning me for lying, kicking up a fuss etc.  I think you see the point here?  I'd sincerely like to know how old you are as this game you're playing seems awful childish in my eyes.

Do me a favour, give it a rest, there are 100's of other servers out there for you to go on.

Last edited by Bloodsport (2007-03-24 06:23:00)


Bloodsport wrote:

This is an extract of your server history, namely the Pistol and Knife servers.

12.03.07 00:45 Vereinigte Staaten KNIFE SNIPER PISTOL
07.03.07 19:50 24/7 Karkand Knife and Pistol Only =Ddn=
06.03.07 23:08 Niederlande Knife and Pistol !!! by German Gladiator

Now please note the dates.  They are this month.  Early days you say?  You've had a BF2 account since October last year.  I find it hard to believe that you know about on-line forums, indeed Battlefield 2 forums and not know about the ROE over those dates.  Regardless if you knew about them or not, they are part of the Terms Of Service that you agree to when you install the game.  Shot foot myself the in.  Re-arrange that
Allright you deserve an explanation it's in this thread.

Bloodsport wrote:

Since everyone can clearly see that you're no stranger to breaking rules, they could perhaps agree with me when I have every reason to believe McKenzy, not only because he's a trusted clan mate, but because I know with 110% conviction that he is a good admin and does the right thing.
Well it depend's on the server when i go to any bf2 server i respect the admins and rules unless the admin is stupid or the rules are. Case partially closed.

Bloodsport wrote:

The problem here is that you started complaining about being kicked.  I get kicked from loads of other servers as I tend to do well, so admins think I hack.  I don't post about it, kick up a fuss and lie to attract attention.  Nor would I complain afterwards on a public BF2 forum for the admins banning me for lying, kicking up a fuss etc.  I think you see the point here?  I'd sincerely like to know how old you are as this game you're playing seems awful childish in my eyes.
Do me a favour, give it a rest, there are 100's of other servers out there for you to go on.
I get kicked all the time it's either because of ping or i'm too good case in point look at this Next round i Next round was kicked for hacking. Funny if i was hacking would'nt my team have won? And hackers dont use the G3 that much anyway(From my Personal observations in karkand, they prefer svd) This thread is for venting, I'm 18 and if you dont believe me i really don't care, Allright i'll give it a rest on one condition you take into account that your clan members might not always be right, Case closed.(Btw bloodsport i used to respect you very much it's not a lie, On mash you helped me a long time ago, Mec capping hotel meet blackhawk)
+48|6793|P-way, NJ

PlaneWhore wrote:

I.M.I Militant wrote:

gene_pool wrote:

this guy is soo fuckign amazing.....

Every round i play with him he gets 100 points. Easy.

He gets accused of aimbots pretty much 24/7 and generally a nice guy.
blackpanther an the rest of plus aient haxorz der just macro users =]
Getting a 100 points a round in IO mode is ridiculously easy to do especially if you're n00b enough to be using macros. I'm assuming based off of panthers extremely low vehicle time he has been playing IO 24/7 since 1.4 came out.
its really easy to get over 100 points in io, ive been banned so many times cause im a "hacker"

Last edited by Sgt.Kyle (2007-03-24 08:00:17)

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