They usually do take research that was done in universities or other institutes but apply it for a different purpose / in a different way. A lot of original thought also goes in synthesising discoveries into products.

Regardless, that still to me isn't enough of an argument to make the internet/tech a tribalised field of various products and services with similar or same functions. Both undesireable and probably ineffective as you'll see a gravitation towards the most popular ones anyway. The arguments I've seen so far were mostly if not only construed to retain state dominance over industry; we don't like it if an 'outside player' emerges that can influence society or resist the government.

Bumped into this again:

I Went Undercover at a Trump Rally, And What I Witnessed Was Horrifying (medium, reposted to huffpo 2016/17) … _b_9480326

Long article so I won't post its full content, but the TL;DR finisher:

I went in to find humanity and common ground with people who openly support the violent domination of lesser human beings. I witnessed the violent domination of (to them) lesser human beings in real time and the exhilaration the crowd felt that it could finally openly happen. I felt how everyone around me grew emboldened in a primordial way to carry forth their violent agenda both at the polls and not. And after the rally, I felt defeated and afraid.

The whole thing made me physically sick. I spent the better part of a week coughing up greed-green phlegm and not wanting to talk to anybody.

My lungs have since cleared, life has happened, and my spirits have lifted  —  nevertheless, there’s some hole in me now that can only be filled by bringing three simple words to life:



SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Being part of the Trump cult seems like fun though doesn't it? Everyone is welcome in the MAGA cult except Asians of course … 6202624001

She sounds like a cartoon character.
There's been a lot of noise about personnel shuffles in the defence and intelligence community by Trump. Looking into it, quite a few key posts seem to be filled by loyalists, but I don't think to the extent it would really raise alarm bells. His removal of Esper was 'interesting' though.
theme song to the end of trumpism.


Postal worker recants false fraud claims cited by Trump campaign, top Republicans: Dem aide … d=74138861

A Pennsylvania postal worker has recanted claims that supervisors attempted to backdate ballots mailed after the election, according to congressional aides. The false allegations were cited by the Trump campaign and top Republicans as examples of voter fraud impacting the results of the presidential election.

Richard Hopkins, a Postal Service worker from Erie, Pennsylvania, alleged that he overheard supervisors discussing a plan to backdate mail-in ballots for Election Day. His claims were first shared by Project Veritas, a conservative organization that tries to set up sting operations on a variety of groups in attempts to expose perceived bias -- and which has drawn fire for at times its false claims and selective and misleading video editing. The group on Monday said it would offer $25,000 for claims of voter fraud across the country.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Imagine ruining your postal job for Donald Trump
even if they find some fraud, it's not '5 million votes'-level fraud. this is embarrassing.
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6997|United States of America
But then apparently Project Veritas doubled down saying he was threatened into recanting and released... something?


Trump attorney openly admits to judge under penalty of perjury that there’s no election fraud (rawstory) … ion-fraud/

'These are dictator moves': Defense officials alarmed as Trump installs more loyalists at the Pentagon (biz insider) … rm-2020-11

Gotta love the total irony of people flying "no more bullsh*t" flags in support of Trump.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Well I will just say I am bored and disappointed. I was promised post-election violence. Come on do something people.
I am all that is MOD!

The vieled desire for fantasy violence mimics the positioning the Boogaloo bois aim for online. Do better
Try going to
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever


The vieled desire for fantasy violence mimics the positioning the Boogaloo bois aim for online. Do better
I have no desire to take part in violence. Only the sick and disturbed would desire something like that. I merely want to watch it online.
I am all that is MOD!

And you think the overwhelming majority of those cretins actually want to partake in violence? They are pathetic voyeurs hoping to live their revolution fantasies out through other people. Same as you, minus the revolution fantasy (as far as I know)
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I am not a voyeur. I served my country in war while you were still in elementary school. Back there, I could fly a gunship. I could drive a tank. I was in charge of $1,000,000 equipment! Back here, I can't even get a veteran's day discount on a PlayStation 5 pre-order.
I am all that is MOD!

"I just want to watch"

"I'm not a voyeur"

Your dissociate identity disorder ramblings are funny until you lean into them too much. It's all about restraint, guy!
this was the goat part of the whole election

"there he is, heh. big star. do you guys know who he is??" and then watching lil pump try to talk normal especially without cussing

he's retarded for supporting trump tho. probably did it for clout/attention or he got paid i think
gang shit
thankfully there's checks and balances otherwise trump would go out burning everything down with him. honestly the best thing would be a meaningful concession speech and try to be posiitive and bring some ppl together. a lot of ppl will still hate him and doing so would also make his die hard supporters call him a cuck and turn on him but it would be the best thing for the country
gang shit
Dilbert how do you feel about the fact that it was children of turkish immigrants who made the bioNTech vaccine with a 90% efficacy?

Before uziq comes in here to speak of my 'hypocrisy' - we've been over this, I decried fascist tendencies and influence in the community, and did not argue for the discrimination of turks or the end of migration.
you made out like turks in europe should apologise for voting in democratic elections for their own strong man, just like english people vote for bojo, americans vote for trump, hungarians vote for orban, polish vote for duda ... but, no, you considered turkish groups voting for a similarly right-wing nationalist candidate as somehow 'betrayers of europe' and 'highly suspicious'.

you tried to correct me and say that my presentation of turkey as a moderate, and moderating, influence on islam is 'false'. you made out like i was misled by the istanbul version of the 'cosmopolitan liberal elite'. you basically said my view of turkey was 'fake news'.

now you're happy that turks are achieving something in the secular world? whoosh! okay. you are a hypocrite. be nice to those turkish migrants in your parents' working-class suburb.
I do think voting for a fascist strongman is a betrayal of the values you hold dear in the country you live, if you vote labour/left here. It's mind boggling the mental gymnastics you have to engage in to on the one hand disparage the crowd that votes brexit, bojo or trump and on the other shield the poor migrant community from any critique because 'are they not allowed to have national pride?!'. You're the hypocrite here uzique. Either fascism is bad or it isn't. No in betweens, no special exemptions for groups you sympathise with.

And you do have a warped view of modern day Turkey. There's nothing secular or moderating about Erdogan's Turkey.

Finally I'm probably one of the most vocal people on this board when it comes to engaging in/with a respectful democratic society that has room for people of all backgrounds, cultural, religious or otherwise. Migrants from anywhere in the world are welcome, as long as anti-democratic and authoritarian tendencies in all manifestations are left behind.

Last edited by Larssen (2020-11-12 11:29:57)

i don't sympathise with fascism? i don't think turkish migrants voting for erdogan are 'fascists'. misguided and misled patriots, sure. but there are many reasons why they want to see 'turkey strong' in the current geopolitical climate. why aren't you agitating to have poland or hungary kicked out of the EU, again, if there is no trucking with fascists?

it feels like you're holding the working-class migrant community to a higher standard than the natives. that's not very EU-liberal, is it?

Last edited by uziq (2020-11-12 11:37:42)

I am critical of Poland and Hungary? I do oppose Orban and PiS? I do believe the EU should sanction these countries? That should be clear. The fact that it's complicated, does not change that I feel it should be done.

If they're 'misguided and misled' in their voting for a fascist you'll surely agree that the community ought to be severed from the misguided and misleading influence from Ankara.

Last edited by Larssen (2020-11-12 11:41:00)

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