Close/delete if you like. I just never made one.
but you can't
RTHKI wrote:
Best EE chats ever
aww thanks guysCC-Marley wrote:
Best EE Chats ever
Posting in the bestest eechats evah. Free karma.
Is no one really going to save this
these broken wings
lol, everyone else's good bye thread is gonna be a a chats thread. except for uzique, he'll post in 'The Australian Politics Thread' for his last post . . .
lol, everyone else's good bye thread is gonna be a a chats thread. except for uzique, he'll post in 'The Australian Politics Thread' for his last post . . .
i never actually got my own ee chats. i was always forbidden under some lame pretext.
actually i did make one awesome one with a bunch of latvian potato jokes, and it got deleted.
i appreciated you putting my mug in the OP of your last one, burnzz. i wasn't even posting here then.
actually i did make one awesome one with a bunch of latvian potato jokes, and it got deleted.
i appreciated you putting my mug in the OP of your last one, burnzz. i wasn't even posting here then.
I got one! most best ever I believe.
i once created a d&st chat, but deleted it in a fit of drunken rage. Kmar resurrected it, and i have no clue why . . .
lol, i can't even check out the d&st chat now. i guess Gibson thought it was a bad idea too, and self deleted it. . .
pretty sure I managed to get one or two posted.
for a fatty you're a serious intellectual lightweight.
pretty sure you tripped and fell on a massive throbbing dick
Failed out of motorcycle school.
Weird how starting an EEChats thread became such a status thing. I remember everyone arguing so much every time someone started a new one "ewwr it's not the start of the month yet, unfair" etc etc. One more thing that seemed to suggest the bf2s community never quite got the concept of time zones, (see also: my "Happy New Year" threads.) I remember suggesting that to end the butthurt I'd take on the duty of starting and closing the monthly chat threads myself given that I'm in the most ahead time zone. The idea was accepted by some but it never happened. I think I'm one of the few left who never started one.
[Blinking eyes thing]
I don't remember mods ever starting any EE Chats. To be honest, EE Chats started to die when I was allowed to be the one to start the thread.
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
I never started one, mainly because I didn't give a shit.
Why did Stannis have to sacrifice his daughter?!