If anyone else gets the Discovery Channel in HD (Discovery HD Theatre), I highly recommend checking out Battleground: The Art of War. This is one of the best war/historical shows I've ever seen, and I am a big nerd who's seen a lot of this stuff.

Each show tell the story of a single major battle from world history, using reinactments and the best CG I've ever seen in a documentary. Even in HD, it's hard to tell whether the landscapes and battleground overhead shots are CG or real. The show also has really good commentary from historical weapons experts and from Dale Dye.

So far I've seen an episode on The Battle of Gaugamela (Alexander the Great vs Persian Empire) and on Waterloo. An ep on the Battle of the Bulge is on Fri Aug 25 at 6pm EST. The Waterloo ep will run again on Aug 26 at the same time.

http://dhd.discovery.com/tvlistings/epi … hannel=DHD
http://dhd.discovery.com/tvlistings/epi … hannel=DHD
