kardinalios wrote:
misfire00 wrote:
kardinalios wrote:
I have make a thread in EF but im not sure that i have an answer...
Try to Join in 2 servers to play EF.
Never got in,i saw "No server selected" and then i saw this-->
http://img371.imageshack.us/img371/9786/whatssdz9.pngIs this has to do with Point of Existence that i install couple of hours before?????
Yep, I get the same "modified content" error. I hav'nt tried a fix yet but gonna take a look around before doing anything. Maybe something's on the POE2 forums, I will let you know.
Thanks pal
Its happening in Armored Fury too ?
I only found a couple of posts on the POE forums but they didn't have any solid resolution except to reinstall POE (meh). So I fired BF2 up and joined servers with no problems today (Core BF2, SF, EF and AF).
So I'm thinking since I installed POE on Monday, played some rounds on POE servers that night and then tried to login to a regular game and received the "unmodified content" error that PB had not updated. If you want to do a manual update I found this post - thanks to OrangeHound...
This is a quite common error that is caused by something that has become corrupted with your installation. Fortunately, the BF2S community has noted several fixes that are summarized from this post with my clarifications:
Problem - Modified Content Error
Cause - Your Battlefield 2 Files differ in some way than the servers
Fix - Few things to try and get this Fixed.
1. A frequent problem is that one of your personal configuration files has become corrupted. As a result, move your Battlefield 2 folder from My Documents to your Desktop before uninstalling and reinstalling.
2. Make sure you have the latest BF2 1.3 patch (use the full 1.3 patch and not the incremental, which has caused problems for MANY people). Then install BF2 > then SF > then FULL 1.3 Patch.
3. Still doesn't work? Try and update PunkBuster, to do so use the program, pbsetup, found at this website
http://www.evenbalance.com/index.php?page=pbsetup.php4. Still problems? Try re-downloading the 1.3 FULL patch (DO NOT USE THE INCREMENTAL 1.3, WHICH HAS CAUSED PROBLEMS) from a different website and install it again (steps 1 &2), maybe several times trying each time to see if it has worked.
5. Still not working? Do a manual uninstall of battlefield 2, instructions on how to do this can be found here
http://support.ea.com/cgi-bin/ea.cfg/ph … faqid=8986
Then reinstall Battlefield 2 and apply the latest Full Patch (steps 1 & 2).
6. You could have faulty RAM, try running a program called Memtest86 to test your ram for errors. Also try removing a stick of RAM from the machine to see if it helps running on just 1 stick of RAM.
Last edited by OrangeHound (2006-08-21 21:59:34)