but it's the fear of that destruction and of lawlessness that drives the average chinese into acceptance of confucianism, which is literally a legalist and rules-based system of obedience to promote the health and harmony of the whole. they are making that trade-off already. it is deeply ingrained in their cultural assumptions and worldview. it is working for them. i think most chinese would rather see the CCP pivot to a different form of politics than to jettison it and attempt something else.

you talk about an experience of extremes - the 20th century was that for china! of the biggest extremes anywhere on the planet! so of course the fate of 3% of the population is going to be a trivial matter to a chinese person. the state they have now is delivering growth and affluence, year on year. you talk about tibetan monks burning themselves in public, and how that would be a disaster in a square in brussels; but did belgium undergo a cultural revolution within living memory that killed 15-40 million people?!/ ffs

Last edited by uziq (2020-05-20 11:58:35)

Well I imagine those 3% are as happy about their state of affairs as poles, slovakians, lithuanians etc. are about their history under communism. Any notion of nostalgia is often met by furious anger over their repression at the hands of the russians. Interestingly, in east germany there IS definitely nostalgia for communist times in some sense, but only really in contrast to the successes of west germany and the marginalisation of their place in the new society.

Ironically I remember arguing the exact same position you're in now - that the Chinese state as it exists today makes a whole lot of sense and too much influence of western ideas about the place of identity in society wouldn't be particularly good. Nonetheless, as stated, I prefer another type of deal than whatever they're doing to the marginalised under their rule and I imagine people can universally agree to that, if they have any empathy at all.
there are poles who are pro-communist by the way, just as there are polish fascists. again it's another historical context and dimension that is doing nothing really to clarify the issue.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

uziq wrote:

that's cute, sounds like the start of an essay, but people still get the idea into their heads that they are fulfilling some revenge for the historical humiliation of 'their people' and go around slitting the throats of people who worship a different god and have different customs. people acting in bad faith or not, that's really what happened. these forces, once unleashed, have their own momentum. here's some other freud for you: the death drive. have you heard of it?

do i need to dig up milosevic's famous speech to the serbian workers when he announced that 'they would not allow it anymore', and show how that was framed from the outset in ethnic and nationalist terms, too?

and you still haven't even joined up the dots and got around to your piece-de-resistance:
it's literally amazing that you'll bring up yugoslavia to score points. a region where people routinely are nostalgic for communism and tito, because he 'kept the nation together and kept the peace'. and here's me saying that, yes, there are minorities in china, but everyone there is happy with the repression because it ... ensures the peace and prosperity of the country. amazing! fuck me what an own goal on your part. i'm sure the chinese can't wait to turn the streets of shanghai into sniper alleys a la sarajevo.
yugoslavia, a region of dozens of different ethnic groups, languages, religions, cultures, all coexisting peacefully under Tito. its greatest period of development and prosperity. it was even a top tourist destination ffs. and a region that devolved into chaos and bloodshed after the fall of communism. people there are nostalgic for the times of communism and tito; it's seen as a golden age. meanwhile you keep saying that the chinese state has a serious problem in the way it treats minorities. lmao. BONGGGGG
The Christchurch shooter played that song in his car in the video where he killed a bunch of Muslims. Interesting fact.
i did not know that. but remember it's wrong to call it religious or sectarian violence. it is just violence.
Good, you're learning.
you lose all rights to accuse me of academicism when you insist on calling all wars 'just war' or all violence 'just violence', and attributable to some other 'complex social and economic factors'. sometimes people really do shoot someone else in the face because they hate their goddamn religion or ethnicity. it's a bit over-ripe to conclude that it was because they are from a disadvantaged part of society ... a history of discrimination ... lack of access to the labour force ... a history of family psychopathology ...

you are literally the guy going to northern ireland and telling the protestants and catholics that, actually, they're *checks notes* not fighting over religion. if only they would read marx, and understand the history of the issue in northern ireland being a consequence of colonialism's extractive regime, and the geography of belfast being divided between industrial areas and bourgeois ... you lose all right to parody academics for being divorced from the world. 'explaining' to people the 'real' reasons for their enmities. smh.

Last edited by uziq (2020-05-20 12:52:11)

Using sociological analysis does not mean you instantly need to divorce yourself from the idea that emotional decisionmaking exists. Get a grip, and while you do so please acknowledge that it's a very useful way of looking at these problems. For other types of more (state) organised warfare I'll refer you to clausewitz.

In the span of a few days I've read that I'm a snob, yet I'm a yokel, I'm not well-read or I'm full of academicism, I'm a disconnected bureaucrat yet you've also deemed me a racist swamp dweller from the low countries at some point. Make up your fucking mind.

It's so tiresome how you keep maneouvring yourself only in positions where you can attack whatever someone else is writing. No principles or position of your own to speak of, only if it allows for an avenue of assault on others' views.

Last edited by Larssen (2020-05-20 13:03:08)

i like poking fun at you for your ties to the low countries. you seem to like emphasising your german roots. it seems like an obvious pain point for you.

and, yes, i do agree, but again it's a matter of proportion. to say the yugoslav wars were not ethnic conflicts because you have an academic theory is a little bit of a head scratcher. if all the actors in a war say they are murdering one another on ethnic grounds, saying they fucking hate people from x ethnic group, then it seems a little bit counter-intuitive to insist that ethnicity is only a 'side-effect', and really they're arguing over resources. but whatever. i actually don't care enough to belabour this point. you can have your cute theories that get you high marks on IR papers.
This isn't IR, it's conflict and war studies. Different field. IR doesn't help you explain civil war.

No the point wasn't to say that resources and material needs are core to conflict, for the umpteenth time. Re-read my posts.
i picked resources at random, swap it out for any other 'causal factor' you like. there's something very academic in explaining to people who are at one another's throats because of age-old ethnic hatred that, really, it's because of another dynamic that none of them are privy to. and in starting from that unlikely proposition and arguing it, you're basically writing a term paper.
Unlikely proposition rofl. The balkan wars were more or less cause for the birth of the entire field of conflict studies, taught and practiced all over the world by now. Really I wish I would've been the creative driving force behind that development, but I'm most definitely not. You have thousands of professors and academics opposite of yourself here. All of them invested daily in studying and analysing conflict from street riots in paris to the war in Afghanistan to inform policymakers and bureaucrats like..... yours truly. 'Age old ethnic hatreds' is a terrible analytical lens that contributes nothing to understanding why people were at eachother's throats. These people lived side by side in the same villages for decades, croats, serbs, bosnians - yet their 'age old ethnic hatred' wasn't a problem at all until the 90s? When suddenly they emerged? Tell me again how historic the roots of their war was, or maybe take a hint because honestly you're way out of your depth here.

Last edited by Larssen (2020-05-20 13:20:38)

i am saying the 'ancient hatreds' propaganda was used by croatia and serbia, and was effective. that's my not my line. that's what mobilized their own people. i said it in my very first post. they were incited to that action by such rhetoric. are we even having the same conversation here? christ what a waste of time.

it's literally what academics do, yes, after the fact to then analyse it and say 'actually, it was about xyz'. ditto starting with an 'unlikely proposition' and debunking the main narrative. it's so funny to me that you were making jokes about 'pedantic scholars' starting their papers with 2 pages of definitions, and then you don't recognise a basic rhetorical structure of basically every essay ever.

Last edited by uziq (2020-05-20 13:30:11)

This is indeed a massive waste of time, carry on. Not worth my effort. Stick to publishing and editing please.
you waded in to a post between me and jay and unfurled your pet theory about how rwanda, the balkans, etc. were not ethnic conflicts.

lol the entire world calls them ethnic conflicts. that's because different ethnic groups killed one another for (their own believed) ethnic reasons. nobody is saying in that description that the wars 'started' because of ethnicity, pure and simple. obviously there is a context and a breakdown of civil order. why does that even need to be said?

of course an academic can say 'actually it was about xyz', but that analysis has to at least account for the subject position/ideology of the people involved, and their potential for bad faith, and to act on wrong information/a bad judgment/for dishonest reasons/etc. just jumping onto my description of the conflict as 'ethnic' and saying HAH! wrong! is counter-intuitive to all hell. ok, so the balkans were actually about something else. just the example you picked will be news to most of the nationalists involved.

this whole day you've just done nothing but expose how your own understanding of basically anything is hugely restricted to your own discipline of study. first attempting a lecture on episteme when you haven't the foggiest. now claiming absolutely that the balkans (and rwanda) were conclusively once and for all not ethnic in nature. but they were ethnic in nature. some thought-provoking books and studies do not erase the fact that people of different ethnicities killed one another for no greater reason, often times, than they were a different ethnicity. do you not see the sophistry involved in what you're saying? i don't even disagree with you that sociological or materialist analysis or whatever adds nuance, deepens understanding, gives new perspectives. but people still did kill one another over perceived ethnic rivalries. that's just what happened. christ alive.

i like that you've affected my air and way of posting. i take it as a high compliment.

also i have commissioned and edited books on the balkan conflict. i did a 500-something page book of interviews and testimonials, edited by an english guy who spent the period in the region. a lot of it was basically folky poetry and songs, which he translated too. hence how i knew about the serb song above. lmao. ‘stick to publishing’. i was a HISTORY publisher.

Last edited by uziq (2020-05-20 14:04:49)

Oh my god stop. There is no engagement to be had with you whatsoever. Nothing. I was abundantly clear from the very first fucking post how I used episteme which aligned perfectly well with a well-established use of the fucking word. That you then choose to attack it from an angle of whatever-the-fuck heidegger or plato wrote, I mean that's your choice man. Wasn't I abundantly clear in citing foucault, in citing historiographic study? Like literally? Any remotely reasonable individual would've said 'fair enough makes sense'. I even said episteme/paradigm are used interchangeably in academia - and I had no problem with it. That's true. Does Foucault's "idiosyncratic use" of the word make it wrong? NO. Then why argue the point? Because you conjured in your head the stupid notion that I somehow didn't know what it meant, based on what? MAKE SENSE

I never denied at ANY POINT that people of different ethnic groups killed eachother, but that the notion of it being an "ethnic war" clouds proper analysis. I even cite some Marx you could masturbate to as I'm sure you often do. But you being you, instantly you assume a position of deep focus on ethnicity as core to the conflict so I must be wrong. While also assuming a Marxian-inspired attitude of your own when talking about nostalgia for communism or the life and worldview of Chinese people in China, especially if I write on the non-inclusiveness of other peoples. What the fuck am I to do with this? Do you want a pat on the back for figuring out that any given framework isn't perfect or immune to critique? There is no way forward. There is no avenue to betterment. Whenever there's an inching towards improved (mutual) understanding it must be dismantled. It's as though your whole reason for being is to sit there and be a dick.

Fuck it, you do you. I'm out.

Last edited by Larssen (2020-05-20 14:09:58)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Don't let him cuck you, Larssen. You keep doing you. You got my support.
lmao. ok bro but remember to think about episteme the next time you wonder about the ‘actual chinese’ and their thinking.

i’ll be sure to remember that the rwandan genocide was about access to water and bananas and not ethnicity.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5681|London, England
Saw an interview with Biden this morning. He looked befuddled. #Trump2020
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
biden is indeed a very very bad choice.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5681|London, England
They really couldn't pick anyone normal? Why did it come down to this doofus and Sanders? All they had to do was pick someone less bad than Trump and it was in the bag.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I would still vote for Grand Pa Joe over Trump. A confused old man is still better than an evil confused old man.
i am firmly of the view that battling a deranged populist-right candidate like trump can best be done by picking someone from the left of centre like sanders. biden is more reheated rice pudding. it didn't work with hillary and i'm not sure why they want to re-run the same close-run thing again.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5681|London, England

uziq wrote:

i am firmly of the view that battling a deranged populist-right candidate like trump can best be done by picking someone from the left of centre like sanders. biden is more reheated rice pudding. it didn't work with hillary and i'm not sure why they want to re-run the same close-run thing again.
Hillary is, and was, even before she ran, vehemently disliked by a very large portion of the public. She has all the warmth of a neoliberal wonk.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I am not convinced Sanders would have been able to generate the enthusiasm he promised to win the general. He couldn't even do it to win two primaries.

I don't think the current brand of center left American politics is capable of winning nationally. It is too cucked. Too much focus on LGBT rights, women issues, and racial politics. You can go back to my old post near the start of this thread when I suggested the Democrats dial it back and nominate old white men again. I was proven right regarding how nominating a woman would go.

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