It gets old after about a dozen.SuperJail Warden wrote:
/r/historymemes is full of them. I do and do not recommend that sub.
It gets old after about a dozen.SuperJail Warden wrote:
/r/historymemes is full of them. I do and do not recommend that sub.
Denying that violent media influences the way of thinking and behavior of people is to deny the entire concept of nurture and the entirety of child psychology. Of course the things people surround themselves with influences them. Further, I find it really interesting that the people who will claim Islam promotes violence and rap promotes violence will then turn around claim that the games they play that involve mass killing doesn't encourage ways of thinking that normalizes mass killing and violence. The next time you meet a person who claims Islam promotes violence ask them what video games they play. If it's a young guy, it's probably some violent shooters like Call of Duty or Battlefield.unnamednewbie13 wrote:
Not trying to draw any sort of inescapable conclusion here, but maybe don't let your gradeschooler play Eternal Doom.
Violent Media and Aggressive Behavior in Children 2018
https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog … n-children
Psychology and psychiatry sites are full of articles about the influence violent media has on the behavior of young children.
Why would you want your child's number-increasing dopamine receptors also tied to melting faces.
British kids used to play with swords before guns, its quite normal.uziq wrote:
your culture gives guns to children and encourages them to play as genocidal cowboys and barbaric indians. you've got a way to go yet if you want to cushion children from harmful exposure to violence. basic socialisation for children in the US involves being given a plastic revolver or a bow-and-arrow.
You probably shouldn't be letting your kids just eat what they want anyway. Who wants a spoiled child conditioned to only consume McDonald's hamburgers?uziq wrote:
worrying about what videogames do to young children's still-wiring dopamine circuits is probably valid. but in the same sense, you shouldn't give your kid candy, or let them eat what they want, because that's the same reward circuit being lit up continually, as well. if you ban your kids from videogames, you better refuse them candy with e-numbers in, as well.
Yes, common sense. Does anyone here want to utterly sweep video games from the board. I know there's fun and lighthearted games for children. That's why we're talking about violent video games in particular.uziq wrote:
there are fun and lighthearted games for children just like there are fun and escapist cartoons for children. i don't see what the giant cause for consternation is. would you let your toddler play call of duty, which depicts airport massacres and much else? no. would you show your kid 'the exorcist'? would you watch porn with your kid? no. come on, common sense.
it's completely tasteless, of course, but we (rightfully) don't believe adults would be persuaded to do such a thing by playing a game.SuperJail Warden wrote:
At what age should minors be allowed to enact a digital airport massacre?
you are seemingly misunderstanding my point. i am only meaning to reiterate that having recommended ages for games to me seems sensible. we already see the good sense of such things for movies, television (the watershed concept in broadcasting), etc. parents use their discretion with all sorts of media exposure all the time. the rest is just alarmist noise.unnamednewbie13 wrote:
Yes, common sense. Does anyone here want to utterly sweep video games from the board. I know there's fun and lighthearted games for children. That's why we're talking about violent video games in particular.uziq wrote:
there are fun and lighthearted games for children just like there are fun and escapist cartoons for children. i don't see what the giant cause for consternation is. would you let your toddler play call of duty, which depicts airport massacres and much else? no. would you show your kid 'the exorcist'? would you watch porn with your kid? no. come on, common sense.
Why does it have to boil down to "would you watch porn with your kid? come on use common sense."
"Young kids probably shouldn't be cracking skulls." "This guy wants to ban Number Munchers!"
Last edited by uziq (2020-05-26 07:39:16)
I could see it encouraging people who are already contemplating a mass shooting. You can agree on that?uziq wrote:
it's completely tasteless, of course, but we (rightfully) don't believe adults would be persuaded to do such a thing by playing a game.SuperJail Warden wrote:
At what age should minors be allowed to enact a digital airport massacre?
Last edited by uziq (2020-05-26 07:47:06)