
It's nice to see a company taking responsibility for problematic hosted content only after being bullied into doing so by its users. Funny to see it happen to covid conspiracies before porn, lol.
reddit has been gamed by corporate interests and bot-networks for years now. it is literally not a bastion of free speech, let alone 'dissent'. it's thoroughly corporate. the fact they are relying on that angle to justify being lax about covid mis-information is very, very funny. reeks of the same bullshit as facebook claiming not to intervene in politics, whilst they knowingly sell vast amounts of ad-space to kooky right-wing 'alternative facts' campaigns.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
“Hudson Mayor Craig Shubert and Hudson High School parents are calling for the resignation of school board members and teachers,” Cleveland. com reported. And if they refuse to resign, the mayor promised to have them charged with child pornography.

The controversy erupted after students in the school’s Liberal Arts II writing class received a book of writing prompts titled 642 Things to Write About.
The book is a product of the San Francisco Writers’ Grotto and includes exactly the type of suggested writing topics you would expect from that degenerate city.

Here are the ones that have the mayor and parents justifiably furious:

-Write a sex scene you wouldn’t show your mom.
-Rewrite the sex scene from above into one that you’d let your mom read.
-You have just been caught in bed by a jealous spouse. How will you talk your way out of this?
-Write a sermon for a beloved preacher who has been caught in a sex scandal.
-Describe a time when you wanted to orgasm but couldn’t.
-Ten euphemisms for sex.
-Describe your favorite part of a man’s body using only verbs.
-Write an X-rated Disney scenario.
-A roomful of people who want to sleep together.
-The first time you had sex.

Here are some others:

-Choose how you will die.
-Write a scene that begins: ‘It was the first time I killed a man.’
-You have a dream that you’ve murdered someone. Who is it, how and why did the murder happen, and what happens afterward?
-You are a serial killer. What TV shows are on your DVR list? Why?
-The kill fee.
-Drink a beer. Write about the taste.

The mother of one of the students, Monica Havens, appears to be the one who sounded the alarm.

Havens said she asked her daughter to get the book from her backpack when she discovered the “horrific” prompts.

“I can’t even wrap my brain around a teacher, I don’t care if it’s for college credit, these are minors,” Havens said.
https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021 … ssignment/

Those prompts aren't appropriate but apparently the book has 600 other ones that were. The thing that most annoyed me about this story, besides the secret pedophile mayor (the loudest complainers about gay people are always gay. Etc), is that the class is for college credit. Some kids are going to lose out on college credit because of some Karen.

College credit aside, I can see why people are a bit uncomfortable with high school teenagers being asked to write about booze and lurid sex scenes, but it seems a little silly to be asking for so many, possibly unrelated, resignations. Is it really worth disrupting school flow for so many kids just for petty revenge? Bunch of teachers get replaced all at once and suddenly they're held back for a week or two while the replacements figure out where the class is, rofl.

@zeek It's hard for me to take seriously forms of commentary that are in part policed by an upvote/downvote point system. Seems to foster a lot of rabbit hole echo chambering and shitposting aimed to make numbers go up. You wouldn't believe how much nonsense I've been forwarded. In that fashion, I guess people should also view commentary supported by ratings, ad-based revenue with a skeptical eye.

Amusing sometimes to rehash "read-by-writer, not publication" advice in some way and get nods of agreement "that sounds quite reasonable!" only to then reveal that AOC is a person who also says this, and watch the mixed expressions ensue. You can almost see the minds pinch shut like the sphincter on some sea critter, before they fill the conversation with a cloud of unrelated ink to make good their escape.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
The bad prompts were never assigned. They were just in the book.

The mayor is also angry the school board passed a mask mandate. Plague rat.

The joke of course is thinking that putting a gag order on these topics in any context is going to do anything to protect a bunch of kids, some of whom are probably already quite active in this stuff.

What good exactly does it do to raise kids in a bubble only to then abruptly strip it from them before booting them into the Real World.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
A lot of but not all of parents like this raise children who are shy and/or have anxiety. The mom who makes a scene has kids who are afraid of attention, confrontation, and displeasing people. I have seen Karen moms with nervous small kids. Kids are extremely perceptive. They can pick up on when their mom just annoyed the hell out of someone the kids have to deal with all the time.

Have you ever had to look down at a child looking back at you after their mom just made a small scene by being 'that mom'?
It's not right to take your frustration with another adult out on their child and you shouldn't play favorites. But if your mom has hair trigger, you aren't likely to be the kid picked first to do fun stuff like getting to leave class, stretch your legs, and drop something off to another teacher. Small kids love doing small things like that and acting like adults or feeling important.

I've heard a few survivors' anecdotes. I imagine some kids might eventually just disengage and tune out the whole process. Whether it's the Karens ("How dare you give my child a B+! I drove 35 minutes to make you turn it into an A-! We are going to get your boss involved"), the helicopter parents who intervene in every small detail, stripping them of choice ("I just want to help because my parents never did, so I'm taking over my child's every decision. Here are the classes they will be taking, *turns*, right honey?"), or some unholy combination of both.

One of the most embarrassing thing for me back then was being accused that my parents helped with an assignment or project, when they did not. What a very toxic thing to tell a child directly, basically "there's no way you're this good" but indirectly.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Kids nowadays don't need to get their parents to do their work. There are sites that exist solely to commercialize academic cheating. Also wikipedia exist. If you are in a special education classes and you give me a giant paragraph with words I don't even use, I am going to know you cheated.

I am sure your assignment was wonderful and there are some kids who very good writers for their age. One senior was very happy when I told them they are a better student at their age than I was at their age.

Assignments, in plural. Accusation and suspicion got old, really fast, and felt rather embittering. Great way to encourage your young student to continue to do good work, huh.

Am aware though that there are kids who don't really ask for help, but one of their parents will, for example, sit there and erase/rewrite letters or words that are too sloppy. Wikipedia won't buttle your handwriting for you. I was pretty happy when we were told to type it out instead. School did not teach good handwriting ergonomics. Probably passed out enough hand cramps to get the attention of cenobites.

The X stands for
+1,818|6425|eXtreme to the maX
From the outside a big problem is parents doing their childs homework for them, and I mean all of it.

WTF is a child learning?
Fuck Israel
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

Dilbert_X wrote:

From the outside a big problem is parents doing their childs homework for them, and I mean all of it.

WTF is a child learning?

The X stands for
+1,818|6425|eXtreme to the maX

SuperJail Warden wrote:

Dilbert_X wrote:

From the outside a big problem is parents doing their childs homework for them, and I mean all of it.

WTF is a child learning?

I did some work for a family friend once, he brought his kid to see what I was doing and asked his kid "Could you do what Dilbert is doing?"
The reply "It would be easier to just hire Dilbert"

Kid is a priest now, his kid was born without hands, so much for god.
Fuck Israel

That stuff is often written off as a part of god's special plan for his Little Christian Soldiers. Same with the "he got too lonely without Little Timmy by his side, so took him back early." Very toxic stuff.

Your family friend's kid, who went to see your job as a kid, now has kids. Do you feel old?
The X stands for
+1,818|6425|eXtreme to the maX
I've always felt old.
Fuck Israel
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I highly doubt there is a God but can accept the possibility he or some greater spiritual forces exist. I definitely don't think not giving a person hands or giving some kid an intellectual disability is part of a grand plan. I definitely don't believe a God is following our day to day going on with any interest like Christians and Muslims feel. I don't think we could truly even comprehend the contours of a being so strong they can create something from nothingness. The kind of God I can most believe in is one who typed observe" in the console and then went to go do something else.

That said, I also am not a person who likes to challenge God, fate, and karma. People who make mocking God a part of their identity are like drunks who pick fights with clearly stronger people. My heart is open to a God if it wants to get involved with me.

Very much oversimplifying things, but a god of humans is usually course going to be assigned human traits and features. This sort of bumps up against a wall when a god is turned into an all-powerful, all-knowing, ever-present cosmic force, or even the universe (multiverse?) itself. A state of being very non-human. Processing the daily lives of billions of humans probably wouldn't be a very involved task for a deity literally doing everything else at once, though I don't think "involved" would even have the same meaning at that level as it does for a human obsession. Confusing message in Christianity sometimes, where you're not supposed to know the mind of god, but here's all this stuff we know about the mind of god?

Anyway, this, and forms of it, have certainly made the rounds:

https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/8 … ch_beings/

Dilbert_X wrote:

From the outside a big problem is parents doing their childs homework for them, and I mean all of it.

WTF is a child learning?
'from the outside'? do you interact with kids at all? how have you diagnosed this 'big problem'?

at any level of education that matters, it's very hard for parents to fake the children's work.

why a parent would want to forge their seven-year-old's work, and to what aim, i don't know. hardly helping them 'get ahead' in life.

Some parents literally think they're doing their kids a favor by editing and adjusting their kid's work "to look better." Comedy when it's done incorrectly.

Old math/new math stories are always fun.

I haven't heard an anecdote of a parent just taking over the whole assignment while a kid goes off and plays video games, though. It's probably happened once in a blue moon, but probably not statistically significant.

SuperJail Warden wrote:

I highly doubt there is a God but can accept the possibility he or some greater spiritual forces exist. I definitely don't think not giving a person hands or giving some kid an intellectual disability is part of a grand plan. I definitely don't believe a God is following our day to day going on with any interest like Christians and Muslims feel. I don't think we could truly even comprehend the contours of a being so strong they can create something from nothingness. The kind of God I can most believe in is one who typed observe" in the console and then went to go do something else.

That said, I also am not a person who likes to challenge God, fate, and karma. People who make mocking God a part of their identity are like drunks who pick fights with clearly stronger people. My heart is open to a God if it wants to get involved with me.
some aspects of christianity, e.g. gnosticism, did conceive of god in that way. very much adapted from hellenistic greek philosophy. problem is, they were declared as heretics and their writings/gospel as apocryphal. the division between a god/demiurge is a very interesting one.
The X stands for
+1,818|6425|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

'from the outside'? do you interact with kids at all? how have you diagnosed this 'big problem'?
I don't work in a school, I do interact with parents.

"Yeah I can't come out this weekend, I have to finish my kids assignment, really hoping for an A+ so I have to nail it"
Fuck Israel
i find it unbelievable that parents would sacrifice their weekends to personally do their children's homework.

almost everyone i know who wants to 'get ahead' hires a private tutor. that is one way that inequality propagates itself in our current education system. children with rich parents tend to be kept afloat by after-hours cramming and extra 1-on-1 help – not by their parents skipping on BBQs so that they can puzzle through algebra exercises.
The X stands for
+1,818|6425|eXtreme to the maX
Well its surprising but I've heard a few say "they aren't learning anything useful, they're just getting a piece of paper"

Making kids work and learn is hard, I wouldn't want to try it.
Fuck Israel
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
A lot to go over in the Facebook nonsense.

Funny small bit I saw in the recap
Meaningful social interactions (M.S.I.): In 2018, Facebook overhauled its news feed algorithm to prioritize interactions, such as comments and likes, between friends and family. The idea was to give more weight to the posts and engagements of people that Facebook thought were closest to users. In her testimony, Ms. Haugen argued that the change toward M.S.I. made Facebook an angrier social platform, and created an environment that encouraged polarization, misinformation, and shocking content.
That's hilarious. They tried to make Facebook more about interaction with friends and less about content creators. They accidentally created a worse environment.

At some point we should acknowledge that Facebook's many issues are a reflection on us rather than it is some corporate malfeasance. And as troubling as pro-eating disorder content marketed to minors is, we need to think closely about what ideas are acceptable in the mainstream or not. Either freedom of expression means something or it doesn't.

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