The X stands for
+1,818|6416|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

you seem awfully concerned about bins on fire and spray-paint.
Nope, buildings burned to the ground.



BLM and their splinter groups are less well organised and less well equipped, their objectives are just as totalitarian.

Anyway, you're a racist so shut up.

Fuck Israel
neither of those pictures are related to a BLM protest, of which SEVERAL MILLION PEOPLE attended in 2020.

if you're linking photos from london riots i assume you don't have much good evidence of BLM being a violent movement?

Demonstrators did not engage in violence or destructive activity in more than 93% of the more than 7,750 demonstrations across thousands of locations in all 50 states and Washington, D.C., between May 26 and late August, according to a report by the U.S. Crisis Monitor, a joint effort including Princeton University that collects and analyzes real-time data on demonstrations and political violence in the U.S.
https://acleddata.com/2020/09/03/demons … mmer-2020/
Yet, despite data indicating that demonstrations associated with the BLM movement are overwhelmingly peaceful, one recent poll suggested that 42% of respondents believe “most protesters [associated with the BLM movement] are trying to incite violence or destroy property” (FiveThirtyEight, 5 June 2020). This is in line with the Civiqs tracking poll which finds that “net approval for the Black Lives Matter movement peaked back on June 3 [the week following the killing of George Floyd when riots first began to be reported] and has fallen sharply since” (USA Today, 31 August 2020; Civiqs, 29 August 2020).

Research from the University of Washington indicates that this disparity stems from political orientation and biased media framing (Washington Post, 24 August 2020), such as disproportionate coverage of violent demonstrations (Business Insider, 11 June 2020; Poynter, 25 June 2020). Groups like the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) have documented organized disinformation campaigns aimed at spreading a “deliberate mischaracterization of groups or movements [involved in the protests], such as portraying activists who support Black Lives Matter as violent extremists or claiming that antifa is a terrorist organization coordinated or manipulated by nebulous external forces” (ADL, 2020). These disinformation campaigns may be contributing to the decline in public support for the BLM movement after the initial increase following Floyd’s killing, especially amongst the white population (USA Today, 31 August 2020; Civiqs, 30 August 2020a, 30 August 2020b). This waning support also comes as the Trump administration recently shifted its “law and order” messaging to target local Democratic Party politicians from urban areas, particularly on the campaign trail (NPR, 27 August 2020).

Despite the media focus on looting and vandalism, however, there is little evidence to suggest that demonstrators have engaged in widespread violence. In some cases where demonstrations did turn violent, there are reports of agents provocateurs — or infiltrators — instigating the violence. During a demonstration on 27 May in Minneapolis, for example, a man with an umbrella — dubbed the ‘umbrella man’ by the media and later identified as a member of the Hells Angels linked to the Aryan Cowboys, a white supremacist prison and street gang — was seen smashing store windows (Forbes, 30 May 2020; KSTP, 28 July 2020). It was one of the first reports of destructive activity that day, and it “created an atmosphere of hostility and tension” that helped spark an outbreak of looting following initially peaceful protests, according to police investigators, who believe the man “wanted to sow discord and racial unrest” (New York Times, 28 July 2020). In another example on 29 May in Detroit, a number of non-residents reportedly traveled to the city to engage in violent behavior during a demonstration, leading to multiple arrests (MLive, 2 June 2020).
amazing how often the resident scientist has to be referred to actual data and analysis.

you don't have a scientific or factual basis for any of your views on this topic. you read tabloids.

Last edited by uziq (2021-01-09 17:45:46)


Even with multiple bigoted rants, Dilbert doesn't really like being folded in with racists so will dig up these little cases to unfairly blanket the entire BLM movement with. Despite it not being generally that violent.

Meanwhile, the POTUS was egging on literal insurrection, his followers doing his bidding by disrupting governmental process. The police were siding with Trumper counter-protests the entire year. Violence against people holding a sign in a park, friends with the armed raids on state buildings. Very top-down, no?
he just linked pictures from the london riots of 2011, which had nothing to do with BLM. i was living in london at the time and remember the febrile atmosphere very, very well.

soon he'll be linking the brixton riots of 1981 and informing us solemnly that BLM are 'dangerous arsonists' by association.

Last edited by uziq (2021-01-09 17:52:27)


The X stands for
+1,818|6416|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

neither of those pictures are related to a BLM protest, of which SEVERAL MILLION PEOPLE attended in 2020.

if you're linking photos from london riots i assume you don't have much good evidence of BLM being a violent movement?

Demonstrators did not engage in violence or destructive activity in more than 93% of the more than 7,750 demonstrations across thousands of locations in all 50 states and Washington, D.C., between May 26 and late August, according to a report by the U.S. Crisis Monitor, a joint effort including Princeton University that collects and analyzes real-time data on demonstrations and political violence in the U.S.
https://acleddata.com/2020/09/03/demons … mmer-2020/
I'm sure 93% of the Capitol protestors didn't do anything, just as 93% of the wermacht didn't personally commit atrocities, does it mean anything?

How many links do you want?







So according to you when its BLM riot and destruction are reasonable forms of protest and graffiti improves the urban environment, when its white people its all bad.

If BLM want to burn down business and public buildings in their neighbourhoods then all they'll see is reduced investment and reduced opportunities - bad luck for them.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2021-01-09 18:02:26)

Fuck Israel
i'm asking you, yet again, when BLM has ever targeted politicians, planned to take hostages, murdered police officers, murdered politicians.

can you answer that question or are you going to keep talking about destruction of property?

do you think there's a moral equivalence between murdering a human being because of your political beliefs and burning down a store?
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6995|United States of America
Understandably, because there's nuance involved, we'll just completely ignore it, but importantly, we shouldn't pretend there were any BLM-sanctioned Days of Rage or similar things. These events may have been adjacent to BLM things, but it's not like thousands of people were turned out with the express goal of destruction, though I'm sure a fraction took advantage of that to do so.

Trump riled up thousands of people into a fervent rage and sicced them on the the capital containing his political opponents (and allies, as well).
The X stands for
+1,818|6416|eXtreme to the maX
Conviction: 2002 for the 2000 murder of Sheriff’s Deputy Ricky Kinchen in Fulton County, Ga.
Conviction: With co-defendant Assata Shakur in 1974 for the murder of New Jersey State Trooper Werner Foerster
Conviction: In 1974, of the 1971 murder of two New York City Police Officers Joseph Piagentini and Waverly Jones
Conviction: In 1974 of the 1973 murder of U.S. Park Ranger Kenneth Patrick, in Marin County, Calif.
Conviction: In 1970 for the 1969 murder of a mall security guard, Barge Miller. Also for attempted murder of a California highway patrolman in a shootout following a traffic stop
Conviction: In 1977 for the 973 murder of Marshall Bond, former mayor of Zachary, La., Sentence: Life plus 99 years in prison
Conviction: Pleaded guilty to aggravated kidnapping for his part in the 1970 Marin County Courthouse takeover.
Conviction: Along with Herman Bell and Albert Nuh Washington, Muntaqim, convicted of the 1971 murder of two police officers in Harlem, Joseph Piagentini and Waverly
Conviction: Transporting a shotgun across state lines in 1970


https://www.colorlines.com/articles/16- … ehind-bars

1967: Armed Black Panthers invade Capitol

https://www.sacbee.com/news/local/histo … 67224.html
Fuck Israel
the black panthers are not BLM. how many times do people have to repeat these things to you?

BLM have distanced themselves from the black panthers on many, many occasions. they do not get along. they do not have the same objectives or the same philosophy. why are you trying to smear SEVEN AND A HALF THOUSAND peaceful protests last year with black panther killings from 1977?

you sure do know how to lose an argument in style.

I'd like to point out that a good number of BLM attendees weren't even alive in 1977. It does seem like a non-sequitur topic to bring up.
just the usual manifestation of dilbert's utterly pedestrian, boorish racism. black people must be the same everywhere, for all time, because they're all black. so BLM can be discredited by idi amin in africa and black militants from the 1970s. what do you mean a black protest movement can be peaceful? here are some photos from some riots in 2011.

weirdly he doesn't consider himself accountable for every act perpetrated by radicalized or criminal whites. the fact that trumpers exist and do as they do doesn't smear the whole white race for him. it's very odd. but black people are irredeemable because *checks notes* there is maybe a war in africa.

Last edited by uziq (2021-01-09 18:30:10)


but remember, not all of the SS participated in genocide, so we shouldn't rush to judge.


The potus just triggered an assault on not just the capitol, but many us state buildings as well. Attendees included recognizable neo-nazis and q-anon personalities. How the hell do the Black Panthers, in the aftermath of this, take ascendancy in a presidential election thread. It's a desperate distraction.
The X stands for
+1,818|6416|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

the black panthers are not BLM. how many times do people have to repeat these things to you?

BLM have distanced themselves from the black panthers on many, many occasions. they do not get along. they do not have the same objectives or the same philosophy. why are you trying to smear SEVEN AND A HALF THOUSAND peaceful protests last year with black panther killings from 1977?

you sure do know how to lose an argument in style.
They will all merge together at some point.

Pretty well every peaceful revolution across africa and the ME invariably gets hijacked by psychopathic despots, why would you assume there will be an unexpected aberration and it won't happen again?

The CHAZ got hijacked within days, there's no prospect of it not happening.
Fuck Israel

The Wehrmacht was definitely accountable for significant portions of war crimes, especially on the eastern front, especially against the "Judeo-Bolshevists." I shouldn't have to point out that they were also in cooperation with the SS and their war crimes.
The X stands for
+1,818|6416|eXtreme to the maX

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

The potus just triggered an assault on not just the capitol, but many us state buildings as well. Attendees included recognizable neo-nazis and q-anon personalities. How the hell do the Black Panthers, in the aftermath of this, take ascendancy in a presidential election thread. It's a desperate distraction.
They're two sides of the same coin, white supremacists and black supremacists. They put on a nice face from time to time but thats it.

Painting one side as angels and the other as the devil is lazy and wrong.

I'd love to hear Jay's take on all this, but I think he's in a home loaded up with tranquilisers after his deck collapsed due to confusion between cantilever and simply supported beam design.
Fuck Israel

Dilbert_X wrote:

uziq wrote:

the black panthers are not BLM. how many times do people have to repeat these things to you?

BLM have distanced themselves from the black panthers on many, many occasions. they do not get along. they do not have the same objectives or the same philosophy. why are you trying to smear SEVEN AND A HALF THOUSAND peaceful protests last year with black panther killings from 1977?

you sure do know how to lose an argument in style.
They will all merge together at some point.

Pretty well every peaceful revolution across africa and the ME invariably gets hijacked by psychopathic despots, why would you assume there will be an unexpected aberration and it won't happen again?

The CHAZ got hijacked within days, there's no prospect of it not happening.
10 Blacks in America don't really have a lot in common with Africans and (? why?) middle-easterners.
20 goto 10

I swear your impression of America is a political cartoon from the 1890s or something.

Dilbert_X wrote:

uziq wrote:

the black panthers are not BLM. how many times do people have to repeat these things to you?

BLM have distanced themselves from the black panthers on many, many occasions. they do not get along. they do not have the same objectives or the same philosophy. why are you trying to smear SEVEN AND A HALF THOUSAND peaceful protests last year with black panther killings from 1977?

you sure do know how to lose an argument in style.
They will all merge together at some point.

Pretty well every peaceful revolution across africa and the ME invariably gets hijacked by psychopathic despots, why would you assume there will be an unexpected aberration and it won't happen again?

The CHAZ got hijacked within days, there's no prospect of it not happening.
BLM don't want 'revolution'? they don't want a communist utopia, either. they want to not be murdered by police.

please keep up with the discussion, i know it's hard when you're cutting and pasting news stories about the scary blacks into your files.

Last edited by uziq (2021-01-09 18:45:29)


Dilbert_X wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

The potus just triggered an assault on not just the capitol, but many us state buildings as well. Attendees included recognizable neo-nazis and q-anon personalities. How the hell do the Black Panthers, in the aftermath of this, take ascendancy in a presidential election thread. It's a desperate distraction.
They're two sides of the same coin, white supremacists and black supremacists. They put on a nice face from time to time but thats it.

Painting one side as angels and the other as the devil is lazy and wrong.

I'd love to hear Jay's take on all this, but I think he's in a home loaded up with tranquilisers after his deck collapsed due to confusion between cantilever and simply supported beam design.
I can basically cover my eyes and pull pictures of armed Trumpist protests from my google search. You have to reference photos that aren't even BLM. "ThEy WiLl EvEnTuAllY MeRgE!!"


unnamednewbie13 wrote:

The Wehrmacht was definitely accountable for significant portions of war crimes, especially on the eastern front, especially against the "Judeo-Bolshevists." I shouldn't have to point out that they were also in cooperation with the SS and their war crimes.
dilbert loves this line that most germans and their armed forces weren't really to blame for the bad bits, didn't know about the holocaust, etc.

when i pointed out his propensity to recycle this bad historical revisionism, he acted offended.

but there we are. in any lax moment he'll again start making excuses for nazis. now now, let's not tar all nazis with the same brush.

but how about those damned blacks, eh?

Dilbert_X wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

The potus just triggered an assault on not just the capitol, but many us state buildings as well. Attendees included recognizable neo-nazis and q-anon personalities. How the hell do the Black Panthers, in the aftermath of this, take ascendancy in a presidential election thread. It's a desperate distraction.
They're two sides of the same coin, white supremacists and black supremacists. They put on a nice face from time to time but thats it.

Painting one side as angels and the other as the devil is lazy and wrong.

I'd love to hear Jay's take on all this, but I think he's in a home loaded up with tranquilisers after his deck collapsed due to confusion between cantilever and simply supported beam design.
when the fuck were black supremacists last relevant or in any position of influence? the militant movement is malcolm x era not george floyd.

the 7,750 protests last year, 10,000+ worldwide, were not in support of the cause of black suprematism or the black panthers.

christ you really are dense.

BLM: we refuse to accept the levels of police murder and violence against black people in society today.
dilbert: oMg the BlaCK rAciSts aRe tAkiNg oVerR!

do you know what civil disobedience even is? it's literally a tradition within the established democratic framework. REVOLUTIONARIES don't believe in civil disobedience you numbskull.

Last edited by uziq (2021-01-09 18:54:02)


Nobody is calling one side angels and the other devils. But you shouldn't confuse pushing a statue into a river with busting into a capitol building with fucking zip ties, etc. Completely different things. Remember when the protest was about as passive as you could get? Kneeling at a football game. Yeah there was a lot of pressure from the white right to quash that.

Overall, BLM has been fairly benign considering the horrible state of affairs that brought it into being. My biggest criticism is that maybe a pandemic is an ill-timed event in which to gather.

Your next observation is that BLM = Boko Haram = Barack Obama because they all start with a B.
The X stands for
+1,818|6416|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

do you know what civil disobedience even is? it's literally a tradition within the established democratic framework. REVOLUTIONARIES don't believe in civil disobedience you numbskull.
So the capitol hill protestors were "REVOLUTIONARIES", and that was OK because "it's literally a tradition within the established democratic framework."?

You can't have one rule for one group and a different rule for another.

BLM don't seem so peaceful to me, seems like they're intent on turning America into Nigeria.



What they want is anarchy, which typically leads to less freedom, not more.


Last edited by Dilbert_X (2021-01-09 19:27:40)

Fuck Israel

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