The very model of a modern major general
+796|7007|United States of America

Jay wrote:

DesertFox- wrote:

Jay wrote:

Wages have risen in response, or haven't you heard?
I'm super excited about my extra $50/paycheck as the rich get to save shitloads.
Get a different job. Unemployment is near zero, now is the time to move. You'll never have better leverage.
I have a good job. I didn't need an "extra" $1200/year that I'll probably use to pay for something else because of stupid trade policies. I'm not going to be happy to be given scraps from the feast of the 1%ers.
Zee Ruskie
+295|7097|Moscow, Russia
i'm pretty sure i never said i was looking for wisdom in first-person opinions of the likes of war man. and yes, i'm capable of finding out for myself whatever it is that gets pushed by the western propaganda mashine media. it's all the same now in the opinion columns out there and more often than not after reading a couple of opening statements i can easily tell what's to follow. it's kinda dissapointing, actually.
what's interesting for me is what actually sticks. that's why i'm interested in opinions of real people who don't have editors looking over their shoulder.
if you open your mind too much your brain will fall out.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5680|London, England

DesertFox- wrote:

Jay wrote:

DesertFox- wrote:

I'm super excited about my extra $50/paycheck as the rich get to save shitloads.
Get a different job. Unemployment is near zero, now is the time to move. You'll never have better leverage.
I have a good job. I didn't need an "extra" $1200/year that I'll probably use to pay for something else because of stupid trade policies. I'm not going to be happy to be given scraps from the feast of the 1%ers.
You sound like you have a lot of hangups and are looking for someone to blame because you aren't as rich and powerful as you think you should be. What it really boils down to is you are a coward unwilling to improve your own position because it either takes effort or you are afraid to fail. Stop whining and grow a pair.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
The very model of a modern major general
+796|7007|United States of America

Jay wrote:

DesertFox- wrote:

Jay wrote:

Get a different job. Unemployment is near zero, now is the time to move. You'll never have better leverage.
I have a good job. I didn't need an "extra" $1200/year that I'll probably use to pay for something else because of stupid trade policies. I'm not going to be happy to be given scraps from the feast of the 1%ers.
You sound like you have a lot of hangups and are looking for someone to blame because you aren't as rich and powerful as you think you should be. What it really boils down to is you are a coward unwilling to improve your own position because it either takes effort or you are afraid to fail. Stop whining and grow a pair.
Jesus Christ, projecting much? I'm not whining that because I'm not making $150k a year. Still in my 20s and I'm almost making what my dad was up until retiring. My financial situation is sorted af for the time being. I'm prefectly happy with my job, compensation, and work-life balance.

What I am angry about is millionaires and billionaires hoarding piles of gold they could never hope to spend while under the delusion that they alone earned it. Better still, you should cut taxes for the most affluent people--- because they create jobs, right? Pass the burden onto the workers he's not paying enough. You can stop with your temporarily embarassed millionaire rhetoric, too, because spoiler alert: you're never going to be in the 1% either. It's a lot better to try and get meaningful wage increases for all of us peons than licking the boots of the rich to weasel your way into their good graces.

Jay wrote:

DesertFox- wrote:

Jay wrote:

Get a different job. Unemployment is near zero, now is the time to move. You'll never have better leverage.
I have a good job. I didn't need an "extra" $1200/year that I'll probably use to pay for something else because of stupid trade policies. I'm not going to be happy to be given scraps from the feast of the 1%ers.
You sound like you have a lot of hangups and are looking for someone to blame because you aren't as rich and powerful as you think you should be. What it really boils down to is you are a coward unwilling to improve your own position because it either takes effort or you are afraid to fail. Stop whining and grow a pair.
jay your lack of self-awareness is literally amazing. the cognitive dissonance could make a psychology case book. you obviously realise that you are a recipient of so many leg-ups from the state and various schemes. why do you spout this nonsense rhetoric? 'coward unwilling to improve his own position'. lol. desertfox has almost certainly taken less state welfare and handouts than you have. quit with the denuded randian bullshit already. that sort of intellectual callowness is forgivable when you're 20.

i can't see how criticising tax cuts to the super-wealthy has to be connected to some personal animus. many middle-class people who are doing just fine can be justifiably outraged about policies that benefit big business and the 1%. why wouldn't you be? it's taking away the wealth and productivity of the entire nation and redistributing it unequally. it's not like the only people who critique these policies are work-shirkers and the personally unhappy. you're a moron sometimes.

Last edited by uziq (2018-11-08 05:26:05)

Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5680|London, England

DesertFox- wrote:

Jay wrote:

DesertFox- wrote:

I have a good job. I didn't need an "extra" $1200/year that I'll probably use to pay for something else because of stupid trade policies. I'm not going to be happy to be given scraps from the feast of the 1%ers.
You sound like you have a lot of hangups and are looking for someone to blame because you aren't as rich and powerful as you think you should be. What it really boils down to is you are a coward unwilling to improve your own position because it either takes effort or you are afraid to fail. Stop whining and grow a pair.
Jesus Christ, projecting much? I'm not whining that because I'm not making $150k a year. Still in my 20s and I'm almost making what my dad was up until retiring. My financial situation is sorted af for the time being. I'm prefectly happy with my job, compensation, and work-life balance.

What I am angry about is millionaires and billionaires hoarding piles of gold they could never hope to spend while under the delusion that they alone earned it. Better still, you should cut taxes for the most affluent people--- because they create jobs, right? Pass the burden onto the workers he's not paying enough. You can stop with your temporarily embarassed millionaire rhetoric, too, because spoiler alert: you're never going to be in the 1% either. It's a lot better to try and get meaningful wage increases for all of us peons than licking the boots of the rich to weasel your way into their good graces.
Your company just got a 15% tax decrease. Ask for a raise. If you don't ask for a raise then the money is going to go into stock buybacks or equipment purchases or into your owner's pocket if it's privately owned. Get your piece and stop whining about people who have literally no impact on your life but who have more than you do. Life isn't fair. Suck it up.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5680|London, England

uziq wrote:

Jay wrote:

DesertFox- wrote:

I have a good job. I didn't need an "extra" $1200/year that I'll probably use to pay for something else because of stupid trade policies. I'm not going to be happy to be given scraps from the feast of the 1%ers.
You sound like you have a lot of hangups and are looking for someone to blame because you aren't as rich and powerful as you think you should be. What it really boils down to is you are a coward unwilling to improve your own position because it either takes effort or you are afraid to fail. Stop whining and grow a pair.
jay your lack of self-awareness is literally amazing. the cognitive dissonance could make a psychology case book. you obviously realise that you are a recipient of so many leg-ups from the state and various schemes. why do you spout this nonsense rhetoric? 'coward unwilling to improve his own position'. lol. desertfox has almost certainly taken less state welfare and handouts than you have. quit with the denuded randian bullshit already. that sort of intellectual callowness is forgivable when you're 20.

i can't see how criticising tax cuts to the super-wealthy has to be connected to some personal animus. many middle-class people who are doing just fine can be justifiably outraged about policies that benefit big business and the 1%. why wouldn't you be? it's taking away the wealth and productivity of the entire nation and redistributing it unequally. it's not like the only people who critique these policies are work-shirkers and the personally unhappy. you're a moron sometimes.
Who the fuck was talking to you? The tax cuts hurt me way more than they hurt him. My SALT is capped at 10k now when I'm paying $23k between property and state income taxes. He's being a whiny bitch because someone has more than him and boohoo it's unfair.

No one gets wealthy playing it safe in a waged job. It requires risk to start a company and turn a profit. You have to put yourself out there and risk failure. Wannabe socialists are bootlickers who want everything handed to them risk-free. Fuck that.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
i love the fact you literally got to where you are because of the help of socialised programmes and state welfare, but now you are salty about having to pay income tax.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5680|London, England

uziq wrote:

i love the fact you literally got to where you are because of the help of socialised programmes and state welfare, but now you are salty about having to pay income tax.
You're a moron. Military service is not welfare.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+564|7036|Purplicious Wisconsin

uziq wrote:

i like how you dismiss evidence-based reporting as 'free press' shenanigans but then value war man, who has literally just been dip-dyed on a wool farm somewhere in wisconsin. strange man, shahter.
I am not sure if there are even wool farms here. Plenty of corn, plenty of cows, plenty of cabbage, and any other stuff I can't think of but no wool farms.

uziq wrote:

Shahter wrote:

uziq wrote:

i like how you dismiss evidence-based reporting as 'free press' shenanigans but then value war man, who has literally just been dip-dyed on a wool farm somewhere in wisconsin. strange man, shahter.
as i'm sure you have surmised from our past discussions, we have very different opinions on what constitutes evidence-based reporting.
as to war man - with him at least one can be reasonably sure that what's posted is his actual opinion, and noone paid him to post it here. yeah, he's a product of the system - so what? he's a good specimen to examine still.

btw, do you have an opinion on the matter? yours i'd certainly like better than war man's.
how do you think opinions are formed? you think war man has some divinatory power or something? he's an impressionable college-age kid that reads ... media sources. i'm not sure what sort of 'wisdom' you are appealing to in your high valuation of 'first-person opinions'. people generally don't construct good political views through gut-level intuition and emotional reasoning.
I don't always read media sources. There are some youtubers I watch that aren't paid by biased media like cnn and fox that I watch though, they are independent thinkers. I don't take what they say word for word necessarily, but I hear them out. Shahter if you'd like I can give you some youtubers to help get a better perspective here.

Last edited by War Man (2018-11-08 08:12:27)

The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.

Jay wrote:

uziq wrote:

i love the fact you literally got to where you are because of the help of socialised programmes and state welfare, but now you are salty about having to pay income tax.
You're a moron. Military service is not welfare.
yes and your 'service' wasn't undertaken out of some noble ideal of civic 'service', was it? you saw an easy ride through college, like many other people from your socioeconomic background before you. nothing wrong with that at all – it's to be lauded – but i wonder how many people came through a pell grant/gi bill/publicly subsided education after the military spouting drivel about 'socialist bootlickers' and 'cowards who are afraid to make their way'?

Last edited by uziq (2018-11-08 08:38:50)

Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5680|London, England

uziq wrote:

Jay wrote:

uziq wrote:

i love the fact you literally got to where you are because of the help of socialised programmes and state welfare, but now you are salty about having to pay income tax.
You're a moron. Military service is not welfare.
yes and your 'service' wasn't undertaken out of some noble ideal of civic 'service', was it? you saw an easy ride through college, like many other people from your socioeconomic background before you. nothing wrong with that at all – it's to be lauded – but i wonder how many people came through a pell grant/gi bill/publicly subsided education after the military spouting drivel about 'socialist bootlickers' and 'cowards who are afraid to make their way'?
Says the guy born into privilege received from an uncle's good fortune.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
my great-uncle was a self-made man, should be a hero of yours, no 'good fortune' involved.

but that's besides the point. why can't you address your own ideological legerdemain? desertfox has you pinned with the 'temporarily embarrassed millionaire' stuff. what is it with lower-class rednecks over-identifying with the wealth and 'success' of the 1%? they are not your tribe. and very few of them made that level of wealth in any way that can be equated with a moral principle or work ethic.

Last edited by uziq (2018-11-08 09:31:15)

Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5680|London, England

uziq wrote:

my great-uncle was a self-made man, should be a hero of yours, no 'good fortune' involved.

but that's besides the point. why can't you address your own ideological legerdemain? desertfox has you pinned with the 'temporarily embarrassed millionaire' stuff. what is it with lower-class rednecks over-identifying with the wealth and 'success' of the 1%? they are not your tribe. and very few of them made that level of wealth in any way that can be equated with a moral principle or work ethic.
He's got me pinned with nothing. He heard something on tv or read something online that told him he should blame the 1% for all the ills in his life. He specifically refused to advance his position because "it's only 1,200 and not worth it". He's a useless sack of shit that probably reads books about hygge.

Also, take your moral principles and shove them up your Marxist ass.

Last edited by Jay (2018-11-08 09:33:55)

"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
I am all that is MOD!

i love the dismissal of the arguement as something DF is regurgitating from what he saw or read. 

People understand that wealth redistribution upwards (which is what the tax cut is) can be a bad thing (and historically has been, in most cases).  The money would be better used by giving to the middle and lower class to promote spending.  This is not archaic theory.  Not sure why you (Jay) actively advocate against your own interests, but the idea of you being a wannabe millionaire is a pretty good theory.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5680|London, England


i love the dismissal of the arguement as something DF is regurgitating from what he saw or read. 

People understand that wealth redistribution upwards (which is what the tax cut is) can be a bad thing (and historically has been, in most cases).  The money would be better used by giving to the middle and lower class to promote spending.  This is not archaic theory.  Not sure why you (Jay) actively advocate against your own interests, but the idea of you being a wannabe millionaire is a pretty good theory.
No, I'm just not jealous.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
are all the economists who criticise trickle-down economics ‘jealous’? why are you so venal that you can only understand financial matters through the prism of your own selfish household budget?
The X stands for
+1,818|6428|eXtreme to the maX

Jay wrote:

You're a moron. Military service is not welfare.
It is in peacetime, which is when you signed up.

Aren't you the guy who stays in the highest-taxing state in America because its 'too hard' to transfer your HVAC licence to another state?
Fuck Israel
The X stands for
+1,818|6428|eXtreme to the maX
I'm sure that when the pundits look back on this period (assuming there is a future for them to look back from) they'll conclude that every decision Trump took was to benefit himself, his businesses and his family.

What are the tax cuts worth to Trump Inc over the next 10-20 years? $1bn? Its worth taking a bit of flak from the communists at CNN for that eh?
Fuck Israel
I am all that is MOD!

Jay wrote:


i love the dismissal of the arguement as something DF is regurgitating from what he saw or read. 

People understand that wealth redistribution upwards (which is what the tax cut is) can be a bad thing (and historically has been, in most cases).  The money would be better used by giving to the middle and lower class to promote spending.  This is not archaic theory.  Not sure why you (Jay) actively advocate against your own interests, but the idea of you being a wannabe millionaire is a pretty good theory.
No, I'm just not jealous.
Nor am i - i know you're a fan of anecdotes (especially your own experiences) but I live in a place where $84K is the low income threshold and I'm about to become a homeowner for the second time. My financials are sound.  I get taxed over 40% between federal, state and local and the only problem i have is the allocation of those taxes. I understand that as someone who is fortunate to be secure in my livelihood and housing situation that I am responsible for helping out those who aren't in as good a position as me.

You're just a salty, mean fuck who doesn't want to help anyone but yourself.  Despite you needing social assistance to get where you are today, you want to pull the ladder up once you make it on board so that no one else can benefit like you did. 

You are the worst type of person, and you portray it as some sort of bootstrapping worldview when you're just a complete asshole.  The world needs less people like you, not more.
The very model of a modern major general
+796|7007|United States of America
I suspect Jay misinterpreted my motivations for criticizing the tax cuts, which is why his response was that I was jealous and/or should ask for a raise or get a better job. As I stated, I'm perfectly happy with my job (which reminds me, I still have some pictures from my Euro business trip I should share) and compensation for me as a single twentysomething, as I know it's above average. My debts consist of $1900 at 0% interest on a car compared to my friends still paying student loans, so I also am aware my financial situation is far rosier than a lot of my peers.

My criticism is not coming as a "well I should've gotten more!" view. I don't want to ask for a raise because the company got a tax break. I want everyone to get a raise so they can actually have a reasonable standard of living. My qualms, as described by others above, are that it is economically unjustifiable to give breaks to the exceptionally rich. The wealth gap has starkly increased over the last half century and the average Joe is worse off. This is where I would cue the Baby Boomers talking about how they worked summers to pay for college and then graduated and bought a house.
Aye up duck!
+440|7031|England. Stoke
TBF Jay is the "gift that keeps on giving" very socialist of him.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Jay is going to be one of those guys who puts a gun in his mouth if he ever has to declare bankruptcy or loses the house.
Aye up duck!
+440|7031|England. Stoke

SuperJail Warden wrote:

Jay is going to be one of those guys who puts a gun in his mouth if he ever has to declare bankruptcy or loses the house.
won't ever be his fault though...
The X stands for
+1,818|6428|eXtreme to the maX


The money would be better used by giving to the middle and lower class to promote spending.
Probably 50:50 between returning to people to be spent locally and govt projects and targeted spending - people do spend a lot of money on stupid crap after all.
Compared with being given to the top 1% to be invested in tax havens and jewellery - no real trickle-down there.
Fuck Israel

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