SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I think Larssen should apologize to the capital police for accusing them of police brutality.

There are a lot of people online who will eagerly tell you how they wanted to see Trumpist blood spilt. What the MAGA people did was totally wrong but it is in the best interest of the country that the whole thing ended without mass bloodshed. And to the capital police's credit, and in spite of the president's best efforts, no congress people were injured. I think the individual police are unfortunate scapegoats for political dysfunction that isn't their responsibility.
completely agree and i have been vociferous in my criticism of police in the past, especially in this last year.

imagine one single person getting shot in a situation like that and declaring it 'an opportunity for cross-party support on police brutality'.

that is the absolute worst take i have seen from this entire event. risk of being shot is attendant on EVERY person who enters ANY federal-level facility in the united states (and, for that matter, the same in the UK and EU; try and force entry to a military base or sitting court session). the fact that so many people were allowed to mill around the centre of power, smearing shit on walls (wow, white people do it too, dilbert) and murdering police, and mostly only seemed to bring harm to themselves (1 stroke, 1 heart attack), is a small miracle.

the fact is these people are dangerous, they are rabid, and they are behaving like domestic terrorists. the authorities thus far have given them an extremely soft touch. no other fringe and extremist political group would be allowed to storm the Capitol building.

Babbitt’s Twitter account shows a woman deeply engaged for months with a conspiracy theory that painted Democratic lawmakers as evil pedophiles, and then persuaded, and infuriated, by Trump and his allies’ lies about election fraud.

For weeks before she joined the mob in Washington, Babbitt had been retweeting false claims from Trump himself, as well as the pro-Trump lawyers Lin Wood and Sidney Powell, alleging massive voter fraud and asserting that Trump had won the 2020 election.

Many of Babbitt’s tweets, according to extremism experts, also marked her as a believer in QAnon, a conspiracy theory that claims Donald Trump has been trying to save the world from a cabal of satanic pedophiles, including Democratic politicians like Biden and Hollywood celebrities, and that he will soon bring his enemies to justice.


Her social media also showed posts skeptical of masks and public health measures. She had responded with fury to an alert in early December that California public health officials were reinstating a stay-at-home order to prevent the spread of coronavirus, which was surging in southern California: “This is that commie bullshit.”

The QAnon conspiracy theory, although lurid in its claims about the torture of children, is very much a political movement, not just a personal delusion, experts say.

“The people that went to the Capitol weren’t just trying to save Trump, they were trying to stop the coming multiracial democracy” which they believed would institute “a radical leftist globalist agenda”, Joan Donovan, the research director at Harvard’s Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy, said.


Babbitt also had a history of confrontational behavior. In 2016, she was charged with reckless endangerment, dangerous driving and malicious property damage in Maryland, but she was later acquitted, according to court records. A former girlfriend of Babbitt’s husband wrote in the application for a protection order against Babbitt that Babbitt had followed her in a car and rear-ended her three times, multiple news outlets reported.

“She was screaming at me and verbally threatening,” the complaint states.

Attempts to reach Babbitt’s family were unsuccessful.

Babbitt wrote that she believed the 6 January protest she was joining would be a pivotal moment for the country, and a fulfillment of some of the key events that QAnon believers had been expecting: “Nothing will stop us....they can try and try and try but the storm is here and it is descending upon DC in less than 24 hours....dark to light!” she tweeted the day before the rally, referencing key QAnon slogans.
it's amazing how much overlap dilbert has with these people, in his views and his rhetoric. and yet he distances himself from them as soon as any of them act on their bizarro worldview. typical lickspittle.
The X stands for
+1,818|6416|eXtreme to the maX
Thats great, you've never actually got up from your keyboard and done anything though.
I've never advocated violence whereas you cheer it on in your jammies.
Fuck Israel
Zee Ruskie
+295|7085|Moscow, Russia

uziq wrote:

the fact is these people are dangerous, they are rabid, and they are behaving like domestic terrorists
yet, when people of exactly the same description were tearing apart ukraine in 2014 every single uziq in the world was cheering them up. curious.
if you open your mind too much your brain will fall out.

SuperJail Warden wrote:

I think Larssen should apologize to the capital police for accusing them of police brutality.

There are a lot of people online who will eagerly tell you how they wanted to see Trumpist blood spilt. What the MAGA people did was totally wrong but it is in the best interest of the country that the whole thing ended without mass bloodshed. And to the capital police's credit, and in spite of the president's best efforts, no congress people were injured. I think the individual police are unfortunate scapegoats for political dysfunction that isn't their responsibility. … story.html … ed-efforts … -trump-mob

Seems I'm not the only one who thought 'what the fuck was security doing?'. This is not just about police but the whole tiered system around securing what you'd call critical infrastructure. The fact that it got so out of hand and people were killed is not an indication of the organisation of the mob, rather the complete and utter failure on the part of those responsible for adequately protecting one of your most important democratic institutions. Ultimate blame will always be at the political level, but you can rest assured everyone will also be very eager to push that blame upwards. From underestimating the protest, refusing national guard assistance, to police letting them through, the ridiculously late response and also failing to even apprehend those who were leaving the capitol (rather giving fistbumps) - there should be a lot to be angry about, here.

That they had to dramatically escalate force after all the above failures, well no shit I guess. The broader point is on the glaring incompetence of those involved on the day itself and that it could have been prevented.

Last edited by Larssen (2021-01-09 05:06:33)


Dilbert_X wrote:

Thats great, you've never actually got up from your keyboard and done anything though.
I've never advocated violence whereas you cheer it on in your jammies.
what, donating for a bench somewhere and helping a cat shelter is your sum-total of public civic works? christ, they should be building honorary pagodas for you in canberra.

where have i ever advocated for the use of violence? BLM is a non-violent protest movement, dipshit.

can you show me where police have been murdered by BLM activists?

here's another poster-boy for your ethno-nationalist fantasia:

where have BLM activists targeted or murdered politicians who disagree with them? can you give me an example that isn't from a dictatorship in 1970s africa?

Last edited by uziq (2021-01-09 05:53:04)


Larssen wrote:

SuperJail Warden wrote:

I think Larssen should apologize to the capital police for accusing them of police brutality.

There are a lot of people online who will eagerly tell you how they wanted to see Trumpist blood spilt. What the MAGA people did was totally wrong but it is in the best interest of the country that the whole thing ended without mass bloodshed. And to the capital police's credit, and in spite of the president's best efforts, no congress people were injured. I think the individual police are unfortunate scapegoats for political dysfunction that isn't their responsibility. … story.html … ed-efforts … -trump-mob

Seems I'm not the only one who thought 'what the fuck was security doing?'. This is not just about police but the whole tiered system around securing what you'd call critical infrastructure. The fact that it got so out of hand and people were killed is not an indication of the organisation of the mob, rather the complete and utter failure on the part of those responsible for adequately protecting one of your most important democratic institutions. Ultimate blame will always be at the political level, but you can rest assured everyone will also be very eager to push that blame upwards. From underestimating the protest, refusing national guard assistance, to police letting them through, the ridiculously late response and also failing to even apprehend those who were leaving the capitol (rather giving fistbumps) - there should be a lot to be angry about, here.

That they had to dramatically escalate force after all the above failures, well no shit I guess. The broader point is on the glaring incompetence of those involved on the day itself and that it could have been prevented.
none of that is police brutality or use of excessive force though? which was your original point? way to backtrack.

if republicans and democrats should come together on an issue after this, it should be on stamping out populist, election-denying rioters. not queuing up to admonish the capitol police who let off one lethal round (and lost an officer on the same day). HORRENDOUSLY bad take, larssen.
+509|3762 … 86950?s=19

truly some of trump's greatest twitter hits, here.

SuperJail Warden wrote:

Twitter permanently banned Donald Trump today. For a brief moment, he managed to tweet anyhow — not from @realDonaldTrump, his suspended account, but rather the official @POTUS account reserved for the current President of the United States, one that will be handed over to Joe Biden on January 20th.

His message, before it was deleted, cryptically suggested that he will “have a big announcement soon” and that he was looking “at the possibilities of building out our own platform.” Trump is currently deplatformed from most social media.

Poor show.
Trump should have just bought his own platform ages ago. Then he wouldn't get banned for his treasonous, insurrectionist tripe.

Once again, free speech does not bottleneck on twitter/facebook boo-hoo lmao.
Thx for your condemnation I'm really looking forward to the next uziq take
no one looks forward to your takes either, matey. you vacillate between insipid bienpensant euro-crat and small-town benelux redneck who can't escape his racist relatives at holidays.


The United States has virtually no public civil sphere anymore. The private companies have unilaterally imposed the restrictions against hate speech common to every other Western Democracy. It’s capitalism at work, which is what libertarians wanted.
here is A Take.
Zee Ruskie
+295|7085|Moscow, Russia
noice. what constitutes hate speech is now defined by private companies. capitalism at work indeed.
if you open your mind too much your brain will fall out.
except that doesn't apply (yet, anyway) in almost all of the other democratic western world, where we still have secretive councils and hierarchies of ministers who decide this thing for us ex cathedra.

the irony of anti-big-government types and self-declared 'libertarians' whining about what a private company chooses to do with its own platform is fucking delicious, though.

Last edited by uziq (2021-01-09 08:05:20)


Shahter wrote:

noice. what constitutes hate speech is now defined by private companies. capitalism at work indeed.
For the umpteenth time, Facebook and Twitter don't control free speech. They can make company policies on what materials are allowed on their platform, and they can face government scrutiny if seen to violate any regulations. Being banned on a social media platform doesn't affect your free speech any more than being barred from an airline means you can't travel.

I'm kind of disappointed it has to be unironically explained here.
Zee Ruskie
+295|7085|Moscow, Russia
/s tag was needed there after all.

on the matter of free speech though - i've made my point numerous times here. as long as information manipulation tools are in the hands of the ruling capitalist class there can be no free speech.

move along.
if you open your mind too much your brain will fall out.
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6995|United States of America

uziq wrote:

SuperJail Warden wrote:

new/best video of the lead up to the lady getting merc'd … _away_and/
it's incredible how tolerant the police are with these people. that guy is literally threatening the police man to let them through. 'bro i've seen people out there get dead-ass hurt, we don't want to hurt you'. they're all of 15 yards away from senators in the speaker's lobby, punching through glass and shouting imprecations, and the police just stand there like they're stage security at a rock gig or something.

some serious questions have to be asked about why groups like this have had SO much leniency and tolerance from police forces, not only on the day but nationally, and for so long.

and wow,  how obvious a warning they had that there was a gun trained on them. they were all shouting for a good 15 seconds 'there's a gun, there's a gun, that guy has a gun'. that woman walked into a bullet. how entitled and root-level sure do you have to be that the police aren't going to hurt you because they're on your side that you'll charge a corridor when there's a gun pointed at you, 5 feet away?
I was watching footage from one of the entrances yesterday and it was similarly legitimately horrifying looking at the mob mentality. The Blue Lives Matter crowd demonstrating that the only thing they support from authorities is showing black lives don't matter. Their frenzied, seething rage is directed at anyone who is impeding them, even though a lot of those police likely lean conservative. Even now, I've seen very little remorse from the people there. The ones who have been ID'd or arrested are sorry they got caught, but a sizeable amount are playing victim already and the Twitter situation has given them a new sense of grievance. Situation is still worrisome.
except there is literally an entire eco-system of not-for-profit, open source communications and media.

just as two people can meet in the street and have dialogue/discourse untainted by 'the ruling capitalist class', so can people use the tools at their disposal to come up with new media and new initiatives that forgo capitalist diktat.

there are tens of thousands of writers, researchers, journalists, academics, scientists, etc, today committed to open source sharing of information without a commercial imperative, without a profit motive, and with no political agenda. you ignore all of that. nope! everyone in the west is a zombie hooked up to fox news and jewish-owned media!
The X stands for
+1,818|6416|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

where have BLM activists targeted or murdered politicians who disagree with them? can you give me an example that isn't from a dictatorship in 1970s africa? … ors-house/
Fuck Israel
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
America never had free speech like we idealize. I have never once in my life seen someone get on CNN and argue in favor of an Islamist Caliphate or Soviet America. Our government has spent decades silencing those voices among many others. In even the earliest days of our country, speech routinely got respectable people maimed and killed in duels.

Dilbert_X wrote:

uziq wrote:

where have BLM activists targeted or murdered politicians who disagree with them? can you give me an example that isn't from a dictatorship in 1970s africa? … ors-house/

Liccardo on Saturday morning released a statement saying what happened does not represent the Black Lives Matter movement but rather a few irresponsible people. He expressed gratitude for his neighbors stepping up to help him clean off the graffiti.
try a little harder, lickspittle.

isn't 80% of the people in your picture/case, er, white? this doesn't bode very well for your racial theories about the behaviour of africans in africa.

Last edited by uziq (2021-01-09 16:16:34)

The X stands for
+1,818|6416|eXtreme to the maX
You asked for an example, they're carrying BLM flags and wearing the shirts.
There are plenty of other examples, eg  trashing the houses of pro-BLM politicians they're that confused.
Fuck Israel
i asked you for examples where BLM have threatened harm to or 'targeted' a politician they dislike, not occasions when garages have been graffiti'd expressing discontent or protest.

Amid reports the FBI was investigating whether some rioters intended to take lawmakers hostage, the Washington US attorney said a 70-year-old Alabama man was charged after his truck was discovered packed with homemade bombs and guns. Another man was alleged to have threatened to kill Pelosi and to have been heavily armed.
do BLM do this?

do BLM stab and shoot politicians in broad daylight in the street whilst shouting out their slogans, a la jo cox?

you seem awfully concerned about bins on fire and spray-paint.
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6995|United States of America
I've never heard of this "12 is code for police" before. Seems strange.

Shahter wrote:

/s tag was needed there after all.

on the matter of free speech though - i've made my point numerous times here. as long as information manipulation tools are in the hands of the ruling capitalist class there can be no free speech.

move along.
Except sweeping and wrong. Youtube isn't going to step in and separate me from a friend in person. Twitter isn't going to clamp down on my work conversations. Microsoft isn't policing the political content of my emails.

I feel bad for shut-ins who get banned from facebook for stupid reasons when that's their only outlet (ex: temperamental old people who feed the trolls and get report-abused), but there are other avenues y'know, including online. Free speech is not In ThE HaNdS oF tHe CaPiTaLiSt ElItE.

Your /s tag doesn't really mean anything.

DesertFox- wrote:

I've never heard of this "12 is code for police" before. Seems strange.
Here it's for Seahawks fans.

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