+4|7089|Copenhagen, Denmark
Am i the only pilot who's SICK and TIRED of people not wanting to get out when you ask them to?

Numerous occations.

Tank: gunner wont get out to let other guy spawn (squad) or to help take flag
Transport: to help get flag
Helo: to help get flag

Helo: when GOOD gunner wants to fly and a schmuck wants to get frags and don't want to get out.

I fly with my friend B_enjo83 and he's getting PRETTY darn good as a gunner, trusting my flying and hitting 80 - 90% of the time with the TV guided. Even has jet kills with the TV .
Anywho, i can count NUMEROS occations when i take helo, another guy jumps in RIGHT infront of B_enjo83 and WON'T get out when i ask nice (even with team chat).

Even got a rude answer the other day "stfu and fly noob"... i was like WTF?!?!.

W-H-A-T is up with these peeps?
Why won't they let a good duo fly and help team kill enemy like crazy instead of acting nutty? I know it's FFA servers, but CMON!

But anywho, found a neat little trick to deal with those peeps.
For u pilots, if u want a gunner out.

1: fly to edge of map(i play medic when with friend, spec op solo, works more safe with medic)
2: slowly and steadly make it to the edge so u get punished
3: when u reched that range, back SLOWLY back, so u stop getting punished.
4: gunner will now get punished (he's in front of you)
5: gunner dies, you pick up friend.

Lame, but hey, i ask nice first, ask nice second, fix it myself third
I totally agree. There's nothing more than the pesky gunner that wants in, instead of my main gunner, and when I give him a go, he totally blows.

Nice strat btw.
n1nj41c l337ne55
+1|7053|Pittsburgh, Virginia lol
Ok, just so you guys can stop, how do you know that the gunner sux? he could be the blazin.uk of gunnering. Give him a try and then say no if he sux. This pisses me off so much when people do that, ESPECIALLY when they kill me so i get off.And WTF A$$HOLE, dont kill the gunner. Even if it isnt a tk. UNLESS THEY SUCK BALLS AND YOU KNOW IT. So the next time, give him a try, then pass your seal of approval, or reject his ass right out of the chopper, whether its a tk, area leaving or whatever.

PS- dont tk. its not worth it. Just go out and crash into a loaded enemy transport chopper or sumthing

PPS- just so i can get it out of my system-
FUCK YOU YOU GODAM ASSHOLE MICHAEL82!!!!!!1111!1!!11oneone

Last edited by n1nj41c l337ne55 (2005-11-13 17:38:46)


Michael82 wrote:

Why won't they let a good duo fly
You can't be talking about public servers. What makes you assume the guy who wants to be in the heli - and obviously got there in time and hence deserves it - knows you are a "good duo"? Do you announce this fact when you join a server? Everyone should get a chance at playing at whatever the hell they want. If they get there in time, then its their turn to have a go. Killing them because you want your mate in there is LOW.

Last edited by oberst_enzian (2005-11-13 17:35:00)

noob on tour
Don´t come back whining after you´ve been TK'ed by someone you placed out of the battlefield when you try to get into the chopper the next time as you totally deserve it.

When I see a free seat in a chopper I´ll hop in and as long as there is a really good reason you won´t get me out alive. As said before how should someone know that you work good together and how should you know that your unwanted gunner isn´t even better than your buddy?
Umbra Acciptris
Hell just taking the gunner position in a chopper means he trusted you not to be a compleat dumb ass.  not giving him a shot to prove he is a decent gunner shows you did not deserve that trust.  You sir need to learn team play.
Your a idiot man, I hate people like you.

1 How do you know the person sucks at gunning? Give him a chance.

2 Who made you the keeper of the HELI and can decide who guns with you?

3 ITS A PUB SERVER! You dont get there in time then you are outa luck. If you want to fly with your butt buddy all the time then go into a small server or go buy one.

Its a game of teamwork, In my mind that isnt teamwork. Its just being selfish.
I just use my m95.
+0|7074|Trondheim, Norway
*add's Micael82 to dumbfuck list*

[RL]Tarasque wrote:

*add's Micael82 to dumbfuck list*
He's on mine too along with the other billion assholes that think the heli belongs to them and their fudge packing buddy.
'twice cooked beef!'
the pilot punish-killing the gunner

this happened to me twice in one game. lamest thing ever.

Krappyappy wrote:

lamest thing ever.
"You got it"
What do you do if he refuses to get out?
Deliberatley crash? TK him?
It's not YOUR heli
im a fucking .....well not now
+609|7078|AUS, Canberra

Michael82 wrote:

Am i the only pilot who's SICK and TIRED of people not wanting to get out when you ask them to?

Numerous occations.

Tank: gunner wont get out to let other guy spawn (squad) or to help take flag
Transport: to help get flag
Helo: to help get flag

Helo: when GOOD gunner wants to fly and a schmuck wants to get frags and don't want to get out.

I fly with my friend B_enjo83 and he's getting PRETTY darn good as a gunner, trusting my flying and hitting 80 - 90% of the time with the TV guided. Even has jet kills with the TV .
Anywho, i can count NUMEROS occations when i take helo, another guy jumps in RIGHT infront of B_enjo83 and WON'T get out when i ask nice (even with team chat).

Even got a rude answer the other day "stfu and fly noob"... i was like WTF?!?!.

W-H-A-T is up with these peeps?
Why won't they let a good duo fly and help team kill enemy like crazy instead of acting nutty? I know it's FFA servers, but CMON!

But anywho, found a neat little trick to deal with those peeps.
For u pilots, if u want a gunner out.

1: fly to edge of map(i play medic when with friend, spec op solo, works more safe with medic)
2: slowly and steadly make it to the edge so u get punished
3: when u reched that range, back SLOWLY back, so u stop getting punished.
4: gunner will now get punished (he's in front of you)
5: gunner dies, you pick up friend.

Lame, but hey, i ask nice first, ask nice second, fix it myself third
silly me forgot you own all the vehicles in the map your on, if you dont want people in there you dont aprove of then dont play a MULTIPLAYER game!!!!!!
get off your high horse and  realise that you dont have authority over anyone who wants in.
Level 13.5 BF2S Ninja Penguin Sensei

i kickass at gunning, i'm a pretty good flyer compared to other thais as well, and sometimes i just feel like gunning. I hate it when i get a crappy pilot, who then tries to practice, and then tries to cap a flag >.< and doesn't get killed, but crashes into trees. Whats worse they'll always get in the copter before you
Or when you have a gnuner who can't shoot straight. Or who can't see nor hear missiles coming from the turret.
=L&L=The Old Firm
+3|7069|The Netherlands The Hague
Michael82 is exactly those kinda people i enjoy to TK without any regrets for the negative score.
Who made you God?
Its a teamplay game not a "i own this chopper so get out" game.
I hope i will never run into you on a server cause i WILL TK you in an instance.
Dumbfucks like you don't deserve to even play this game.

Michael82 wrote:

Am i the only pilot who's SICK and TIRED of people not wanting to get out when you ask them to?
I think you'll find it's the majority that's SICK and TIRED of people that think they OWN bf2, not just their CD but the WHOLE game. Unless you are on your OWN server, you have NO rights above anyone else.... Sure you can ASK people to get out, but you can't DEMAND that they get out, and if you do TK for it, then you're just another 'the big I AM'.

Get with it, you and I both bought this CD, so we bought into the game, we don't own the game. We have equal rights to ALL the hardware (vehicles etc), and therefore anyone else wanting to be a gunner, pilot, driver, passenger can do whatever they want. Besides, they might be a better gunner than your mate, they may even be a better pilot then you.... some I would imagine, actually fly helis in real life.

There is also the point of 'learning'.... without a full and proper simulation, they can't gain experience. Yep they can try out on empty servers, even single player mode, but to get full combat preparedness, they need the full combat experience.

I'm all for squads, and those that can work well together, but you have to give individuals a chance to shine.

There's another thread on here with the exact same attitude as you, you might want to read that one as well... It might just make you think differently.

thinner44 wrote:

Michael82 wrote:

Am i the only pilot who's SICK and TIRED of people not wanting to get out when you ask them to?
I think you'll find it's the majority that's SICK and TIRED of people that think they OWN bf2, not just their CD but the WHOLE game. Unless you are on your OWN server, you have NO rights above anyone else.... Sure you can ASK people to get out, but you can't DEMAND that they get out, and if you do TK for it, then you're just another 'the big I AM'.

Get with it, you and I both bought this CD, so we bought into the game, we don't own the game. We have equal rights to ALL the hardware (vehicles etc), and therefore anyone else wanting to be a gunner, pilot, driver, passenger can do whatever they want. Besides, they might be a better gunner than your mate, they may even be a better pilot then you.... some I would imagine, actually fly helis in real life.

There is also the point of 'learning'.... without a full and proper simulation, they can't gain experience. Yep they can try out on empty servers, even single player mode, but to get full combat preparedness, they need the full combat experience.

I'm all for squads, and those that can work well together, but you have to give individuals a chance to shine.

There's another thread on here with the exact same attitude as you, you might want to read that one as well... It might just make you think differently.
What he says. ^^^


Michael82 wrote:

Helo: when GOOD gunner wants to fly and a schmuck wants to get frags and don't want to get out.
If your mate doesn't want to 'get frags' then he's an even bigger waste of time than the guy your are trying to oust

Last edited by BladeRunner (2005-11-14 01:22:55)

BF2s EU Server Admin
+67|7095|Hanging onto the UAV
I agree that you can't expect you and your buddy to whore the chopper for the whole round/game. If someone else beats your gunner to it, then just live with it. You could ask them once or twice to get out, but if they won't, then just play - you're wasting valuable tickets, soldier! 

Easily the most gratifying thing is when someone gets in the chopper, but then out of their own freewill gets out again to let you and your buddy/gunner use it. THAT deserves kudos.

In actual fact, I was playing a server last night with a guy from...um...{nGs} I think. Top geezer.
+4|7089|Copenhagen, Denmark
Ok i see that i've become target for a mob, since i obviously have a different oppinion.
Let me explain myself to details.

I don't kill a guy outright, if the round just started, i fly with a gunner (we need flags fast). If he blows, he doesn't fly with me again.

I DON'T feal like i own everything. But when i land near a flag with a black hawk or helo or tank or whatever. It's taken faster if peeps get out (thereby we win).

If i play with my friend, we usually play from a internet cafe (meaning we sit next to eachother, kill VERY effectively and help team out). If i play from home, feal free to fly with me. But when people say bail out, plz bail out (weather it's for the flag or for the gunner seat).
When a pilot asks me to get out, fine i'll jump out so he can fly with his buddy.

I can't see why you guys feal provoked to go "witch hunting" against me. Im just annoyed with people not being able to be nice in the game (counting constant punishing etc.).

But hey, that's up to you guys
+4|7089|Copenhagen, Denmark

thinner44 wrote:

Michael82 wrote:

Am i the only pilot who's SICK and TIRED of people not wanting to get out when you ask them to?
I think you'll find it's the majority that's SICK and TIRED of people that think they OWN bf2, not just their CD but the WHOLE game. Unless you are on your OWN server, you have NO rights above anyone else.... Sure you can ASK people to get out, but you can't DEMAND that they get out, and if you do TK for it, then you're just another 'the big I AM'.

Get with it, you and I both bought this CD, so we bought into the game, we don't own the game. We have equal rights to ALL the hardware (vehicles etc), and therefore anyone else wanting to be a gunner, pilot, driver, passenger can do whatever they want. Besides, they might be a better gunner than your mate, they may even be a better pilot then you.... some I would imagine, actually fly helis in real life.

There is also the point of 'learning'.... without a full and proper simulation, they can't gain experience. Yep they can try out on empty servers, even single player mode, but to get full combat preparedness, they need the full combat experience.

I'm all for squads, and those that can work well together, but you have to give individuals a chance to shine.

There's another thread on here with the exact same attitude as you, you might want to read that one as well... It might just make you think differently.
Well i can see that you understand some of my points... listen to other players, commanders, squad leaders. If i see two players fly together for several rounds, i'm not gonna take their chopper (unless they blow). I know that there are 1337 pilots, hell, i've fought em . But good gunners are hard to find and miles across. Usually i take the gunner seat, when there's a good pilot, cause i have mediore skills with TV.

As i already stated, i'm just annoyed about people not listening (stuff like "i need a ride" also counts here)
+4|7089|Copenhagen, Denmark

BladeRunner wrote:

Michael82 wrote:

Helo: when GOOD gunner wants to fly and a schmuck wants to get frags and don't want to get out.
If your mate doesn't want to 'get frags' then he's an even bigger waste of time than the guy your are trying to oust
If we can't fly, we go ground attack (tanks are usually a good one, or jeeps, just to drive around and get flags)

That's why i figure that if we fight for the team, it's annoying that people won't give you a break and that's why i get pissed sometimes.
All is fair in love and war, can't think that i can keep a happy face on all the time
Michael82, I probably underestimate how much this game means to some people from time to time, but you have to realise, it is just that, a game.

Let everyone play how they want to play. Me, I just run around shotting things up, I play a team game when I feel like it, but most times I prefer to do my own thing... Getting badges/ribbons and medals is an achievement but it won't change my life and if we didn't have 'stats', no one would be really that bothered how anyone played this game... Lighten up a little, you'll enjoy it much more.
Aliens Ate My Babysitter
While I don't agree with how Michael82 proposes to deal with the issue, there is something to be said for people who work together. I have jumped out of gunner positions from choppers or jets because people have asked nicely and informed me that they are on teamspeak (or similar). While I had every entitlement to be where I was and stay there I saw that they were working for the team and a co-ordinated pairing in those vehicles can be devestatingly effective.

Equally I have asked people, in the nicest terms, to let me and a friend work together as we were on teamspeak and most times they've jumped out. Sometimes they say nothing or ask for a go, and fair enough, they have every right to be there if they got there first so I just get on with it. Bitching and moaning about the situation helps no one.

As for people not getting out to help capture flags, that is a little annoying, but then you could always get out as it's one person per vehicle, not the driver and no one else.

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