tiga tiga tiga tiga tiga woods ya'll
Well as i look back on my grade 10 days of school i remember the fun old game of dodge ball. It was last period and we were playing dodge ball, i was one of the last 3 members on my team, i picked up a ball and saw a player on the opposite team running to throw the ball, she was a girl. I had ball in my hand and ran towards her and threw the ball and, well, to be honest it was one of the best throws i had ever thrown in dodge ball, the ball which was at my full force smashed her right in the face, she dropped to the floor and knocked out her contact, if there was a bullseye on her face that ball would have been dead center in the middle. I felt really bad about it, she didn't really deserve it, but maybe then again she did, was a real bitch to me, even before i hit her.

Anyone else have any moments from your school past
+69|6891|Fountain Valley,CA
in the 7th grade my math teacher Mr.Ngyuen was yelling at the class that we didnt care that we got an F or D and he was saying that when he was are age he would cry if he got an F or a D , i started laughing so hard and i looked around the class and i was the olny one laughing and he just stared at me you could guess what happend next
bad touch

i got an F on a science test, and my teacher asked what "F" stood for, so i proceeded to yell out, "FUCK" to the whole class.
The Cereal Killer
+201|6975| United States of America
lets see there that was with the pie and itching powder.......well there not that either.....damn......*thinks to self* i wonder whats on TV? */thinks to self*.........nope i dont got anything
Personal philosophy: Clothing optional.
+1,022|6940|Camp XRay

I farted in class one time
The Cereal Killer
+201|6975| United States of America

Marlboroman82 wrote:

I farted in class one time
been there done that
U.S. > Iran
Well, I believe once I read another thread similar to this......lets search....type in ....lets not there....umm....embarrassed maybe?.............aha....found it

But a more on topic response, once in......6th grade I believe, my whole class was in the library for the reading time which the librarian would read to us.  Kinda childish for 6th grade we thought, but what the heck. Well, in this particular section of the library, the seating is raised from the concrete slab protion of the floor. So if you say, hit it with your hand or stomped on it it would sort of echo, and the center of this section was lowered where the teacher sat reading.  Well a friend of mine and I were joking around, and I was sitting with my back leaned up against some bookshelves, with my knees up and the bottom of my feet on the floor.  My friend decides to make this retarded face and claim he was batman which made me laugh out loud horribly, well upon expelling my laugh, I farted really loud, only to be amplified by the floor which allowed it to echo beneath it as well as pretty much vibrate it for those sitting near me.  Not only was it embarrassing, I laughed my ass off with the rest of the class while the teacher sat embarrassed.  It was classic.....
+60|7030|USA, Arizona
I got suspended for suspicion of attempted school shooting... I had no idea what they were talking about but the Military Police detectives were pretty cool to me considering I was close to expulsion. I was living at Germany at the time, dad was in the Army so that justifies why the MP's were involved and luckily it was a misunderstanding; to this day I'm still unsure why my 'friends' ratted me out and thought I was going to shoot up the school...
In 2nd grade I threw my pencil box into the air and screamed "I GOT IT" during the middle of dead silence. I didn't catch it though. Instead it crashed and popped pencils and crayons all over this girls desk. I didn't even get in trouble for it. XD

Last edited by I_am_Waffen (2006-08-15 21:58:23)

Ready for combat
+211|6912|Belchertown Massachusetts, USA
uhhh lets see. there was the time i went to the Deli during Band period and got a roast beef grinder and got back before anyone could see that i was gone.
I fell in dog shit then barfed on my clothes when Italy won the world cup and the streets were filled with people in front of everyone
+98|6975|Penrith, N.S.W, Australia
i was playing street hokey in pe and smaked a girl in the face with the ball she cried, on the plus side she was goaly, an i scored.
The Original BF2 Timelord
a few years ago, me and some friends found some old shaving cream. we put it in the freazer for a few months, then the last day came. i put it in an esky and then braught it to school discuised as a esky full of drink (for final celebrations)then me and my friends got a hacksaw from a cool Design and tech teacher and we then went hunting, We found that this cow of a music teacher had left her car window open. wrong mistake, we then carefully sawed the top of the shaving cream lid off (it doesent explode becouse the matter iside is solid) and threw it into the car and ran off. we came back after school and saw that the prank had gone to plan, the frozen Shaving cream within had expanded to fill most of the car, we hid and waited untill she came to her car, the results were fucking hilarious. she went Mucking Fental. you sould of seen the tow-drivers face when he came to tow it off.

but i woudnt try it these days, its extremely dangerous. even if you freeze it for like a year there is a risk of blowing your face off.
Cursed You
didnt happen to me, but near me.

Was in class after we got back from christmas vacation (January 3rd).  And everyone in class was complaining, and a conversation like this popped up.

kid:  School is back up too early!
teacher: No its not you had 2 weeks off
kid: but its right after new years!
teacher:  so?
kid:  Well Im not over my hangover and you look like you arent either

BAM.  Free ticket to the office.
+151|6852|Forest Lake, Australia
I got a boner in class over my English teacher...That was last year in Grade

On a more serious note, in Uni this year, we were playing dodgeball, and a mate threw a foam ball (at the most it'd weigh 300 grams) at a girl.  It smacked her in the face and she hit the ground like a sack of shit.  That was funny in itself...But the funniest thing happened the day later...
She came in with a neck brace, crutches and a black eye, and said she'd fractured her cheek

Somehow, none of us believed
Real Хорошо
+826|6836|Adelaide, South Australia

in grade 5 i let a party-popper off during a maths lesson. scored me a 20 min Time out, but it was worth it.

in grade 7 one of my classmates was doing a project on whales and wanted to know what they ate. she asked me the question and i replied: shrimp, krill and polar bears. she actually wrote that, and almost lost marks for it.

in grade 8 my class was playing hockey in PE, and this stupid f**ker flicked the puck into my nads ( i was a goalie and had no pads at all, damn PE teacher) and after i recovered i managed to stop another shot at the goals to gleefully return the favour...     

that about sums it up for me
Towards the end of a recess break one of my mates had dropped a hard skinned mandarine ont the ground. I kicked it across the playground and we all watched as a kid walked into its course. It exploded on his face and he started crying. Then i ran away
Where's my coffee gone!?
It happened yesterday...

I was playing a game at lunch that we like to call the 'fuck' game, whoever can scream FUCK the loudest.. wins!
I ended up winning right when the principal walked past us. But I won! I fucking won!!
The oldest chav in the world
+2,423|6990|Cardiff, Capital of Wales
Got caught kissing a girl by the headteacher, told me to do it on stage in assembly next morning to see how "big" I felt then.  Almost got caught going that next stage further in "woodwork", she was working the wood quite well I thought.

In exams when your all in the hall, 2 meteres apart able to hear a pin drop, the teacher doing his rounds walking past everyone looking over their shoulder, he got where I was and I let one rip on the plastic chair, looked up at him and said "ahh for christsake sir, im in the middle of an exam".  I wasnt at all embrassed, he was, all the hall laughed and pointed.
the electric eel has got me by the brain banana
I once dared a fellow class-mate to put his dick in another fellow class-mate´s ear and he fucking did it! this was in the third grade, man his parents were pissed! Not so embarrassing for me though..
Where's my coffee gone!?

sgt.sonner wrote:

I once dared a fellow class-mate to put his dick in another fellow class-mate´s ear and he fucking did it! this was in the third grade, man his parents were pissed! Not so embarrassing for me though..
LOL! What did the class mate do? the.. er.. the victim, whatd he do?
the electric eel has got me by the brain banana
The victim was actually a girl, she just started crying..
Served and Out
+642|6878|Southampton, UK

I took a dump on my teachers Chest.
+5|6825|South Africa Cape Town
Well, here in South Africa when I was still at school. One would get a hiding with a cane stick if u f&*@ed up at school.
I did something (cant remember what) and was sent to the headmasters office. I was grade 10.

He went to the cupboard and got his cane out, turned around and told me to bend over for him.
My reply......... "No Thanx Sir, I would rather take a hiding with that cane stick of yours"

THAT DID NOT GO DOWN WELL.....................   : )
International OMGWTFBBQ
+200|7048|Uhh... erm...
Very, very embarassing.

It was during assembly, I had just won a prize for winning a book quiz. Then my class teacher calls me, so I go over to her, and she whispers in my ear, 'Zip your pants.' I freaked, and looked down. Then I rushed to the toilet. Almost everyone in the school saw it.

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