So the attorney General lied about being in contact with the Russian ambassador. Meh. At this point I would be surprised if anyone in the Trump admin wasn't in contact with Russia.

Kathy Watson was anxious about her health coverage even before she woke up gasping for breath last month and drove herself to the emergency room with a flare-up in her heart condition.
After struggling for years without insurance, the 55-year-old former small-business owner — who has battled diabetes, high blood pressure and two cancers — credits Obamacare with saving her life.
Watson also voted for Donald Trump, believing the businessman would bring change. She dismissed his campaign pledges to scrap the Affordable Care Act as bluster.
Now, as she watches the new president push to kill the law that provided her with a critical lifeline, Watson finds herself among many Trump supporters who must reconcile their votes with worries about the future of their healthcare.
“I’ve been through enough,” Watson said recently, sitting on the patio outside her mobile home, down a sandy road in a rural corner of northern Florida. “I don’t want to go back.”
I voted for Hillary and my entire contiguous coastline was people
you are stupid.Cybargs wrote:
The muslim ban overturn by the courts is more political than legal.
The executive office always had the power to exclude anyone from entering the country. It's even encoded in legislation. wrote:
you are stupid.Cybargs wrote:
The muslim ban overturn by the courts is more political than legal.
The executive office always had the power to exclude anyone from entering the country. It's even encoded in legislation.
judges get law wrong all the time. Even the best and most famous of judges can get law wrong in the name of justice (eg Lord Denning on Contracts). Even appellant judges can get the law wrong. Why do you think there's an existence of appellant courts? there is a large amount of supreme court precedent in regards to foreign policy/ immigration.KEN-JENNINGS wrote:
you're right. Those judges who are making rulings don't know the law. Maybe you can tutor them for a small amount?
Last edited by Cybargs (2017-03-28 14:57:46)
yeah because the united states was totes known for welcoming all races and nationalities and did not have any restrictions at all.Dilbert_X wrote:
Yes, its only one line of law which ever matters, not the constitution, 200 years of case law, other laws etc.
They aren't relevant at all.
Last edited by Cybargs (2017-03-29 04:24:06)