… rseas.htmlWhen Congress designed temporary work visa programs, the idea was to bring in foreigners with specialized, hard-to-find skills who would help American companies grow, creating jobs to expand the economy. Now, though, some companies are bringing in workers on those visas to help move jobs out of the country.
For four weeks this spring, a young woman from India on a temporary visa sat elbow to elbow with an American accountant in a snug cubicle at the headquarters of Toys “R” Us here. The woman, an employee of a giant outsourcing company in India hired by Toys “R” Us, studied and recorded the accountant’s every keystroke, taking screen shots of her computer and detailed notes on how she issued payments for toys sold in the company’s megastores.
“She just pulled up a chair in front of my computer,” said the accountant, 49, who had worked for the company for more than 15 years. “She shadowed me everywhere, even to the ladies room."
By late June, eight workers from the outsourcing company, Tata Consultancy Services, or TCS, had produced intricate manuals for the jobs of 67 people, mainly in accounting. They then returned to India to train TCS workers to take over and perform those jobs there. The Toys “R” Us employees in New Jersey, many of whom had been at the company more than a decade, were laid off.
This makes me so angry I could vote for Donald Trumpet.
How does everyone feel about the H1B program? I do not like it. Bringing in foreign workers to outsource jobs or to replace domestic workers is wrong. It just goes to show you how crazed this free trade, free markets thing has gotten. Not only are we forced to compete with foreigners, they are invited here by our leaders to take our jobs.
Mass immigration, worker visas, student visas and more are all part of a process of gentrification at a national level. Just like poor people being replaced by wealthy outsiders in urban areas to raise property value for developers, our leaders are bringing in foreigners to drive down our wages so that we can increase our GDP numbers and inflate the stock market.
Then you have multiculturalism and the destruction of the community. The American nation, the community of individuals who consider themselves American, is going to be ruined by this.
Last edited by SuperJail Warden (2015-10-07 15:27:40)