Shadow - Please say something I dont want legal proceedings vs me.
sorry dudes - i watched it but didn't have time to reply.1927 wrote:
Shadow - Please say something I dont want legal proceedings vs me.
THAT WAS THE SICKEST THING I HAVE EVER SEEN. That sort of thing should be illegal. That man shouldv'e been shot on sight for having that thing.
EDIT: spelling - damn, nearly went into shock.
Last edited by Shadow893 (2006-08-16 12:15:30)
Rely rely nasty ....

You're sick man. Take a chill pill and look at it from outside the box you loser. OUTSIDE THE BOX.iNeedUrFace4Soup wrote:
clearly you didnt hold a bible over yours and dig it out with dirty fingersFathomsDown wrote:
It looks like it was done in some backstreet clinic too. Normally when they are removed they take the whole thing out without bursting it as they can cause some secondary infections. I drained a small one I had one with a needle, the wound got infected and it swelled up to the size of a hens egg! And the smell.... It was worse than a French cheese shop on a hot summer's day! It put me off home surgury for life!
that was fucking awefull
i don't want to see that again
i don't want to see that again
Last edited by Richard2000 (2006-08-16 12:35:32)
that is disgusting lol
The human twinkie. SO sick, yet so captivating. There is a moritorium on all yogurt products at the Howler residence for the next eternity.
i still say that it was fucking cool.
i'm going to watch it again.
i'm going to watch it again.
I suddenly have this strange craving for vanilla yogurt with strawberry syrup.
Who gives a fucking shit.. thats nasty as hell
He used a spoon.
I've seen this before. I then brushed my teeth afterwards and laughed.
I've seen this before. I then brushed my teeth afterwards and laughed.
eat some lazania and watch this
It's mean making fun of people's food...why do you think the woman put it in a bowl with a spoon? That thing can feed a whole family in 3rd world reconsider!!!
Ugh you guys living in civilized nations are so spoiled
Ugh you guys living in civilized nations are so spoiled
that was in no way funny.Vartan wrote:
It's mean making fun of people's food...why do you think the woman put it in a bowl with a spoon? That thing can feed a whole family in 3rd world reconsider!!!
Ugh you guys living in civilized nations are so spoiled
unlike the video. which was COOL.
/watches again.
I SO WANNA BURST THAT!dhoar4 wrote:
Wow...That's a big fucker...But how about this one?
Those are more complicated infections than normal pimples.....
For most of the public - Pimples are caused by many different bacterial Staphlococcus infections....
Those pimples are ALOT more resistant to treatment, and since they are that large, popping it would spillt he pus all over the skin in the area, and spread into a body wide infection if not treated with a STRONG anti biotic such as interferon.
For most of the public - Pimples are caused by many different bacterial Staphlococcus infections....
Those pimples are ALOT more resistant to treatment, and since they are that large, popping it would spillt he pus all over the skin in the area, and spread into a body wide infection if not treated with a STRONG anti biotic such as interferon.
wow man thats some sick shit. That had to effing HURT LIKE CRAZY dude omg... *feels dizzy*
First of all, that really wasnt that gorey
Second of all, that must have been really fun to pop. Popping normal sized zits is fun, so that musta been real fun!
Second of all, that must have been really fun to pop. Popping normal sized zits is fun, so that musta been real fun!

Holy fucking shit!!
It wasn't that bad, in fact I wasn't moved at all by it. Yet I can't bear to watch someone put a contact lens on.
Last edited by ExecutionerStyle (2006-08-16 16:50:31)
*throws up for 10 minutes* holy fucker that shit is dishusting omfg