i would hardly call it an 'impassioned defense'. please, leave the 'SJW liberal' smears alone for half a day. i've never made an impassioned defense of islam or china, here. in fact i'm pretty sure that a few months ago i was posting frequently on their internment camps, to which you replied facetiously that you 'didn't mind the chinese state teaching the muslims how to behave'. how are you making me out to be a moral cripple when you entertain beliefs like that?

i was putting china's supposed 'territorial ambitions' in context. as larssen rightly pointed out, by far the greatest amount of china's political energies are directed inwards at their own populace and development. it has always been thus. hence my statement that they have been 'one of the least bellicose nations'. where was china during the age of empire, again? it had almost zero presence on global politics as a whole until the opening up of the chinese economy in the latter part of the 20th century; the alliances and efforts made in south-east asia in places like korea or indochina do not make sense unless you look at them as continuations of european or japanese colonialism; in many ways those conflicts had begun in 1894 with the first sino-japanese war. that was my point.

thank you, once again, for bringing my attention to several cold-war-era border dispute and small wars that china had with its neighbours. i consider myself better educated on that point now. but how long would a wikipedia list be of every war or incursion that america was involved in, most of which had fuck-all to do with establishing its borders and entirely to do with america's global ambitions, or pure ideological struggle? you have to put these things in context. saying 'china wants to destroy' the west is alarmist hysteria; a chinese person sat in Beijing could just as easily say 'america wants to destroy china'. after all, you're the ones with a ring of bases on their border.

Last edited by uziq (2020-04-24 06:46:37)

The X stands for
+1,818|6429|eXtreme to the maX
Who would have thought that Germany would have decided to go ahead with its ideological and territorial ambitions just a few years after WW1.

China is steadily becoming more bellicose and better armed. Its not coincidental.
Fuck Israel
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

Uzique wrote:

where was china during the age of empire, again? it had almost zero presence on global politics as a whole until the opening up of the chinese economy in the latter part of the 20th century
The only reason that the Chinese didn't expand like the Europeans in the 19th century is because they lacked the technology to do so. If you look further back you will see that for thousands of years the Chinese invaded and forced tributes from their neighbors.

Here is more suggested reading: Almost 2000 years worth of Chinese invasions into Vietnam.

The Chinese have been invading Vietnam for longer than Christendom even existed.

Further, you talk about how China is only focused on their internal politics as if China has always been the 2nd largest country on the map with a billion and a half people. The reason why China is 95% Han Chinese is because they consistently invaded and genocided surrounding cultures for thousands of years until geography and Europeans boxed them in.
just like your inapt comparison to 1949 in the most generic and vague way, these analogies have so little purchase. so taiwan is the sudetenland and then, er, japan is poland? yes makes perfect sense. it’s not like the military tech, conflict doctrine or intelligence/surveillance haven’t progressed by 70 years. no, china will surprise invade japan. maybe they’ll put loads of cardboard and plywood tanks in a field somewhere on the south coast as a diversion technique? just like the days of good old blighty!!!

SuperJail Warden wrote:

Uzique wrote:

where was china during the age of empire, again? it had almost zero presence on global politics as a whole until the opening up of the chinese economy in the latter part of the 20th century
The only reason that the Chinese didn't expand like the Europeans in the 19th century is because they lacked the technology to do so. If you look further back you will see that for thousands of years the Chinese invaded and forced tributes from their neighbors.

Here is more suggested reading: Almost 2000 years worth of Chinese invasions into Vietnam.

The Chinese have been invading Vietnam for longer than Christendom even existed.

Further, you talk about how China is only focused on their internal politics as if China has always been the 2nd largest country on the map with a billion and a half people. The reason why China is 95% Han Chinese is because they consistently invaded and genocided surrounding cultures for thousands of years until geography and Europeans boxed them in.
here is a wikipedia detailing 1,000 years of english invasions of calais and northern france. as a man of conscience i must warn the world that england are poised to invade the continent at any moment. they are a menace and must be stopped.

see! i can get a history degree from rutgers too.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

uziq wrote:

SuperJail Warden wrote:

Uzique wrote:

where was china during the age of empire, again? it had almost zero presence on global politics as a whole until the opening up of the chinese economy in the latter part of the 20th century
The only reason that the Chinese didn't expand like the Europeans in the 19th century is because they lacked the technology to do so. If you look further back you will see that for thousands of years the Chinese invaded and forced tributes from their neighbors.

Here is more suggested reading: Almost 2000 years worth of Chinese invasions into Vietnam.

The Chinese have been invading Vietnam for longer than Christendom even existed.

Further, you talk about how China is only focused on their internal politics as if China has always been the 2nd largest country on the map with a billion and a half people. The reason why China is 95% Han Chinese is because they consistently invaded and genocided surrounding cultures for thousands of years until geography and Europeans boxed them in.
here is a wikipedia detailing 1,000 years of english invasions of calais and northern france. as a man of conscience i must warn the world that england are poised to invade the continent at any moment. they are a menace and must be stopped.

see! i can get a history degree from rutgers too.
So you got nothing but jokes and personal attacks?

I think Dilbert might have been right about you talking about subjects you don't have a background in like science and psychology and then personally attacking people when you run out of basic knowledge.
when have i ever pretended to have a background in science? my scientific understanding is that of a layman, which means i can correct jay on matters like the basics of the human immune system and viral spreads. that’s because it involves high-school level math and science.

insofar as i have understanding of anything else, i read research papers all day for my job and read journals and monographs in my spare time. i read a lot. i’ll always concede a point if i don’t know about it.

you’re going to have to justify china’s manifest menace a little better than pointing at border skirmishes with its regional allies/enemies, though. none of that says to me ‘chinese world war imminent’. throughout most of history powers have jostled for territory and gains over their near-neighbours. what about china has ever spoke of truly geopolitical ambitions? i’ve repeatedly mentioned that word and you’ve done nothing to actually answer it.

further i’d be careful to talk about your own ‘expertise’. you just linked me a list of insta-google wikipedia articles earlier and then immediately betrayed the next post that you have no fucking clue about the region’s history: you linked to the china-vietnam war and then asked why vietnam wasn’t allied with china at present, and why china hadn’t ‘made similar investments there’. so please stop making out you have a major in east asian studies or something. moderating the asa akira subreddit doesn’t make you a diplomat, either.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I never said China was going to start World War 3. I just said your defending them as the "religion of peace" a nation of peace was ignorant and foolish. It's ignorant because they have always been aggressive to their neighbors. It's foolish because they don't care about maintaining the global order you/we sit at the top of.

Uzique wrote:

you linked to the china-vietnam war and then asked why vietnam wasn’t allied with china at present, and why china hadn’t ‘made similar investments there’.
Those were rhetorical questions, dummy. I was making the point that China had always been aggressive to their neighbors. Do you really think I was asking you to find me a book about why China has a bad relationship with Vietnam?

And the fact that you occasionally read a book about random stuff and repeat it here reminds me of what you say about Jay. "A little bit of knowledge can be a dangerous thing". Is it always just projection and lying with you?
last time i checked, most people in the history of the world have got their knowledge from reading books, macbeth. there's a big difference between someone reading a lot and trying to become educated on a subject, and someone reading a little and forming a worldview of cast-iron certainty from it, like jay does, despite all the evidence of contradiction, hypocrisy and paradox on his part that it entails. i'm not self-fashioning an image of myself as some great thinker on chinese history because i've read a little. jay was going to write an essay on hegel after reading a few web articles. we are not the same animal, dipshit.

i am putting their behaviour and strategy in context. compared to the US and the major western powers, they are marginal and slight. are you really trying to surprise me with this 'new' knowledge that china in the 15th century quarreled with its neighbours? wow! i did not know that. i thought they all sat cross-legged doing tea ceremonies, like in the beautiful paper prints.

i'm not sure what you mean by 'china didn't embark on empire-building because they lacked technology'. didn't the west get its technology for, er, guns from china? by which technological advantage we then conquered and subjugated most of the gun-less world? but no matter. 'guns germs and steel' is a bad book (which i'm sure you've also read).

my point, rather than an impassioned defense of the CCP, is that dilbert going on and on about china's invasion of australia or japan is hysterical nonsense. thank you for the wikipedia articles, which you evidently have not read yourself, caviling that point. i grant you them. but it doesn't change the fact that this is the geopolitical state of affairs:

america's military bases and presence

here is a list of countries where china has military bases and presence:

  • afghanistan
  • cambodia
  • myanmar
  • djibouti
  • tajikistan

i suppose to that list you could add that they could use north korea as a proxy and their new sandbars in the south china sea. very frightening stuff. remind me again how they are going to launch a grand invasion of anywhere with those logistics and supply lines? which one of you west point grads can lecture me on the military strategy?
The X stands for
+1,818|6429|eXtreme to the maX
Comparing China with other nations is irrelevant, they can be studied in isolation.

"America has invaded more countries than China, so we don't need to worry about China invading anyone" is a fatuous argument.

China is rising while America is going senile, these are dangerous times, for Taiwan and Hong Kong, probably the whole Pacific region.
America held dominion over it through military force for a while, Japan challenged them now China is challenging the status quo.
Why do you dismiss any possibility of conflict? You sound like a British admiral just after he discovered dreadnoughts.
Fuck Israel
comparing china in 2020 to revolutionary china in 1949 is also irrelevant but it doesn't stop you from being spooked, does it?

you still haven't pointed out how they are going to invade japan, subjugate australia, etc. or even why they'd want to do that to acquire minerals and resources. seems to me they're doing fine by filling out order books and invoices like the rest of the world?
The X stands for
+1,818|6429|eXtreme to the maX
They're only going to tolerate white people profiting from them for so long.

Most likely they'll blockade and slowly strangle the regions they want until the local govt acquiesces, warning off more powerful nations with the threat of military force. They aren't going to start a shooting war by themselves.
Fuck Israel
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
"No president has had to put up with as much media scrutiny as Trump"

/john galt mastermind
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
He would have been a fun bf2s member
The X stands for
+1,818|6429|eXtreme to the maX
A presidential record: Trump tweets, retweets 125 times in a day … 29549.html
Fuck Israel
the right-wing are really rOBusT and stRonG right now. we have mastered rEasOn.
The X stands for
+1,818|6429|eXtreme to the maX
God help the world if an emotional irrational liberal gets elected, it would be better to die than live in a world like that.

I'm going out to get a pizza, I may be gone some time.....
Fuck Israel
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

Dilbert_X wrote:

A presidential record: Trump tweets, retweets 125 times in a day … 29549.html
he was sad he had no mom to spend mothers day with
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
"‘Manipulative, deceitful, user’: Tara Reade left a trail of aggrieved acquaintances: A number of those who crossed paths with Biden’s accuser say they remember two things: She spoke favorably about her time working for Biden, and she left them feeling duped."
Look at that cow. It's amazing that I was right all along about her.
A number of those in close contact with Reade over the past 12 years, a period in which she went by the names Tara Reade, Tara McCabe or Alexandra McCabe, laid out a familiar pattern: Reade ingratiated herself, explained she was down on her luck and needed help, and eventually took advantage of their goodwill to extract money, skip rent payments or walk out on other bills.

Last edited by SuperJail Warden (2020-05-15 14:52:56)
+514|3776 … 3064892416

your president is completely unhinged. graceless, insane -- and obsessed with obama/hillary, whilst 100,000 americans are dead and dying.

Last edited by uziq (2020-05-18 12:14:01)

'Tis but a drop in the bucket

The experts are wrong

It's like a flu

Obama sucks

I think I'll name such statements 'Jayisms'
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
The funny thing is how he got Republicans to shit on the previous Republican nominee.
it's amazing that he's displaying not only a total lack of leadership during a national crisis, but is still fulminating over classier barry.

apparently he just spent some time at camp david with top republican insiders and talked about obama almost non-stop.

the guy who is no longer president. he is now president. he should be leading the country.
mmmf mmmf mmmf
They aren't real republicans mac, anyone from the right who now disagrees is a RINO

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