
Dilbert_X wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

And then when someone calls you a racist piece of shit you fire back with "white man bad." Golden.

Dilbert_X wrote:

Its OK, I don't care
We're pointing out that you're working your way through the stains at the bottom of the barrel for post content right now, but you turn to the side all like "hmf, I'm actually so aloof right now." Putting a lot of effort into it there, bud. I dunno.

"'White man bad!' but really, I don't care."


Dilbert_X wrote:

Larssen wrote:

Dilbert how does this work if you see white neonazis, is fascist racism genetic to white ppl?
Its genetic to everyone, not just white people.
I don't see any black or asian neonazis. You mean to tell me the bad parts of 'white culture' are the same for everyone but if another group has bad apples they're intrinsic to that group?
dilbert should really watch ThE WiRe maaaaaan
The X stands for
+1,818|6417|eXtreme to the maX

Larssen wrote:

]I don't see any black or asian neonazis. You mean to tell me the bad parts of 'white culture' are the same for everyone but if another group has bad apples they're intrinsic to that group?
I see plenty of blacks and asians who want to supplant white culture with theirs. Once they've done this do you think they'll be tolerant of whites?

Every race/culture wants theirs to be dominant, this doesn't just apply to whites.
Fuck Israel
You really never make sense. It's so easy to poke holes in your 'infallible logic', yet without fail you keep reverting to the same position. It's tiring. It's as though instinct is telling you to keep doubling down no matter what. I'm sure that as an engineer you consider yourself a man of reason but all I'm seeing is an almost religious belief in racialism dialed up to 11.

'Whiteness' is not a culture. It's a skin tone. And you keep linking this skin tone to inherent qualities of the humans who happen to be born with different outward appearance. As though someone who is black has a different genetic code from a white person or another aspect to them that makes them supposedly 'more aggressive.' I mean jesus fucking christ dude this shit has been debunked over fifty years ago. You love science right? READ the following:

We’ve known for almost 50 years that race does not describe human genetic variation.

In 1972, Harvard evolutionary biologist Richard Lewontin had the idea to test how much human genetic variation could be attributed to “racial” groupings. He famously assembled genetic data from around the globe and calculated how much variation was statistically apportioned within versus among races. Lewontin found that only about 6 percent of genetic variation in humans could be statistically attributed to race categorizations. Lewontin showed that the social category of race explains very little of the genetic diversity among us.

Furthermore, recent studies reveal that the variation between any two individuals is very small, on the order of one single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), or single letter change in our DNA, per 1,000. That means that racial categorization could, at most, relate to 6 percent of the variation found in 1 in 1,000 SNPs. Put simply, race fails to explain much.


The researchers further found that people in Africa had less in common with one another than they did with people in Asia or Europe. Let’s repeat that: On average, two individuals in Africa are more genetically dissimilar from each other than either one of them is from an individual in Europe or Asia.
And this is just one of millions of examples. You keep telling yourself you are a fact-based, logical individual yet you can't for the life of you accept any contrary evidence that has been piling up since before you were even born. You're like a flat earther in that respect, or someone who still strongly believes in the heliocentric model despite the fact that it was disproven over 300 years ago. Get a fucking grip man.

Last edited by Larssen (2020-11-28 05:16:36)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
It's unfortunate that opposition to racism is abused to defend Islamism. MLK was a Christian meanwhile "ballots or bullet" Malcolm X was a Muslim.
the historical reasons for black islamism in the US are fairly unique and obviously political. it's intrinsically tied into subaltern culture (and even prison culture. again, there's about a much in common between the nation of islam and saudi arabia as there is between a bangladeshi garment worker in a british provincial town and a goatherd in helmand.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
That's interesting. But we shouldn't be letting anymore Muslims immigrate to our countries. There are good reasons for that that unfortunately are considered racist to discuss.
the separation of church and state, and by extension the future of american democracy and liberal freedom itself, is much more under threat from the conservative christian right-wing. muslims are not trying to assert their religious beliefs on mainstream america. there are no strongly islamic judges on the supreme court. there is no extensive lobbying on behalf of imams like there are with evangelical pastors. the threat posed to ordinary american’s lifestyles by muslims is about the same as the threat posed by hasids or sikhs: near zero. about the best you will find is low-level anti-sociality in shared neighbourhoods. there is no official, legal or normative, effort to ‘islamify’ the west.

you are full of shit. part of democracy’s sales pitch is that people can practice whatever private religion they want; they are free to practice a religious life, form religious communities, etc. that many of these communities form part of the backbone of people’s identities is no bad thing: it ensures family cohesion, abiding by the law, proscribes various forms of license and immoral behaviour, etc. so long as they are voluntary and coercive, these so many forms of affiliation (and not only and exclusively religious) are a net bonus to civil society. like clubs and societies, they keep individuals contented and productive.

people like you and dilbert will even ptooh and find something wrong with the religious giving to charity and doing good works. ‘oh, but they still go to a mosques ahem!’ that’s what democracy is you bootlicking neckbeard. it’s funny how you’re all for the state or ‘official’ culture banning other’s private business but would never for a second condone them interrupting your own right to vape or consume marijuana or whatever the fuck. you just want to impose your weird phoney internet -acquired trad-cath identity on other people. life isn’t a campaign in crusader kings. grow the fuck up.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Muslims are definitely a smaller issue than evangelicals in this country but that is mostly because there aren't a lot of Muslims here yet. Once Muslims reach a certain threshold of the population they organize into identity politics groups and get into al sorts of of trouble. Muslims are 1% of the U.S. population but 6% of France and look at all of the trouble in France with their Muslims. All I am saying is that we make sure no more Muslims immigrate here. Christian, Yazidi, etc. Arabs are okay though. We should let the Coptic and Maronites (who did nothing wrong) come here in greater numbers.
france’s trouble with their muslims? their issues aren’t due to their muslim populations organising into groups, macbeth. terror attacks have been undertaken by isolated cells, often times by jihadists who are not french citizens and come from outside the country. it’s not because they’ve reached a critical demographic mass, whatever the fuck that means anyway.

it's astounding to me how blithe you are about the role, and threat posed by, the christian-right in your own country. by 'your guys'. by the proponents and upholders of your idea of 'the right' sort of identity. this is a group who are literally actively seeking to restrict reproductive rights. who could have a hand in affecting your own family planning. who prosecute the drugs-war and legislate based on morality more than anyone else. the christian-right could have a potentially massive effect on your everyday liberties which you now take for granted. but, no, it's scary muslims who freak you out.

Last edited by uziq (2020-11-28 06:27:22)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

uziq wrote:

france’s trouble with their muslims? their issues aren’t due to their muslim populations organising into groups, macbeth. terror attacks have been undertaken by isolated cells, often times by jihadists who are not french citizens and come from outside the country. it’s not because they’ve reached a critical demographic mass, whatever the fuck that means anyway.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/November_ … is_attacks

A dozen lone wolves who were French citizens by birth?
ISIL-affiliated cells are not representative of the muslim citizens of france, macbeth. get a clue. france has a large and extensive arab-muslim population from places like algeria and morocco.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
So why doesn't the U.S. have these sorts of attacks but Europe has them regularly?
because europe is contiguous with areas like syria and the levant? because europe has large post-colonial and migrant populations? because europe borders north africa and asia minor?

are you fucking dumb?
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
So it is all a matter of how close and many Muslims are in your country?
'why are there more terrorist attacks in countries nearer to destabilised war zones than ones halfway across the world?'

very very good question. we'll get our very best scholars onto it.

militants can cross the border or mediterranean fairly easily. many go via turkey, greece, italy, spain, the southern coast of the med, etc. there is a land bridge directly between former ISIL territories and major european cities, macbeth. it's a bit harder to send 15 armed men on a transatlantic flight. groups can go back and forth, becoming radicalised all the while on the internet, attend training camps, stock up on armaments, etc.

Last edited by uziq (2020-11-28 06:53:29)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Mexico isn't doing too great. Why aren't there terrorist attacks committed by Mexicans here?
. . .

Dilbert_X wrote:

Larssen wrote:

]I don't see any black or asian neonazis. You mean to tell me the bad parts of 'white culture' are the same for everyone but if another group has bad apples they're intrinsic to that group?
I see plenty of blacks and asians who want to supplant white culture with theirs. Once they've done this do you think they'll be tolerant of whites?

Every race/culture wants theirs to be dominant, this doesn't just apply to whites.
also this just plainly isn't true, at all. in the same centuries as european metropoles were establishing vast imperial bureaucracies and subordinating colonial peoples all over the globe, there were vast movements of chinese (into south-east asia) and arabs (into east africa, for e.g. zanzibar), who never had anything like the same racial-supremacist ideology or coercion. to the point where the chinese emperors of the time had to start threatening the mercantile chinese who were spilling abroad, in order to consolidate a 'middle kingdom'.

the european colonizing powers even encountered these large settled, semi-native populations of chinese or arabs, whether in africa (britain overthrowing muscat, for e.g.) or in the far-east (there were many gone-native arabs living in malaysia/indonesia, for example, married to locals and carrying on with their islamic beliefs without a nationalist or racist ideology). there were pogroms and discrimination targeted towards these 'untrustworthy' (because foreign) chinese communities in south-east asia, instigated by the european colonial powers.

the struggle for 'racial dominance' and attempts to justify 'natural' superiority through genetic/racial means seems to be awfully complexly tied into attempts for a particularly and specifically european type of capitalist expansion/extraction. is there anything like the same obsession with racial IQ outside of white-european contexts? so much pseudo-science devoted to proving the intrinsic superiority of whiteness, etc.

read a book.

Last edited by uziq (2020-11-28 08:44:05)

The X stands for
+1,818|6417|eXtreme to the maX
Do you have a book about Han Chinese intellectual superiority and their plan for world dominance?
Fuck Israel
plan for world dominance have you been watching too many superhero movies?

the west is no longer the eminent or sole economic power in the world: you're going to have to deal with it.

why don't you leave australia? you're living in a country that has positioned itself as the lapdog to china's economy over the last 20 years. move somewhere else and free yourself of all the resentment and anxiety. might i recommend a nice relaxed scandinavian social democracy? no gnashing of teeth about china there.
It's the exact same process at work, increasingly fascist and ethonationalist beliefs run through the CCP. And what is it doing? Violent protests in HK, violent subjugation of Uighurs and Tibetans, violence and intimidation of domestic protesters from Tiananmen Square to the treatment of Ai Weiwei and others. The list goes on. China is literally your vision of the future. I've said it before, if you want to live out your ethnonationalist fantasies, go move there and assimilate yourself into Chinese society.
The X stands for
+1,818|6417|eXtreme to the maX
Perhaps we should have given in to the superior Germans, the jews could have adopted nazism, it would have been the best outcome in the long run if everyone could have just accepted the future.
Fuck Israel

Larssen wrote:

You're like a flat earther

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