Mojang.SuperJail Warden wrote:
Speaking of the past, who actually owns this site now anyway?
If it really awful what R. Kelly did to those girls. But seeing this man breakdown a national T.V. was almost worth it.
If it really awful what R. Kelly did to those girls. But seeing this man breakdown a national T.V. was almost worth it.

suhhhhhh dudeKEN-JENNINGS wrote:
i miss m3thod. He and Gunslinger were my favorite posters. And IGSuperJail Warden wrote:
God I forgot tucker existed. Makes you wonder how many people came through here that we forgot.KEN-JENNINGS wrote:
people are weird.
tuckergustav was the "moderator lady".
The mod boards were mostly people debating how to deal with certain troubled users. Sometimes there would be internal disagreements, but that's just silly. No need to wring hands about how to deal with things - just click some boxes and be done with it!
Can you imagine being so dumb your parents spend 5 million dollars to get you into checks notes University of California.

UCLA is the most applied to school in the country. It's a prestigious university, like UC Berkeley and UC San Diego. Our public universities are better than all other states' in the nation.
People want to go to these schools. You'd have to pay me money to go to Rutgers
People want to go to these schools. You'd have to pay me money to go to Rutgers
I am wasn't shitting on UCLA. I was merely pointing out someone wasting millions to get into a state school is dumb. Anything over $1 million should get you into at least Brown.

Is UCSD a prestigious university?
Last edited by DesertFox- (2019-03-13 17:40:38)
If it runs English Literature courses then yes.
They'd have to be in English though, not Spanish.
They'd have to be in English though, not Spanish.
Fuck Israel
#12 for public schools in the nation. I guess it depends on what your definition of "prestigious" is.DesertFox- wrote:
Is UCSD a prestigious university?
FYI dilbert, their engineering program is really strong. Feeder program into Broadcom and Qualcomm, who both have strong presence in SoCal.
I gave $25 to the Red Cross. I do this every so often. There is a begger who sets up on the corner of my street that I give a dollar or two to whenever I have it.
It feels really nice to give to charity and to those less fortunate. Does anyone else do charity work here?
It feels really nice to give to charity and to those less fortunate. Does anyone else do charity work here?

I reply to your posts on here, does that count?SuperJail Warden wrote:
I gave $25 to the Red Cross. I do this every so often. There is a begger who sets up on the corner of my street that I give a dollar or two to whenever I have it.
It feels really nice to give to charity and to those less fortunate. Does anyone else do charity work here?
You are just upset that I am clearly the most charitable person here.

Well I also donate about £20 to various charities, semi regularly. I don't give money to beggars in Stoke 'cus they'll just spend it on monkey dust (google it).
Holy shit this place still exists.
I finally started up the foundation in memory of my son, who passed away back in 2014.
I hope it is successful!
So far, it has been successful enough for what we are attempting to do with it. I am hopeful it will grow larger, but for now, we are able to help the local community a little bit. If you are interested in checking it out, visit
I am sorry about your son and hope your foundation does well.
I just can't donate to it though. I don't want to encourage people to live in South Carolina.
I just can't donate to it though. I don't want to encourage people to live in South Carolina.

Since Q3 2015, Google.SuperJail Warden wrote:
Speaking of the past, who actually owns this site now anyway?
It's why the stocks have been performing exceptionally well.
everything i write is a ramble and should not be taken seriously.... seriously. ♥
Do longtime bf2s forum members get stock dividends?
you get options worth just about the finest outhouse wallpaper you've ever seen!
It would be (un)interesting to plot my net worth from joining BF2s until the present day.
plug those data sets into R and get going!
It's weird that the people I grew up with are popping out kids. It's gross and disturbing.