The Chinese don't have any plans for the sort of interventionist global foreign policy of the U.S. and Soviet Union. I think it will be a long time before there are any people in charge of that place who don't remember how well that turned out for the U.S. and Soviet Union. I also believe that their cultural makeup doesn't encourage globalist intervention. By the time the U.S. came to global empire, westerners had already colonized and conquered throughout the rest of the world. The U.S. looked at all of that as extensions of itself once it became clear the Europeans could no longer manage it all. Chinese people aren't spread across the world in varying collections of states for the CCP to lord over. I think the Chinese government will be happy to sit secure in East Asia/Western Pacific and have people visit them to beg for loans.
Islam on the other hand must be stopped.
Islam on the other hand must be stopped.