Dilbert_X wrote:
uziq wrote:
sounds like you're describing your precious northern/western european cultures from 1600–1950...
Its human beings in general, at the extreme end they're about the same, Nazis, jews, muslims, there's no real difference. Except the last two have been around a lot longer - you'd think they would have progressed a little.
so you've essentially reversed your original statement entirely. good o.
and shouldn't it be the other way around? white europeans in 1935 should have known better? after all, they had a cultural renaissance, a major religious reformation, the dawning of the scientific enlightenment, several political revolutions – all this within their cultural heritage. but no, they still made up a bunch of silly cults, dressed as pagans and pranced around the woods at summer solstice, built lots of modern housing in the manner of rustic 16th cottages, took norse names as alternatives to their christian-baptised names (good little peter becoming Odin or Hermann), released pamphlets encouraging citizens to fuck in the graveyards of war dead so the 'souls of the fallen' would be reborn in their fresh stock, based their headquarters at castles that lie on ancient ley lines (himmler's SS), sent off pseudo-scientific expeditions to the himalayas to try and find dressed up evidence of the link between aryan cultures and germanic ones (hitler also said that ancient greeks and romans, latin and mediterranean cultures, were 'nordic aryans'), and, finally, of course, blindly shipped off 8 million people to industrialised factory-line murder based on a bunch of ancient superstitions (oh and a terribly written fake book, the protocols...)
so shouldn't your great white hope have known better? seems like a terrible regression to me. so much for those effortlessly superior north european cultures. at least the abrahamic religions can claim to merely be following a tradition that has two and a half millennia of weight behind it.
Last edited by uziq (2017-03-05 02:43:25)