UPDATE 2:::Okay, I see that we are having alot of requests for participation beyond the original list. The point of this event was to get some of the young guys that play on the BF2s EU server to start adhering more to the BF2S EU Server Creed. We are not a clan but rather a community that promotes Fun and Teamwork on the the battlefield. Here's the deal if you want to participate:fon|sl4y3r wrote:
also see 1st post of this topic
Hi people, we´ve just came to the conclusion that our sunday´s special event will take place on
Server-Name: ".: The Maggots :: Unranked Server :."
Server-Port: 16567
This is Captain[a]´s unranked dedicated server.
Until sunday, there is no passwort needed.
Today, fryday September 15, there will be a testrun to check stability, pings etc. off this server.
If you´ll take part on the event, please be there today around 20:00 CET!!!
this info is posted in every subsections of the EU section. Please only reply in here
1) Check Out Our EU Basecamp and see what we're all about. Read the server rules and soldier creeds!
2) Play on the EU Server!!!
3) Wear the [BF2s] tags so that we can recognize you (doesn't matter if you already in a clan)
4) Join Teamspeak and talk to us. Communicate for teamwork and get to know the guys.
5) Have fun and be respectful to others
That's all there is to it.
Let's do it Boyz!
This will be the BF2s EU Server's first official "Event". Young versus Old. In order to lend a bit of veteran leadership to the young guys I will be leading the team. I have also recruited S3NF because he is young at heart and also because we lack pilots and don't want to get completely obliterated.
So, I propose we meet on a given night. I say Sunday, September 17th at 8:30 PM German Time on a the EU Server: No password but slots will be set according to number of participants...if you are not on the participation list then sorry you will be kicked.
a) Maps: 1st: Karkand x2, 2nd: Oman x2, 3rd: Sharqi x2...and if there is no clear winner then we will go to overtime...Mashtuur takes it all...this is a fairly balanced map so it don't matter which side anybody gets.
b) Server Rules Apply: No baserape or arty on non-caps
c) Game does not stop even if you CTD or something else.
d) Have fun and trash talk about it afterward.
HERE ARE THE SQUADS If I've left anybody out then please reply to this thread and I will add you. We need to have equal squads so if you plan to participate (or not) then please let me know either by posting on this thread or PM.
UpDated: Please confirm to me if you can definitely participate in this event! Send me a PM and then make sure I update you on the list below. If for some reason I have marked you as confirmed when you are not then please let me know.
Confirmed = Violet
Young Squad: These guys will wear the [YNG] tags
1) RunDje-MC (Co-Team Captain)
2) Mike23 (Co-Team Captain)
3) Superfly
4) DeJappe
5) Cobra
6) Omega
7) Psykotik2912
8) Knightnufer
9) EvilFruits Star
10) kmjnhb
11) |-S|m0n-|
12) k30
13) 0OMFG aka Strump Rabbit
14) Ghetto
15) Fld_Mrsl_Arts
16) .glopje_NL.
17) Karl
18) Bronco Bullfrog
19) Infinity
Old Squad: These guys will wear the [OLD] Tags
1) Dancer (Co-Team Captain)
2) Goldman (Co-Team Captain)
3) Dude (Co-Team Captain)
4) AnarkyXtra
5) Captain
6) Gvers
7) Netas Knight
8) Neger
9) JahManRed
10) Echo
11) Eckzack
12) Last Black Winegum
13) S3NF
14) Varegg (Racing Against Time To Repair his computer!)
15) Slayer (maybe if his blue ball will let him)
16) HellHead (could be out due to relocation)
17) Col64
18) Schuss
19) |theB3brr
20) Freke1
21) macci
22) Evil-Meh
I realize everybody can't be there but we can have a 12 v 12 at least. Okay, that's it and I hope we can make it happen!
Last edited by superfly_cox (2006-09-16 06:57:13)