
Well I hope you and her dad can still be good friends.
so democratic nomination ... biden after all?


it's interesting that the southern states, where the typical sanders' donor lives and works, are all voting for biden, whose donors are basically obama/hillary v2.

when will the blue-collar stop being duped by money men and actually vote for their own modest interests?

Last edited by uziq (2020-03-03 17:17:33)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Biden/Clinton both swept the south in the primaries against Bernie. Black voters in those states make up a big chunk of the local Democrat parties.

There's a lot of interesting stuff about why and how that happened that I won't get into.

Let's see how the rest of the night goes anyway.
The very model of a modern major general
+796|7009|United States of America
It is also strange because I think it's fairly doubtful that Democrats would be able to pick up wins in the South in a general election. Definitely could make some inroads with Obama-Trump voters in the Rust Belt, but I expect a lot of the Trumpsters down there will be turning out in droves.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
What a turn around for Biden. There are a lot of similarities between 2016 and this election. I don't think Bernie can claim Biden did anything unfair though his supporters certainly will. And as much as I liked Bernie's policies, if he can't win the primary then what good is he even for.
jay: lol don't you guys know conservatives donate the most money? and they're the most happy?
news headline: bloomberg quits race after spending $500,000,000.

could that money have been put to a better use than one man's hubris? make u think. but the vast inequality is okay because billionaires occasionally donate to charity!

trump will win pretty handily i think. biden can't even string together a sentence. i mean, trump vs biden is not even going to be a debate. it's going to be animal semaphore.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I think Biden has a better chance than people will give him.
Does Bernie still have a chance?
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
There's always a chance but the Democrats have superdelegates who can vote however they want. Bernie cannot be as close as he is with Biden and expect the superdelegates to side with him.
there's already rumbling that some DNC insiders had talked bloomberg into backing down to give biden the best shot. not sure how much credence to give to those sort of rumours, but, yeah, sanders has an uphill battle.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
If Bloomberg didn't run or put his wealth behind Biden in the first place it would have been an even bigger Biden massacre.
could say the same thing for warren and sanders, really.
I am all that is MOD!

the democratic party strategy has always been to throw as many candidates at Bernie to try to split votes, then coalesce behind whichever one was the biggest threat (knowing virtually the whole time that it would be Biden). Establishment Dems didn't want Bernie in 2016 and don't want him in 2020.
i don't know enough about it to be conspiratorial, and any party-based system is going to involve a far amount of elbowing and finagling. it goes with the territory.

however what happened to bernie in 2006 was fucking disgraceful.

Last edited by uziq (2020-03-04 12:03:38)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Bernie was never a democrat until he ran for president in 2016. After he lost the primary in '16, he stood in Senate as an independent.

Even if you really hate political parties you still have to practice party politics if you are going to try to checks notes lead a party. Bernie still hasn't seemed to get that right while Biden did I guess. And for all of Clinton's faults, she was definitely smart enough to have learned from losing the '08 primary to Obama. She showed intelligence enough to have managed to wrap up the party politics of '16. Bernie learned nothing I guess.

I'm not dumping on Bernie because he lost tonight only to again support him the next time he wins if he wins. I sided with Clinton halfway through the last primary. Bernie will always be my 2nd or 3rd choice. I like his politics more than his person. And I think it goes without saying that unless he wins in 2020, and in a substantial way, history will judge his runs poorly
The X stands for
+1,818|6430|eXtreme to the maX


the democratic party strategy has always been to throw as many candidates at Bernie to try to split votes, then coalesce behind whichever one was the biggest threat (knowing virtually the whole time that it would be Biden). Establishment Dems didn't want Bernie in 2016 and don't want him in 2020.
This does seem to the case, I bet it delivers a Trump win, what a master plan.

Why is the 'left' in disarray across the world?

I say its because they've gone down the rabbit hole of identity politics and pandering to weird and trivial minorities while ignoring their base.
That and the jews obviously, anyone who doesn't promise unwavering support to Israel gets the full fire directed at them.
Fuck Israel
I am all that is MOD!

SuperJail Warden wrote:

Bernie was never a democrat until he ran for president in 2016. After he lost the primary in '16, he stood in Senate as an independent.

Even if you really hate political parties you still have to practice party politics if you are going to try to checks notes lead a party. Bernie still hasn't seemed to get that right while Biden did I guess. And for all of Clinton's faults, she was definitely smart enough to have learned from losing the '08 primary to Obama. She showed intelligence enough to have managed to wrap up the party politics of '16. Bernie learned nothing I guess.

I'm not dumping on Bernie because he lost tonight only to again support him the next time he wins if he wins. I sided with Clinton halfway through the last primary. Bernie will always be my 2nd or 3rd choice. I like his politics more than his person. And I think it goes without saying that unless he wins in 2020, and in a substantial way, history will judge his runs poorly
right. Bernie has always been an outsider. I said as much in 2016. It's not exactly some esoteric discovery.

There was a candidate in checks notes 2016 who was outside the party establishment but still won the Presidency.

Biden is floating on name recognition from being in politics for 50 years. He's next in line as far as the Dems are concerned. I remember a candidate in checks notes 2016 who the Dems put forth since they were next in line. How did that go?

Did I do it right?
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I realize the parallels between this election and the last hence why I said

Macbeth wrote:

There are a lot of similarities between 2016 and this election.
Do you at least acknowledge the poor political skills of Sanders? Do you agree he didn't improve upon anything he did in '16? Voters seem to agree.
The very model of a modern major general
+796|7009|United States of America
When I was looking at results this morning and seeing how well Biden did, I became very concerned. I cannot fathom him stirring excitement for people to vote for him, and am unsure if he can actually win. I don't see it as encouraging down-ballot races to get the people in Congress who can actually do some good. He can draw the Boomers who want "civility" i.e. saying the quiet part quiet again, but, like Clinton, he hasn't even formulated a pitch beyond not being Trump. I heard a mention of gun control recently, which is a great way to kick off Civil War II in addition to not accomplishing it.

Can you imagine the shitshow of a debate between him and Trump? It'll reinforce the low-information voters that "ahhh, all politicians are the same", and they're gonna still pick Trump. At least if he picked someone progressive for the VP, it would mask some of the bitter pill that would be voting for Biden.

It certainly doesn't help that my history podcast just released an episode about the Clarence Thomas confirmation, and Diamond Joe doesn't come out particularly well in that saga.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Biden has a certain charm to him. A I don't give a fuck kind of confidence. I can see at least some of the Budweiser demographic being comfortable with voting for him or being comfortable enough to not care whether Trump beats him or not and staying home.

He can draw the Boomers who want "civility" i.e. saying the quiet part quiet again
Great. We need boomer voters. I supported Martin O'Malley in 2016 at first. I don't have a problem with white male boomers having someone they can relate to in the white house if the person is still signing democrat bills. I think it might even be the preferred way of doing things. I said in 2015 the democrats should run a white guy instead of going all in on "first woman president". Especially since she was dumb enough to talk up "first woman president".

Let's be real though, she'd probably have been accused of avoiding some elephant in the room if her campaign had sidestepped it.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I am not so sure about that. Obama famously avoided talking up the "first black president" thing when running in 2008. Sanders and Bloomberg are also avoiding "the first Jewish president" lines. Ted Cruz and Rubio never talked about "first Hispanic president" either. The women running for president love reminding people they are women though as if people wouldn't notice.

I have no problem with a woman president. Same way I wouldn't have a problem with a transgender, Muslim, or even Hasidic president if they had the right policies. But just don't make it a big part of your campaign pitch. Be exotic not aggressive.

AOC 2024. Should be close to 35 by that time!
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5682|London, England
God forbid
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat

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