i just saw the 'comedy' clip posted of trump going postal and massacring half of the free press in the western world.

at one point he shoots PBS. isn't that like your public access television service that only broadcasts wholesome stuff? like children's shows? is trump so paranoid that he's worried about bob ross now?

is america in a race with itself to be as graceless and classless as possible? the news is full of international outcry about turkey–syria, the US has just created a power vacuum into which a new genocide is beginning, and the president is meanwhile chuckling at fundraiser parties/rallies whilst being depicted murdering journalists?

when was this ever appropriate presidential behaviour?

truly fucking bizarre when you consider all the republican apoplexy over obama/hillary. like what's the biggest scandal they caused in their entire tenure/campaign?

Last edited by uziq (2019-10-14 04:15:13)


This and the party double standards here aren't really anything new to us. It's like when you jump into a pool fool of cold water, it can be a shock at first but your body adjusts.

Article about video in question: … ing-898446
Scroll down. Fictional victims also including John McCain, who iirc had long since announced his glioblastoma diagnosis.

Scroll down for all the predictable, smug comments from trolls, ghouls, and wingnuts.

Related video:

Specifically 0:14 joking about being on the fence about it. ( extended)

Buddying up with Putin over anti-press sentiment: … 45819.html via bloomberg

Not to forget:
Donald Trump controversially observed that he could shoot an individual on a widely trafficked New York City street and not "lose one voter." … ue-comment
How many more things could I link? There's not enough time in the day. tl;dr sleepy ranty

Nothing he does seems to impact many Trump supporters and self-proclaimed, "fence-sitting" Republicans. They just regard the whole affair with cackling glee. I remember having a discussion with someone who triumphantly compared him to Popeye in how he "comes out swinging, and you'd better be careful if you pick a fight with him!" as if that was the discussion destroyed criticism and neatly wrapped things up in their favor. Another excused his mockery of a reporter with a disability by bizarrely deflecting onto the foul mouths of previous presidents. The man has a stainless steel reputation with his starry-eyed cheerleaders and closeted/"undecided" backers. A spray-tanned blind spot in the shape of a slumped 70-something with silly hair and nervous hands. Even if they don't enjoy him at times, the ends justify the means.

U.S. forces say Turkey was deliberately ‘bracketing’ American troops with artillery fire in Syria … ar-AAIGNOo
"He won, get over it!"

i think it's actually getting to a point of dangerousness, for global order and security. a lot of ISIS fighters are now back out there, on the loose. thousands of people are gonna get killed in kurd territory, mostly civilians, of course. US armed forces have been endangered by turkish military operations, even. and for what? basically so he can open a new hotel and rake in some more money. it's strange that he appeals to the nationalistic far-right: surely they must realise that he only has an allegiance to himself, trump no. 1, and doesn't really give that much of a fuck about the country? when has he ever really been a patriot? at present, the entirety of US foreign relations are being dictated by a narcissist who can't stand not to be liked (mostly by dictators, it seems)  and is always looking out for a chance to make a dollar.

Last edited by uziq (2019-10-14 08:36:26)


Don't forget that he's the chosen one of unmatched wisdom.

Bonus pics: 1, 2
so trump has now asked erdogan for a ceasefire, and increased sanctions. this after pulling troops out and giving erdogan the go-ahead about 4 days ago?

in terms of foreign policy blunders, this is absolutely huge. what a complete shitfuck.

can you believe that carter's entire presidency hung on a few hostages in iran and some crashed helicopters?
The X stands for
+1,818|6431|eXtreme to the maX
Dude, why do you think pencils have erasers?

It'll be OK, Trump will pull off a deal, everything'll be sweet.
Fuck Israel
The X stands for
+1,818|6431|eXtreme to the maX
Whats interesting is the DJIA is well past bubble territory, so is the DAX.

While many stock markets around the world have more or less recovered to their 2008 level, the DJIA is nearly double what it was at its peak in 2008, and in 2008 it was high, or three times its low point.

This has to burst, whats Trump going to say about presiding over a colossal market meltdown?

(I should put my money where why mouth is and sell some shares, as while other markets are around fair value a US collapse will pull the world down, again)
Fuck Israel
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

Dilbert wrote:

This has to burst, whats Trump going to say about presiding over a colossal market meltdown?
He would successfully blame Democrats for it.

uziq wrote:

can you believe that carter's entire presidency hung on a few hostages in iran and some crashed helicopters?
October Surprise theory alleges the Reagan campaign made a deal with Iran to delay the release of the hostages until after the 1980 election. They were released pretty soon after Reagan was sworn in. Senate and House concluded insufficient evidence in the early 90s.
The X stands for
+1,818|6431|eXtreme to the maX
And Nixon prolongued the Vietnam war for political reasons.

Trump is clearly corrupt at every level, then again I saw Hunter Biden interviewed and he talks and giggles like a teenager - not sure how he's worth $600k a year.
Fuck Israel
The X stands for
+1,818|6431|eXtreme to the maX
I assumed this was a troll, apparently its genuine, dear god. … y-invasion
Fuck Israel
The X stands for
+1,818|6431|eXtreme to the maX … e/11617768

"In the last month Donald Trump has triggered chaos in both Eastern Europe and the Middle East.

A phone call to Ukraine triggered an impeachment inquiry, and a phone call to Turkey triggered an invasion.

These actions seem unconnected, but deliberately or not, massively benefit Russian President Vladimir Putin.

And they both came at a time Putin was desperate for a win."

If you know the plan what seems like chaos becomes clear.

Whether Trump has the gumption to manage a plan I don't know.
Fuck Israel
i don’t think trump has ever really been in active collaboration with putin. it’s more like he has no nous, and definitely no political guile. he thinks he’s some mastermind but really the only tactic he has at his disposal is his well-worn huckster’s hard pressing, whereas putin is genuinely playing a game of international geopolitics.

Last edited by uziq (2019-10-21 02:18:34)

The X stands for
+1,818|6431|eXtreme to the maX
I think the despots have him figured out, a bit of flattery and he'll do whatever they ask, and his attention span barely lasts five minutes after a phone call.
Fuck Israel
AOC clipped zuckerberg around the ear, which makes a refreshing change from a bunch of eminent septuagenarians calling him in to ask him how to send a text message.

watch jay spin this as subversive trotskyite plotting.
The X stands for
+1,818|6431|eXtreme to the maX
Evil Marxist interfering in free enterprise - next everyone will have to wear the same overalls.
Fuck Israel
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Why do you follow social justice Twitter?

"I think lying is wroooong!"

SuperJail Warden wrote:

Why do you follow social justice Twitter?
it was reported on the guardian, i don’t know what ‘social justice twitter’ is. you sound like a retard who buys supplements from joe rogan or listens to the gavin mccinnes podcast or something. ‘social justice warriors’, jfc. 2017 called, they want their red herring back.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I can't stand Joe R. and Gavin put a dildo up his ass which is a major no no among Catholics.

Twitter is like 90% politics and the worse social media to follow.
i follow about 400 people on twitter, and the majority are writers, musicians, publishing professionals, academics or news sites. i’m sure there’s a general political bent to be found there but to say i follow ‘social justice twitter’ makes you sound like a retard.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Writers, musicians, academics, publishers? That sounds like social justice Twitter. Sorry about what I said about you not knowing gay people. You probably follow a lot of gays.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I went on Twitter looking for far right Catholic conservative groups once to test the waters of internet radicalization. The first and biggest one was an account with a Nun anime girl. The account was an intense barrage of emojis, retweets, Trump, and scripture.

I took a look and decided that was not for me. There is one nugget of wisdom that the lunatic retweeted that will stick with me. "Foreign affairs is much easier to understand when you accept that demons literally exist and live among us".

SuperJail Warden wrote:

Writers, musicians, academics, publishers? That sounds like social justice Twitter. Sorry about what I said about you not knowing gay people. You probably follow a lot of gays.
it’s my work and my interests. i don’t follow them for political hot takes. i follow them to know when a new record is coming out or a new conference/monograph appears. it’s informational.

but sure keep flattering yourself that you don’t use ‘social justice’ social media because you skeev around on facebook watching your distant relatives get sucked into MLM schemes or your racist uncle repost fake news. you’ve really got your ear to the ground !!!

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