Happy to say I rarely embarrass myself these days. Am happily improving my SPM and K/D ratio and can now spot a noob, however, I have to be honest, in my first 50 hours in this game I have done some pretty stupid things.

- tried to switch from rifle to pistol to save reload time only to throw my enemy a medic pack.
- Caught an engineer repairing his tank, and instead of hopping in and nailing him, have tried shooting him only for him to get in the fucking empty tank...
- Walked over at least a dozen of my own claymores
- thrown a grenade 4 inches and blown myself up.
- stood and stared at an enemy for 5 or  seconds cos there was no red text above his head only for him to casually walk up to me and stick his knife in my chest.
- carried on driving over the A/Tmine??????? I mean what the fuck did I think was going to happen?

.....and so on and so on...... i was wondering, what is your most embarrassing piece of combat action that you wouldn't want anybody to know about. Please tell me it's not just me!!!!!!!
+10|6802|Somewhere over the Rainbow,AUS
THIS IS A TRUE STORY, RAMMED a friendly blackhawk (being full of course), which then fell down onto a jeep, Humvee with 3 ppl in it, killing them as well. As you can imagine i was severly punished.
looooooooooooolz the tank thing i still do at nearly 400 hours lol nice post m8
loonitic a potty mouth
Jumping out of a car while playing as engineer surrounded by 4 infs and I was armed with a Spanner (I died quickly)
Running my self over (think we've all done that at some point and time. God i hope its not just me...)
Dropping Artillery on my self. (mmm don’t ask)
I play at night... mostly
+47|6854|the best galaxy
I tried to make a roll when going prone cause every else was doing it.
I see the enemy exiting a tank and jumps in, only to get blown up by C4. Sneaky Bastards!
I engage 3 enemy soldiers with less than 3 rounds in my machine gun.
I think the arty shells are not gonna hit me and don't run.

PS: can you kill with the spanner? haha that could be fun.

Last edited by Freke1 (2006-09-01 07:59:47)
The fantastic Mr. Antichrist
Mashtuur, a few weeks ago on the EU server :

We played as MEC the first round and my mind sort of stayed in that role after the new round began.

So, next round, our squad attacked the north gas station while our beloved squad leader Lt. Goldman stayed a bit back a as spawnpoint, hiding in the bushes...
After I died, I spawned on him and that was the moment when something went wrong in my mind.

I spawned very close behind him, and my train of thoughts went like this :

1. There is a soldier in front of me !
2. I can´t see his name tag (because I was so close to him)
3. So he must be an enemy !
4. He didn´t see me !
5. Stab him !

DoooH !!!

Well, long story short, I was later awarded with this :

+8|6973|Brighton, UK
Joined a Wake Island game just as my side captures the Chinese Airfield.  So I spawn as special forces and blew up the Arty... that's when I realise I'm Chinese..... and I just destroyed my own Artillery.  Doh!
My most stupid thing ever....

Took a black hawk, about 3 team mates hopped in and of we were off... Screaming, yelling, howling and preparing for the upcoming battle! To reach our drop of point I had to fly over our own artillery point. As soon as I was flying over the commander orderd an artillery drop.


The commander got 4 teamkills for that..................

Hope you understand what Im talking about because my English isnt really good.


Last edited by OXTHAFOX (2006-09-01 08:05:21)

+99|6944|New York
I spawned at silo 5 and the bogatyr was reining hell down on us so I went active camo, put RDX on its legs and started running out of range to detonate and was like hell yes! then I got 4 tk's ..It seemed that the 2 occupants vacated and 2 of my teammates jumped in and to top it off it fell on the apc and I got 2 more from that. Now I run away looking at my targets...
Chanetoy Dugali
+309|7018|Groningen / Netherlands
i died while being in battle

shaga_delik wrote:

Joined a Wake Island game just as my side captures the Chinese Airfield.  So I spawn as special forces and blew up the Arty... that's when I realise I'm Chinese..... and I just destroyed my own Artillery.  Doh!
Happend to me to one time..................................... Now thats pretty humiliating isnt it????
+149|6856|USA bitches!

shaga_delik wrote:

Joined a Wake Island game just as my side captures the Chinese Airfield.  So I spawn as special forces and blew up the Arty... that's when I realise I'm Chinese..... and I just destroyed my own Artillery.  Doh!
I used to blow up my own arty all the time. I thought that when the enemy took your base w/ the assests, they became their assets. No fun explaining that to a pissed off commander.

Knight`UK wrote:

looooooooooooolz the tank thing i still do at nearly 400 hours lol nice post m8
thank god for that!!! cheers m8.
Kick His Ass!
+371|7002|Howell, Mi USA
Flying the F-15 on Kubra, i saw a flag go neutral the the minimap. I flew over, saw about 6 guys standing around the flag. The second i released the bombs, nametags appeared on the guys around it........ oops. Being punished for a teamkill is an understatement

The most common mistake i make flying choppers is moving my fingers back to w,a,s,d after typing a message. Sometimes i miss and hit E and well.. yea.

Last edited by Cbass (2006-09-01 08:40:37)
Yes, I am Queeg
Mine was a couple of days ago playing on Chinese team on Dragon Valley...

Spawned at the main China base and hopped in a tank to go and take back the power station.

I drove over the bridge and turned hard right down the ramp only to spot an enemy engineer finishing of laying a row of mines at the bottom og the slope. I hit tha brakes and managed to stop just short of the mines *phew*.

Thinking quickly I hopped out of the tank and ran over the mines on foot to take out the engineer mano-a-mano. Just as I got out of the tank and started to run I noticed he is running towards me, he didn't fire, just kept on running, went straight past me and hopped into my tank.

My tank became his tank and he let me have both barrels.

Respect ;-)
loonitic a potty mouth

EricTViking wrote:

Mine was a couple of days ago playing on Chinese team on Dragon Valley...

Spawned at the main China base and hopped in a tank to go and take back the power station.

I drove over the bridge and turned hard right down the ramp only to spot an enemy engineer finishing of laying a row of mines at the bottom og the slope. I hit tha brakes and managed to stop just short of the mines *phew*.

Thinking quickly I hopped out of the tank and ran over the mines on foot to take out the engineer mano-a-mano. Just as I got out of the tank and started to run I noticed he is running towards me, he didn't fire, just kept on running, went straight past me and hopped into my tank.

My tank became his tank and he let me have both barrels.

Respect ;-)
LOL been there...
+519|6929|Gold coast, Aus.
- walking into an alleyway wih 24 bullets in my AK to realise theres a whole bunch spawn campers waiting for me.....Funny thing is, I won.

- went to strafe right and hit "f" and pulled out a grenade
Once while I was driving I jumped out and drove over myself.
+1,352|6801|N. Ireland
Worst was on Karkand. I was at the bottom of the staircase bit around the market, heading up on the road that leads to the Square. All the enemies were on top and really forcing us down - a lot of friends lay prone on the staircase bit. I was throwing grenades up, and 1 accidentally landed on the staircase, teamkilling several people including a damn Lieutenant General! I got kicked for having 4+ teamkills lol. I was doing really well too!
Gawd...I am constantly trying to hook my enemy up with med packs and support bags. One douche actually waited for me to quit cycling through all the useless crap, and once I pulled by gun he knifed me in I think the head.

My other favorite retarded thing I do is when I'm trying to fix the assets, and an enemy patiently waits with his C4 loaded until its almost finished repairing. Then--BOOM. 2 points for the kill, points for the demo, me laughing at my own stupidity for not checking.
U.S. > Iran
One of that isnt mentioned already anyway, would have to be when I tried to be sneaky and Shock Paddle someone for a kill.....the shock paddles missed and zapped nothing.  The guy (who was AT and had his launcher out) turns around to see what the noise was and Im standing there with my paddles waiting for a recharge.  He scrambles to get his gun out but I managed to shock him before he realized he should have ran as he pulled out his gun. 

But something that ended up with my death.......hmm..........1 could be on Wake, riding as a passenger in a blackhawk.....of course being targeted by both J-10s in the air.  We started getting blasted by their gun fire, so I bailed into the water......a long way from shore.  I finally get close, and probably another 20 seconds would have reached land, but as Im swimming along, I find there is a guy on the AA position who sees me.  Lets just say I stopped swimming after a good 5 minutes to give him an easier kill.

FourthHorseman wrote:

My other favorite retarded thing I do is when I'm trying to fix the assets, and an enemy patiently waits with his C4 loaded until its almost finished repairing. Then--BOOM. 2 points for the kill, points for the demo, me laughing at my own stupidity for not checking.
It is kind of like that way for me, except I would hide behind the arty repairing it with the shield impairing my vision so the SF would just leisurely walk up and chuck C4. I never noticed what happen until it's to late.
Tank Troll
+71|6997|London, UK
placing a supply drop on me and forgettin to move out the way....
Jet Whore
Landing in my jet & seeing 3 cars going on the airstrip >_<
2142th Whore
shot a nade into my face with a noob tube in the alley of hotel in karkand and blowing up 2 other ppl beside me

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