
Dilbert_X wrote:

What NSW does with its energy is about as relevant to me as what Japan does compared with Korea.
lmaoo oh right but the consumption of 51 million koreans is my business. DERP

i don't vote in korea, i have no input to their energy policy or in electing a government that devises said policy. you do have an input to national-level politics and, notionally at least, some say in the future direction of australia's energy profile. you can affect NSW's energy system insofar as any democratic citizen can exercise their vote and have a say. i am legally forbidden from voting in korea at any level of government. derp.

further, beyond politics, you're literally privately invested in the fossil fuels industry. you are both commercially and politically implicated in the australian energy sector and market.

sorry man but you're just taking the biggest L imaginable on this topic. infinite fail. do not pass go.

Last edited by uziq (2022-10-09 07:45:54)


Dilbert_X wrote:

The fact is the bulk of my consumption is from renewables whereas your - non- trivial - consumption is derived almost exclusively from coal - which is the worst of the worst.
??? korea’s energy is 28% coal. that’s less that australia.

what in the fuck are you talking about dude. screw your head on and shut up.

Dilbert_X wrote:

What NSW does with its energy is about as relevant to me as what Japan does compared with Korea.
a lot, we sell so much gas to them at a cheaper price domestically derp.

Trump posts ominous message about ridding America of the 'cancer' of 'the danger from within' … 62848a5319

That wonderfully prophetic "every accusation a confession" meme sure comes in handy. Yes Mr. Trump, you and your base are the cancer, the violent, insurrectionist danger from within.
a few days ago he said that US jews should be thanking him or something ‘before it’s too late’. i mean these people aren’t even trying to hide it anymore.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
During last week’s Oklahoma gubernatorial debate Joy Hofmeister, the surprisingly competitive Democratic candidate, addressed Kevin Stitt, the Republican incumbent, who — like many in his party — is running as a champion of law and order.

“The fact is the rates of violent crime in Oklahoma are higher under your watch than New York and California,” she declared.

Stitt responded by laughing, and turned to the audience: “Oklahomans, do you believe we have higher crime than New York or California?”
it sounds like a Simpsons skit.

Both of them aren't speaking straight (disclaimer, at-a-glance / did not listen).

from msn
Oklahoma's violent crime rate is 458.58 offenses per 100,000 people, according to an analysis of FBI data by World Population Review. New York has a violent crime rate of 363.76 per 100,000 people, while California's rate is 442.05 per 100,000 people.
The difference between 458 and 363 is ~0.00095 of 100,000. Between 442 and 458 is beyond trivial, so yes OK is TeChNiCaLlY per-cap higher than NY/CA. But of course OK has a population of only 4 million people so of course Stitt would appeal to by #, "haha, it's not really that bad!"

Lost in this are the people who unnecessarily suffer because of the policies of state government. Why do we have to compare OK to CA or NY? Nobody in "43rd-in-income" OK is running for governor in either of those states, or for any of the other impoverished, high-crime southern states (and Alaska). Stop beating around the bush.

Statistics can be used to lie and misrepresent. It's like its own school of thought. "Here's a chart with 80 pounds of missing context, I win." Meh.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
The point of the article IIRC is that red voters are going nuts over their crime in far away places while ignoring the plank in their eyes.

republicans, like brexshit mongs, are nostalgic for the 1950s. things were just so much better back then. before the Others caused us all those problems. when society was cohesive and people felt belonging.

and when the top rate of tax was 90% and basically half of all american workers were unionised.

make u think.

It's a bit of an unspecific, broad survey. Are people being questioned upset because it's harder to buy a house, or because schools are mixed race?
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
they think they can't buy a house because the schools are mixed race.

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

It's a bit of an unspecific, broad survey. Are people being questioned upset because it's harder to buy a house, or because schools are mixed race?
it's an 'american values' survey, divided by party and, conspicuously, religious affiliation. make of that what you will.

fair to say it's more about 'culture wars' than economics. a sense of optimism or gloom.

but my point is that they are more innately tied together than cynical/derpy republicans/brexiters want to admit.

interesting that the evangelicals who are doing more than anyone else to censure other people's lifestyles whilst promoting a gospel of greed and individual wealth, are the least happy with the current state of things and the most obsessed with the past. how many mega-church pastors want to pay more tax, i wonder?

"White, republican, evangelical protestants think the country is going in the wrong direction" is kind of hilarious to me. Weren't they just getting their way with women's rights being trampled, or under threat of trampling, in some states? I thought they wanted to criminalize abortions.

"Make of it what you will," like we have any other choice. Some of these survey questions are so open-ended. People will answer in binary without even being able to unpack their thoughts on it.
i think western countries generally are having a hard time elaborating upon a positive vision for the future of the west, or democracy generally.

we're in defensive, assailed-from-without mode. even biden, who has made some pretty surprising democratic gains (from my outsider perspective, anyway; i never expected loan forgiveness or weed legalisation to be on the cards from old papa joe), lacks a genuinely inspiring vision. his political philosophy seems to be about rounding the wagons to protect against authoritarian governments abroad. 'democracy vs. authoritarianism' isn't ultimately the most inspiring vision for the next few generations or whatever.

many countries have managed their decline from eminence in smart and inventive ways. the UK is caught up in terminal empire nostalgia and reality denial, kidding ourselves that we can still project global power and 'be someone' in the world, despite having a teensy population and an even teensier budget. we thought that if we jettisoned our major trading partner and ally in the world, the EU, and went to the 'special relationship' under trump, that we could once again by the 'sensible uncle' lending gravitas and respectability to america's foreign forays (aka the bush–blair hug). when in reality, the nature of the relationship thesedays is better encapsulated in biden's comment about sunak becoming PM: "go figure!"

america could still be an inspiring place but it seems even the people in control are fatally addicted to looking backwards. or the evangelical jeremiad mode: everything is terrible and in decline, even when they're winning. they just enjoy taking the moral high-ground and teeing off on those below too much.

Last edited by uziq (2022-10-27 23:23:48)


There are people in positions of power and influence in the United States who are religiously motivated (or cynically financially, take your pick) to usher the world closer to the end of days, so Jesus can come back (or to just make a quick buck from anyone who'll listen). Never mind I guess that it's supposed to be something only God can know and command? I can't for one minute believe that this particular brand of person wants to improve things in the country, when it's in their fantastical interest to not. "The country is in decline! Pray for salvation!" It's like a little kid making a mess of their room for attention. Wouldn't it be nicer for Jesus to come back to a world with breathable air, drinkable water, and largely free of avoidable want and misery?

It doesn't surprise me in the slightest that Republicans think America is going down the tubes. I've been listening to that for years. Very funny considering we spent the last ~4 decades (to start) under right and center presidents.
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6993|United States of America

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

There are people in positions of power and influence in the United States who are religiously motivated (or cynically financially, take your pick) to usher the world closer to the end of days, so Jesus can come back (or to just make a quick buck from anyone who'll listen). Never mind I guess that it's supposed to be something only God can know and command? I can't for one minute believe that this particular brand of person wants to improve things in the country, when it's in their fantastical interest to not. "The country is in decline! Pray for salvation!" It's like a little kid making a mess of their room for attention. Wouldn't it be nicer for Jesus to come back to a world with breathable air, drinkable water, and largely free of avoidable want and misery?

It doesn't surprise me in the slightest that Republicans think America is going down the tubes. I've been listening to that for years. Very funny considering we spent the last ~4 decades (to start) under right and center presidents.
I don't think you realize, newbie. We're finally out from under the thumb of that gull-darn librul Supreme Court. You know, when they had the majority *checks notes* 50+ years ago

Last edited by DesertFox- (2022-10-28 04:13:51)


A good analogy for "American values" is unwanted roadside furniture made of swollen, soggy particleboard clothed in a cheap layer of peeling veneer. With rat droppings inside.

Herschel Walker is an interesting case study in American Republicans. Anti-abortion, may have paid women to get an abortion. False claims. False claims about false claims. Plagiarizing the very man he name-drops.

Fox headline: Herschel Walker was ‘holding his own’ during debate against Warnock, media admit, followed by: MSNBC anchor Mehdi Hasan wrote, 'Walker was bad but not as bad as he could have been'

This is the praise? Yes, sounds like the MaInStReAm MeDiA is grudgingly admitting he's a solid candidate. rofl


Herschel Walker reacts to Obama attacking him as a 'celebrity' politician: 'I'm a warrior for God' … or-for-god
lol at bolsonaro acting like a freshly spayed dog over this election outcome. total silence for two days after the result. locks himself inside. tells media he’s ‘gone to bed’ although clearly he’s frantically exploring his rapidly evaporating chances.

only public action taken in several days is that he and his wife unfollow one another on all social media (???) the melania-trump comparisons are too obvious. what is it with these alpha males and their totally loveless sham marriages?

for all his swaggering macho tough guy persona, like trump he just seems like another manbaby with poor impulse control. peeping out with a tiny short statement that doesn’t explicitly mention the new victor or outcome. it’s like their egos can’t handle it.

an interesting observation i read from someone: the reason that bolsonaro hasn’t pushed harder to challenge the election is that, in countries with a robust sense of the rule of law and an influential judiciary (especially in developing countries with a strong military or court martial element), leaders know that the likely punishment for such treason is death. trump knew that he’d never get a death penalty for trying that shit in america, which enabled him to do so.

Last edited by uziq (2022-11-01 19:08:57)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I have heard that "Trump is a weak man's idea of a strong man." The temper tantrums of populist leaders look comical but keep in mind there are many grown men who throw temper tantrums.
There's half a dozen of these with different screens
this is just insanity.

Last edited by uziq (2022-11-03 06:32:21)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
On another discussion forum there is a post "how does America steer away from political violence?" It reminds me of the run up to the Civil War when there were senators beating each in Congress.
I find it very strange that there are people out there willing to fight and die over internet silliness.

It's too early for me to watch that. 30 minutes to 8, my whole day would be soured.

The man has a background in statistics, zeek. Better listen to him.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
So Trump is going to announce he is running for president in '24.

That would be three election cycles that the GOP put up Trump. It actually has a historical precedent. William (Ken) Jennings Bryant who was nominated and lost 4 times IIRC.

"William Jennings Bryan (March 19, 1860 – July 26, 1925) was an American lawyer, orator and politician. Beginning in 1896, he emerged as a dominant force in the Democratic Party, running three times as the party's nominee for President of the United States in the 1896, 1900, and the 1908 elections."

Democrats were still the party of the south as the GOP today is.

An Oath Keeper thought the Electoral College was a place where politicians 'went to get educated,' defense lawyer says at trial … ol-2022-11

"But he's ignorant and apolitical anyway," ignorance of the law is now an excuse!

If he didn't show up for that, what was the motivation? The offer of violence? Surreptitious payment?

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