i drove with a trump voter who passed like a dozen gas stations, determined to find diesel for less than $4/gal. previously, they had been hopeful for better gas prices under trump, saying it would prove they made the right choice (i'm sure i've told that story here). for part of the trip they were both bemoaning the current kleptocracy/oligarchy. when i reminded them they voted for it, they shifted gears to downplay the current disaster. for the other part they were boasting about the end of ms-13 (this again). but they acted astonished at news that school bus drivers were having to be advised to not let ice agents onboard. "well, what do you think we should do about the criminal gangs?" like, my dude, ice harassing adults (and eight year olds) who are
supposed to be here isn't doing anything to Stop the Criminal Gangs. at the very least, they stalled and weren't able to formulate a response.
this is a person who takes every real and perceived slight by the government against the common man as a personal attack. self-proclaimed 'independent thinker,' pro-libertarian (though not a Libertarian). if they went through something like being detained by ice, i'd never hear the end of it. "don't trust the feds," say the people who want to streamline executions and *rifles through papers* 'reasonably suspend limits on search and seizure.' ????
whenever i crawl out of the vehicle after one of these types of road trips, i feel like i ran a marathon. mac should be glad he doesn't carpool with his trumper assistant or anything like that.
Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2025-02-09 08:41:26)