A lot to get off my chest.
I'm sorry to dilbert for coming down harshly on his love of Cats. Just because I don't want to see something doesn't mean he shouldn't. I hope the butthole cut is worth the wait for you! Also there's nothing wrong with having a rainbow hair dye job if it helps cover up your ginger overtones. It's 2020, rock that shit!
Should any of us be sorry to atg?
I'm sorry to burnzz for getting so much on his bad side. But only sorry because he banned me from his minecraft server. Seriously, screw that g come back to us, burnzy!
I'm sorry I've said mmmf mmmf mmmf so much to rthki. I keep forgetting where it even started, just that it's associated with you.
I'm sorry to jay for suggesting that shelter provided by his deck could be used to house cute woodland critters. I hope that's not the reason he's gone. BF2S needs you back, jay!
Extremely belated apology to #mod notorious for gaslighting him in PMs over a simple AWM.
I'm not sorry to macbeth for anything because I'm pretty sure he would feed the neighborhood dogs broken glass and rat poison if he felt like it wouldn't compromise his government paycheck. Thoughts and prayers for his future partner Officer Pickles. Stay on your toes, dogbro.
I'm sorry for massively inconveniencing the forum by changing the titles of some of the sports threads way back when. Something like "Raiders vs Steelers" probably doesn't need the word "football" in the title to convey which sport it is. I think it made jay especially mad, so sorry again.
I'm sorry for calling Command & Conquer dead. I mean maybe it is, but a very large remastered version is due out in July. Something nice to distract me from the early access crashfest that is current Bannerlord.