I have no idea what you're talking about.
Sweet LMFAOThomasMorgan wrote:
I have no idea what you're talking about.
/crystryyker wrote:
this is pissing me off. i have about 300 images in my photobucket. and these days, it seems that every site i go onto, people are using stuff from my photobucket without my permission. i would appreciate it, if you dipshits asked me first, before stealing my work.
im sure if you search around, you have seen people use some of these, sometimes taking the sig/pic, and just slapping their own name onto it. its a punch to the face for me, and it disrespects my work.
if you are reading this and you use my works without my permission, please remove them.

i think your wrong on the davey havok , considering he actually ISNT gay, if you actually knew about the guy youd know that, and YOUR the one who stole the photographers picture of AFI and twisted it, GFG I OWN YOU!