
Thee most hated bf2 kit

Spec ops10%10% - 73
Snipers30%30% - 214
Medics15%15% - 114
Support15%15% - 108
Assault15%15% - 111
Engineers13%13% - 93
Total: 713
arrivederci frog

Wicked_Wumpus wrote:

When a sniper sits back from the battle and shoots at people from far away they are doing their job
When a sniper plants claymores to protect themselves from knife attack or to defend a base they are doing their job

Do you people expect a sniper to be up on the front lines with their crapy close combat weapons and no body armor?  A sniper stays away from the front lines because that's what they are supposed to do.  They are given powerful rifles for a reason, to shoot people from far away and support their team.
Every kit function can be justified, doesn't stop people from hating them though.

zer0fus10n wrote:

its not true i can end up with more kills then anyone on that server but have a good amount of team points and be called a whore?
Ditto with me sniping.

Noop-Ni wrote:

Todd_Angelo wrote:

ShadowFoX wrote:

You can go out and mow down 6 people with your f2000 just to turn a corner and get killed by a claymore which requires no skill just dropping something on the ground.
The same goddamn thing can happen with a grenade, APC/tank shot, noob toob, Havoc gunfire and what have you.
Claymores are easier to use than all those, though. They can also be put down and left, so the sniper basically gets a free kill with no risk.
Easier? That's a moot point but I know what you mean, but you get face to face with one and he basically has one chance to drop you before you mow him down; I call that balance.

Noop-Ni wrote:

And incidentally, if you were refering to the grenade launcher when you said noob tube, you're dead wrong. They nerfed that thing to hell. No easy kills with it anymore.
I realise they've been nerfed to hell but I still get killed with them regularly.

Noop-Ni wrote:

Anyway, it's pretty obvious that snipers are the most hated kit.
Yep. Most of the hatred is misplaced but that's another story.

Noop-Ni wrote:

Even without the claymores, they'd still be the people who kill you from miles away without giving you a chance to fight back. Being killed from miles away with no chance to fight back annoys people.
Oh you mean like with artie? Or bombs/strafing from a jet? Or the Havoc's gun, or chopper rockets in general? That's life in BF2.

Knight`UK wrote:

Snipers biggest pussies in the game because they wont fight you face to face and place shitty gaymores everywhere and whine because medics can earn more points then them and are more useful to the team in general .
You sound like you really hate being killed by claymores, well then simple solution: squad up and have a medic take the six. As I've said before claymores in their current incarnation are an incentive to greater teamwork; either adapt or die and stay dead.

As for the face-to-face thing, deal; they're not going anywhere. And have you played any maps where there are jets and helos FFS?! Not only will they not come down to face you 'man to man' they're either flying at great speed or in an armoured metal box, so whine about them more goddamn it. Or do you like to pilot so that job is exempt from your scrutiny?

[HhB]Jonny-JX wrote:

The second crappiest are the sniper-noobs. You were playing a round with 10 people per team and 8 of the team are snipers. but only 1 or 2 of those 8 have an k/d better than 1.0.....the rest are laying down at the stupidiest places and woundering why they get killed all over the time....

I say nothing against good snipers, if they hit a lot of targets, they could be gold for your team. As well as medics, pioneers, assaults, supporters, at's and specs......If they good, let them play...
Well said.

Mj.Blindfisch wrote:

But what I can't accept and tolerate is stupid,incorrect,unjustly and exaggerated bullshit stupid people post just to justify their lack of skill and inability to adapt.

Umibozu_IT wrote:

snipers. mainly because 99% of them can't hit shit and the only reason they choose that class is because they can spam gaymores all around and get easy frags.
Okay, in all seriousness I'm getting sick to death of seeing this. I use claymores a lot and I still don't have Veteran Explosives Ordinance and I'm willing to bet a truckload of money that many of the "noob sniper gaymore whores" don't have it either so let's get a little reality check here shall we?

Umibozu_IT wrote:

Moreover i still have to see a sniper being the last man of his team with no flags left making efforts to conquer a flag.
You haven't played with Nyte. Or me. Or a bunch of other guys FFS. You might not even notice what a sniper has done to help in such a situation because he may have realised you were down to one flag and taken it as his cue to go and cap another one, perhaps using his last remaining claymore to protect his flank, so he actually prevented you from getting into that situation in the first place.

And, if I may be immodest for a second, although I can get tunnel vision a bit when sniping just as much as the next guy I have pulled a team's fat out of the fire many a time doing exactly what you say you've never seen... repeatedly on Sharqi (my favourite map), lots of times recently on Karkand, just last night on Wake. One claymore actually saved an entire game last night FYI; the guy in the tank who was also at North Village on Wake made the mistake of getting out to find me on foot... because I made sure I wasn't in a spot he could easily get me from within the tank... ran into it and this allowed me to take the flag, giving my team somewhere to spawn and we then lasted long enough for the tickets to run out on the USMC side (we were over 100 tickets ahead and things just went pear-shaped at the last minute). So much for snipers being useless

Oh and BTW, as far as flags go your flag points/min, 0.19; mine, 0.20. I have two sniping-only accounts where it's 0.22 and 0.28 respectively.

tvmissleman wrote:

snipers are lamers
Pilots are lamers. Chopper gunners are lamers.

goriLLa|inc wrote:


If you use claymores, I have no respect for you at all.
Spoken by a guy with 89% of his kills from being in a chopper. Ask yourself, will I respect you in the morning?

Demoneyes47 wrote:

Every kit can be easily hated if the user is terrible!
Roger that!
Teh strogg!
+205|6787|Trondheim, Norway
i love 'em all and hate non of them, so null vote for me...
Last of the Uchiha
+4|7020|Hong Kong, China

Emil_the_Slayer wrote:

i love 'em all and hate non of them, so null vote for me...
My thoughts, exactly. Another null vote.

..Although I do wish that Grenade Luanchers has a bigger explosion. Not as big as in real life, but enough to know that you can't jump away from a explosion.
You sound like you really hate being killed by claymores, well then simple solution: squad up and have a medic take the six. As I've said before claymores in their current incarnation are an incentive to greater teamwork; either adapt or die and stay dead.

As for the face-to-face thing, deal; they're not going anywhere. And have you played any maps where there are jets and helos FFS?! Not only will they not come down to face you 'man to man' they're either flying at great speed or in an armoured metal box, so whine about them more goddamn it. Or do you like to pilot so that job is exempt from your scrutiny?

Todd sorry my post was aimed at a certurn person here who i may add posted just a childish remark as me about medics so yeah iam going to be pissed at snipers.

I dont vechile whore at all fyi ,your comment about helos and jets and armour is invalid and nothing to do with my remark at all iam talking soldier to soldier .You see fyi iam a groundpounder and the snipers i hate are those lil fucks who dont use claymores like you and the other snipers do eg:-

for your own protection

for flag protection

not spammed everywhere for easy kills but for the job they are meant .

Todd i prefer if you actually get to know or atleast read some other peoples post before makeing your mind up about what kind of person/player they are .

My rant at gay lame fag shit snipers is over

There are decent snipers out there but they are very few and far between .

And btw Todd going by some of your posts i think your a tad arrogant sometimes other times you seem a nice fella .

Last edited by Knight`UK (2006-08-18 13:36:15)

+8|7062|Ontario, Canada

Todd_Angelo wrote:

And, if I may be immodest for a second, although I can get tunnel vision a bit when sniping just as much as the next guy I have pulled a team's fat out of the fire many a time doing exactly what you say you've never seen... repeatedly on Sharqi (my favourite map), lots of times recently on Karkand, just last night on Wake. One claymore actually saved an entire game last night FYI; the guy in the tank who was also at North Village on Wake made the mistake of getting out to find me on foot... because I made sure I wasn't in a spot he could easily get me from within the tank... ran into it and this allowed me to take the flag, giving my team somewhere to spawn and we then lasted long enough for the tickets to run out on the USMC side (we were over 100 tickets ahead and things just went pear-shaped at the last minute). So much for snipers being useless
I have seen that type of scenario played out many times... done it once or twice myself... What is frustrating is when the last man standing is some n00b hiding in the hills somewhere waiting for someone to magically cap a flag... THAT is what helps gives the impression of snipers being useless.

Let's take all the kits and vehicles out, except boats (take the guns off though). Remove all stationary AA/AT and machine-guns. Take the EA and DICE logos out of the game. Remove the easter-eggs. Remove Karkand. Remove Wake. Remove the ROE and TOS. Replace all kits with one that has only a knife and pistol. And the pistol would have fewer magazines then they do now. Remove the China team and rename the MEC team "Blue". Rename the US team "Red". Next replace all the maps with a single map, wide open with no buildings/hills/pools/sandbags/fog/water. Give it three flags, 1 Blue one Red with a single neutral one in the middle. None are uncaps. Wipe the memories of all BF2 players to remove all memories of what BF2 used to be and to remove complaints of nerfing. Remove squads and the commander. Remove BattleRecorder. Remove the server browser. Remove BFHQ. Remove the Play Now button. Make everyone's controls the same, non-changeable. Run a hardware check on all players and disable G5s, G7s, MX518s, all Razer mice, and the G15. Make the maximum usable RAM while in BF2 512MB. Then release it as BF2 1.00 and release a virus via Internet and mailed CDs that destroys all copies of patches 1.01 through 1.4 final.

There. No more complaining, everyone's happy.

Mj.Blindfisch wrote:

I just love this quoting out of context and omitting the important parts just to make your post look good.
My post was right below yours. I was skipping parts because I didn't want a quote that took up a page. That's it.

How the hell did what I skipped make my post look better, anyway?

Noop-Ni wrote:

Claymores are easier to use than all those, though. They can also be put down and left, so the sniper basically gets a free kill with no risk.
Easier? That's a moot point but I know what you mean, but you get face to face with one and he basically has one chance to drop you before you mow him down; I call that balance.
Is it? It's balanced that the sniper dominates long range and yet can still get kills at close range?

In any case, the sniper can put down his claymores and leave. No risk at all, and yet he'll still get a kill. Fair? No.

Noop-Ni wrote:

And incidentally, if you were refering to the grenade launcher when you said noob tube, you're dead wrong. They nerfed that thing to hell. No easy kills with it anymore.
I realise they've been nerfed to hell but I still get killed with them regularly.
And? I get kiled by assault rifles all the time, but I don't say they take no skill. The grenade launcher is a hell of a lot harder to get kills with than an APC or a Havoc. Don't group it with them.

Noop-Ni wrote:

Even without the claymores, they'd still be the people who kill you from miles away without giving you a chance to fight back. Being killed from miles away with no chance to fight back annoys people.
Oh you mean like with artie? Or bombs/strafing from a jet? Or the Havoc's gun, or chopper rockets in general? That's life in BF2.
Right. It is. All those things annoy people. That's why snipers are the most hated kit.

Last edited by Noop-Ni (2006-08-18 21:43:15)


Knight`UK wrote:

Todd i prefer if you actually get to know or atleast read some other peoples post before makeing your mind up about what kind of person/player they are .
And I'd prefer not to have to defend snipers practically every week so we're even:D For the record, I didn't make my mind up about you, otherwise I wouldn't have used the interrogative now would I? Unless I have already become familiar with someone's position(s) from reading other posts, and remember them, all I can do is respond to what's in the thread.

Knight`UK wrote:

There are decent snipers out there but they are very few and far between .
Probably so.

Knight`UK wrote:

And btw Todd going by some of your posts i think your a tad arrogant sometimes other times you seem a nice fella .
I try not to be arrogant in the traditional sense but I may certainly appear arrogant in defence of my chosen speciality because it's so often under attack (usually unfairly because of the massive generalisations, almost always failing to see that it's the person using it that should be reviled, not the kit they chose to use). Besides, a tad arrogant, by the standards of some here, should barely be noticeable!

Dr0pped wrote:

What is frustrating is when the last man standing is some n00b hiding in the hills somewhere waiting for someone to magically cap a flag... THAT is what helps gives the impression of snipers being useless.
Yep, granted.

Dr0pped wrote:

I have seen that type of scenario played out many times... done it once or twice myself...
Incidentally much the same scenario played out on Wake for me twice last night, only I wasn't so lucky these times Smart guy the second time wouldn't get out of his tank and the first time there were just too many of them, two tanks too, and even with artillery help it just wasn't enough. Sucks too as both times we were well ahead on tickets.
i hate playing the sniper kit.

I just feel that I'm sitting around not proactively helping the team when I'm hidden on some side mountain twiddling my thumbs.

I play sniper when I do commander because I'm more effective that way....with artillery and uav.
Germans did 911
+427|6989|Disaster Free Zone

eatmywheaties wrote:

i hate playing the sniper kit.

I just feel that I'm sitting around not proactively helping the team when I'm hidden on some side mountain twiddling my thumbs.

I play sniper when I do commander because I'm more effective that way....with artillery and uav.
Then dont do that... no one said you couldnt 'attack' while using the sniper kit. thats purely your choice, not the kit.
Nade Spammers Must Die
Assault: Nothing pisses me off more than to be killed by a n00b tube
Snipers = gaymore spammers
Hates snipers and says the "F" word a lot
+72|6981|Houston, Texas
Hi. Look under my name.
The Forum Alien
+89|7114|The planet Tophet
i dont hate the kit i just dont play it as often but Spec Ops and Sometimes Assullt

DrunkFace wrote:

eatmywheaties wrote:

i hate playing the sniper kit.

I just feel that I'm sitting around not proactively helping the team when I'm hidden on some side mountain twiddling my thumbs.

I play sniper when I do commander because I'm more effective that way....with artillery and uav.
Then dont do that... no one said you couldnt 'attack' while using the sniper kit. thats purely your choice, not the kit.

eatmywheaties, just because you're using the sniper kit doesn't mean you have to shy away from the action:

assult===nub tubes...

ShadowFoX wrote:

Snipers claymore spamers who hide behind their little claymores or better yet spam claymores all over the place.
You can only drop 2 @ a time, unless you are in a uesless non-ranked server...

luckeydogg wrote:

ShadowFoX wrote:

Snipers claymore spamers who hide behind their little claymores or better yet spam claymores all over the place.
You can only drop 2 @ a time, unless you are in a uesless non-ranked server...
BF2s AU Server Admin
+315|6889|Melbourne, Australia.

Sgt_Bob05 wrote:

Assault: Nothing pisses me off more than to be killed by a n00b tube
hence why its your favorite kit you tuber
Frosties > Cornflakes

+4|6887|I'm not sure

ShadowFoX wrote:

You can go out and mow down 6 people with your f2000 just to turn a corner and get killed by a claymore which requires no skill just dropping something on the ground.
The skill lies in not turning the corner and giving the sniper the 2 easy points.
As for the poll, I don't hate any, but play assault the least. Love the AT - can handle anything.

kikkin_assssssssss wrote:

assult===nub tubes...
Copenhage master
wtf ??^^^ lmao
Well iam surprised medic is in 3rd place espcially after the amount of whine/flame agaisnt lately on this forum .

Sniper in 1st place by a mile doesnt surprise me at all lol j/k

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