yep, a highly correct take there.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
By the time President Trump finished speaking to thousands of supporters at Omaha’s Eppley Airfield on Tuesday night and jetted away on Air Force One, the temperature had plunged to nearly freezing.

But as long lines of MAGA-clad attendees queued up for buses to take them to distant parking lots, it quickly became clear that something was wrong.

The buses, the huge crowd soon learned, couldn’t navigate the jammed airport roads. For hours, attendees — including many elderly Trump supporters — stood in the withering cold, as police scrambled to help the most at-risk get to warmth.

At least seven people were taken to hospitals, according to Omaha Scanner, a service that monitors official radio traffic. Police and fire authorities didn’t immediately return messages from The Washington Post early Wednesday and declined to provide reporters on the scene with precise numbers of how many needed treatment.
Amazing lack of concern for his own followers. People joke about him leading a death cult already...
Superior Mind
(not macbeth)
Now we’re gonna blame Trump for the weather? It was obviously a Chinese weather controlled sabotage.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
The 75.8 million ballots cast so far in the 2020 election also represents about 56% of the more than 136.5 million total ballots cast for president in 2016.
On Sunday, the nation surpassed the 58.3 million total pre-election votes cast in 2016. Forty-two states and DC have now exceeded their pre-election voting levels from 2016.
This is very good news. The situation regarding mail in ballots is also better than people think. A lot of states already are counting them. At this rate we should know the winner by election night.
The X stands for
+1,818|6422|eXtreme to the maX

Democrats are being encouraged to mail in their votes

Republicans are being told mailing in your vote is treason and they should wait to vote on the day.

I think its very likely with COVID restrictions there are going to be problems come voting day, not everyone is going to get through, there'll be fights over distancing, mask wearing and actually getting in to vote. I would not want to be a staffer at a voting site.

Afterwards there'll be legions of angry nuts saying "I wanted to vote for Trump but the queue was too long and officials prevented me due to a fake virus. Its all a liberal conspiracy to prevent Trump getting elected!"
There could be months of lawsuits even if the result is clear. Trump will sit it out in the White House and probably have to be forced out at gunpoint.
There'll be armed insurrection here and there and four+ years of angry simmering until the next election where the Republicans expect to be rightfully restored to power.
Fuck Israel
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I am not so sure about violence. I do expect Trump to try to use the courts to stay in power. I expect ultimately he will leave once legal options run out but also thrash the government as much as possible on his way out. I think no matter what Dr. F. is getting fired after the election though.

I do expect a Republican surge on or closer to election day. They will probably cough on the machines too. Still I checked and there hasn't been an election since 1964 where 60% more people voted. So it is Thursday morning here in the U.S. and we still have Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday to early vote before the big day. If we can get to 100 million votes in the next 5 days, our 80,000 polling places could probably absorb the election day surge just fine.
The X stands for
+1,818|6422|eXtreme to the maX
I foresee angry libertards storming state capitols and holding elected representatives captive for freedom.
Fuck Israel
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Biden event in Texas cancelled as 'armed' Trump supporters threaten campaign bus … 77876.html
Why would Antifa do this?
mailboxes set on fire/trashed in california too, i recall reading. crazy what these radical leftists will do ... oh wait ...
Honestly I can't say how this will unfold.

Will Trump pull out another unexpected curveball and miraculously walk away with another 4 years? What would the reaction be?

Will he cede the white house in a loss? Can we expect an orderly transition? He'll still be president until january, wtf will that look like?
i think he’ll lose by 4-5 points and it will be anti-climactic.

winter is going to be a covid clusterfuck. the final crisis before the hope of spring. i think more civil unrest and strain will come from that. very conceivable that we’ll be posting 1,000+ deaths a day for december and january.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I don't expect a blow out either but then again Obama beat McCain by 10 million votes and 7% which showed the Democrat are capable of pulling off a win like the ones from the 80's.

In again good news.
Nationwide, the more than 90 million ballots already cast represent about 66% -- almost two-thirds -- of the more than 136.5 million ballots cast in the 2016 presidential election.
If we can get to 100 million by election day, the 80,000 polling places of the U.S. could easily handle a surge.

If we had all 100,000 of our usual + extra polling places + longer periods of early voting + well supported vote by mail systems we could really perfect mass democracy in this country.

It's probably not to the Republicans' benefit to get more people to vote.
Guardian article from march 2019:

The United States is now headed by someone pathologically incapable of admitting defeat. This doesn’t bode well for the 2020 presidential election.

Among the most chilling words uttered this week by Michael Cohen, Donald Trump’s former personal lawyer and fixer, were “given my experience working for Mr Trump I fear that if he loses the election in 2020 that there will never be a peaceful transition of power, and this is why I agreed to appear before you today”.

Cohen should know better than anyone, but we already had reason to worry. In 2016, when polls showed Hillary Clinton with a wide lead, Trump claimed the election was rigged against him.

He refused to commit to honoring the election results if he lost, warning that he’d “reserve my right to contest or file a legal challenge in the case of a questionable result”. He added that he would accept the results of the election “if I win”.

For Trump, losing is the deepest form of humiliation, and humiliation is intolerable
Throughout the summer of 2016, Trump’s claim of election rigging was echoed on Fox News. Newt Gingrich spoke of “a long tradition on the part of Democratic machines of trying to steal elections”. Rudolph Giuliani declared “Hillary and [Tim] Kaine are right in the middle of the Washington insider rigged system”.

Trump’s campaign manager at the time, Paul Manafort, said federal officials couldn’t be trusted to prevent voter fraud, warning that “if you’re relying on the justice department to ensure the security of the elections, we have to be worried”.

By early August 2016, according to a Bloomberg poll, 56% of Trump supporters believed the election would be rigged. (Among all voters, only 34% predicted a rigged election; 60% rejected the idea.)

Even after the election, Trump refused to accept that he had lost the popular vote. Still claiming election fraud, he established a presidential commission to find it. When the commission came back empty-handed, he abruptly dissolved it, saying – wrongly – that it had uncovered “substantial evidence of voter fraud”. No such evidence emerged.

Every time he has lost a legislative or legal battle during his presidency he has blamed the other side, and has lashed back: shuttering the government, declaring a national emergency, whipping up his followers against recalcitrant judges, Democrats, the media or whomever he holds responsible.

Imagine it’s November 2020 and Trump has lost the election. He charges voter fraud, claiming that the “deep state” organized tens of millions of illegal immigrants to vote against him, and says he has an obligation not to step down.

Only this time he’s already president, with all the powers a president commands.

In years past, Americans have trusted our system of government enough that we abide by its outcomes even though we may disagree with them. Only once in our history – in 1861 – did enough of us distrust the system so much we succumbed to civil war.

Typically, when an election is over, the peaceful transition of power reminds the public that our allegiance is not toward a particular person but to our system of government.

Five weeks after the bitterly contested election of 2000, and just one day after the supreme court ruled 5-4 in favor of George W Bush, Al Gore graciously declared: “I say to president-elect Bush that what remains of partisan rancor must now be put aside, and may God bless his stewardship of this country.”

But what happens if an incumbent president claims our system is no longer trustworthy?

Trump’s emissaries have already seeded the battlefield. Last April, Sean Hannity of Fox News predicted that an attempt to impeach Trump (or presumably remove him from office any other way) would cause “fighting and dividing this country at a level we’ve never seen … those that stand for truth and those that literally buy into the corrupt deep state attacks against a duly elected president”.

Trump’s former consiglieri Roger Stone has warned of “an insurrection like you’ve never seen” and claimed that any politician who voted to oust Trump “would be endangering their own life”.

Just last week, Steve Bannon, another of Trump’s bottom-feeders, predicted that “2019 is going to be the most vitriolic year in American politics since the civil war, and I include Vietnam in that”. He didn’t make a prediction about 2020, but we can guess.

We should take seriously Michael Cohen’s admonition that if Trump is defeated in 2020, he will not leave office peacefully.

Republican leaders as well as supreme court justices and civic and religious leaders across the land must be prepared to assert the primacy of our system of government over the will of the man who refuses to lose. … hael-cohen

Last edited by Larssen (2020-10-31 14:48:39)


It's all just white noise to a Trump voter.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Everything Trump touches dies including Steve Bannon's professional life.
Zee Ruskie
+295|7091|Moscow, Russia

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

It's all just white noise to a Trump voter.
right. and all the libtards have been turning their pants in a knot over it through the whole course of trump's presidency. when are you going to fucking get it - trump persona is nothing but a political bloody implement and by bitching a moaning you are giving trump and the part of your capitalist establishment that stands behind him exactly what they want.

Jay wrote:

I'd vote for Trump just to see Obamacare go away

War Man wrote:

Real reason is I am disgusted by the establishment grouping together and gaining on him, trying to determine their candidate for the party instead of the voters. I cannot just stand by and let that happen, my voting for Trump is a simple message to the establishment Republicans to fucking knock it off. I am pissed even at Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney, whom I used to have respect for both, for joining in at the gaining on the Republicans. I am not seeing as much of this bullshit in the Democratic side as I am with the Republicans and that needs to fucking change.

War Man wrote:

See, the insults and name-calling do wonders, makes me continue to be happy to continue supporting Trump and to vote for him again just to give people like you the finger.
there^. they've been telling you how it works from the very beginning. and all you do is keep pushing the virtue signaling button.

Last edited by Shahter (2020-11-01 00:46:27)

if you open your mind too much your brain will fall out.
omg you are so tedious. nobody is 'virtue signalling' by criticising trump, use the fucking terms properly. 'virtue signalling' is when you make a big deal out of being in line with ultra-progressive opinions and causes, not when you criticize a severely inept president. this is less about 'virtues' and more about basic competence and decency. of course you're passe about the total denudement of political respectability: you have a little plastic-faced garden gnome for a leader.

and PLEASE stop linking jonathan pie videos. this is an even bigger affront to taste than 'virtue signalling'. that stuff is so CRINGE. the only people here who watch his content and think he is 'right on!' are, indeed, little internet edgelords doing a fair bit of 'signalling' and snorting themselves. that is NOT fucking political commentary!

is your entire view of the west scraped from george carlin routines from 1992 and facebook comedians? and you continually accuse us of being clueless about russia?!? you're a grown man, for fuck's sake.

Last edited by uziq (2020-11-01 01:27:27)


I dont't even understand the gotcha point Shahter was angrily trying to make. It's like gibberish.
his 'gotcha!' moments always basically amount to 'silly fool! you think you can change or achieve anything without total communist revolution! mwa hua hua hua brainwashed capitalist peon!'

Last edited by uziq (2020-11-01 10:42:00)

I did laugh when he said Biden is the dose of valium america needs.
Why is the youtube political format always middle aged men shouting at the camera
it’s not political commentary. jonathan pie is a comedy/satire writer. it started out as a satire/spoof of news broadcasting, but where the presenter became so ‘overwhelmed’ with cynicism or anger at what he was hearing that he’d ‘break the fourth wall’ and talk frankly to his audience, doling out veritable homilies and Home Truths.

it’s watered-down milk bullshit lapped up by simpletons who think the edgy cynicism is ‘smart’. same audience who think richard dawkins confronting religious people in third-world nations is ‘awsm’. it’s sub-reddit, galaxy-brain piss. of course shahter thinks it’s a revelation. this stuff that sits on youtube being liked by powerless dorks with a smirk on their face, know-it-alls. it’s entirely in keeping with his adolescent view of politics and the world. ‘heh heh the SHEEPLES don’t realise that politics is all LIES yeh’.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
"Anti mask Karens holding up the voting line in DuPage County, IL." … g_line_in/
+510|3768 … 2412686343

NJ: Trump vehicle convoy shuts down the Garden State Parkway.

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