+72|7039|Indianapolis, IN
I am 17 right now and also considering Military service.  I have talked to recruiters from the Navy, Army and Marines.  But really it all comes down to whether or not I want to pursue that field.   I would like to go to a branch of the service but go via ROTC so that I can get a degree in engineering.  But it all comes down to whether or not I want to do it.  So if you truly want to do it, then do it.

USMC all the way. … ;q=marines

Join the brotherhood my friend.

"Most people die an old age in bed alone, some die amongst their family trying to make a difference.  Semper Fi"
I'm not normally one to give advice, but here it goes:

1. If you have aspirations of some kind of professional career (not just a job) then at the very least you need to enroll in college and join as a reservist. That's what I did.

2. This isn't a fucking game. This isn't TV time. This isn't ribbons and medals. I was OUT, as in O-U-T out of the reserves when the first Gulf War hit, and I got a telegram (did you even know they still had telelgrams? I didn't.) putting me on 24 hour call up notice. I went to a church and prayed like holy hell that I wouldn't get stuck in the God forsaken desert (offshore actually) getting shot at by a bunch of dipshit zealots.

3. If you make it through Basic you'll be able to stare any man in the eye for the rest of your life and know that no firing, no loss of a game, no bad girlfriend breakup or divorce, no 'nothing' can take away from you that you have done something that all the asshats on the street and BF2 wish they could have done, get past Basic and deserve that uniform.

4. If you get an Honorable Discharge you'll have something on your resume that tells people that (1) you're a team player, (2) you know how to LEAD and FOLLOW, and (3) you can finish what you started.

FIRST sign up for college, SECOND make sure you are doing well and can handle it, THIRD be CERTAIN that you can stand up to being called up, and if you can do all that, enlist in the reserves and see if career military is for you.

Last edited by Dersmikner (2006-08-11 22:28:47)


For those of you choosing to join The Suck, enjoy your first two
+271|7073|United States of America
I'll do it once I have the chance to.
Ready for combat
+211|6912|Belchertown Massachusetts, USA
im 6'9" am i a liability to the armed forces? i personallly think i am

seymorebutts443 wrote:

im 6'9" am i a liability to the armed forces? i personallly think i am
You ain't 6'9'' in the prone position.  Grab a rifle my friend.
At 17 I joined the Service did 4 years and was Forced out i guess by Clinton and his downsizing. I spent 7 years out and then joined again but with the National Guard ( and before any of you asshats say shit remember 70% of the troops in Iraq are National Guard ) I dont ever regret going in I do regret getting out. The way I look at it is someone has to the job and if you feel that you want to or need to go for it.

your girlfreind if she is going to stand by you than she will if not than you dont need her. sorry to be blunt.

About Deployment and boot camp. BEST TIMES OF MY LIFE enough said

and whoever said something about the president FUCK YOU I dont want to imagine where this country would be if someone else was in office.
here is an add on......

I would rather be the one kicking in doors than the one behind the desk sending you to kick in the door.

there is a place for officers and if you are going to be one start from the bottom and know what it feels like to be the door kicker that way you can make smarter decisions and also help out the enlisted guys ( and gals ) because you have been there and done that. most officers never know what its like and dont lead troops from the front as they should but the lead from behind.

Never ask a man to do something you are unwilling to do yourself......
Ready for combat
+211|6912|Belchertown Massachusetts, USA

usmarine2005 wrote:

seymorebutts443 wrote:

im 6'9" am i a liability to the armed forces? i personallly think i am
You ain't 6'9'' in the prone position.  Grab a rifle my friend.
ye but my legs stick out and i trip alot.
my Platoon Sergeant in Fast Co was my Senior D.I. from Bootcamp...

[1FR]S3v3N wrote:

my Platoon Sergeant in Fast Co was my Senior D.I. from Bootcamp...
Thats must have been weird.  I ran across one of my D.I.'s in Hawaii and we got wasted.  Good times.

Last edited by usmarine2005 (2006-08-11 23:05:48)


usmarine2005 wrote:

[1FR]S3v3N wrote:

my Platoon Sergeant in Fast Co was my Senior D.I. from Bootcamp...
Thats must have been weird.  I ran across one of my D.I.'s in Hawaii and we got wasted.  Good times.
I thought it was going to be weird but i was his 1st squad Leader so all of us "command" staff SNCOs and NCOs had our weekly get drunk nights..  very good times...
Aspiring Objectivist
Go for it, just realize that its not a game, do us proud.
U.S. > Iran

stef10 wrote:

Man do not go. Those terrorists can go fuck themselves. You can die, and for what. For some people who do not care if they receive freedom or not. In my opinion all the guys should go home, and let them solve their own problems. And to scary you. A soldiers from my country got shot in his head. Maybe by sniper. I think the bullet went through the lower part of his head. And another guy also got shot in the head, but he was protected by his helmet. Maybe the first one will be vegetable.
In all honesty, if I join, people like you are the exact reason.  Regardless of what I think of your opinion, I would lay my life on the line to keep your sorry ass sitting at home bitching about the war effort.  I dont know what country you are from, but believe me, plenty of people from mine have lost their lives being there.  Dont think for 1 minute your comment is going to bring me down a peg or two.

usmarine2005 wrote:

seymorebutts443 wrote:

im 6'9" am i a liability to the armed forces? i personallly think i am
You ain't 6'9'' in the prone position.  Grab a rifle my friend.
True that

Last edited by {BMF}*Frank_The_Tank (2006-08-12 04:40:39)

a mate of mine wants to join the RAF! joın the club rofl
You should think about joining the French Foreign Legion. You need to be a good sprinter though so bear that in mind.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2006-08-12 05:01:47)

U.S. > Iran
I am not joining the French Foreign Legion.  I will not serve another country before mine.
Superior Mind
(not macbeth)
I sometimes think about joining...but I'm not sure if they will take me do to some medical problems. (nothing serious, but it can be made serious real easy). I think that the only time I will join is when we have a draft, I will join up before I am selected so I can get extra training. BTW I am 16.

Last edited by Superior Mind (2006-08-12 05:50:55)


{BMF}*Frank_The_Tank wrote:

I am not joining the French Foreign Legion.  I will not serve another country before mine.
word. you know why the french have the foreign legion? coz their own army sucks bad . join the Army Rangers, then move to special forces
U.S. > Iran
No disrespect to anyone who may have served as a Legionaire, but my opinion of them is that the majority of the foreigners to that are other nations military rejects.  I wouldnt be surprised if there are some al-queda among them seeing as they pretty much let anyone in.

comet241 wrote:

I went to the marine recruiter right out of high school... took all the tests and whatnot. was told i could have any job i wanted. backed out at the last minute to go to college instead. now that I have my degree, Im thinking of going back to the marines. Good thing now is that I have my degree I could become an officer right off the bat (go through ocs first....) so.... instead of being the guy kicking in the doors and cleaning the shit bucket, I would get to tell others to do it....

get a degree first, become an officer. Im thinking of trying to go into the marine air division and pilot some fucking choppers. man, that would be my dream job.

oh, and my edit is that when i went to the recruiter right out of high school it was june of '01.... three months of boot camp later.... guess where i'd be now????
It seems like you were kind of joking, but I'll add this to the other person's post anyway. Officer's don't tell anyone what to do, they tell the Warrant/PO's/Sergeants what needs to be done, and THEY tell everyone what to do. Being an officer is cool, because you learn a lot of cool shit you otherwise wouldn't. But it is nothing like the army's from before the early 20th century where officers were God.

Think about that a little before you go through OCS. It'll help a lot, and your soldiers/sailors will thank you (with less spit in your coffee).

{BMF}*Frank_The_Tank wrote:

No disrespect to anyone who may have served as a Legionaire, but my opinion of them is that the majority of the foreigners to that are other nations military rejects.  I wouldnt be surprised if there are some al-queda among them seeing as they pretty much let anyone in.
Nope. First, they are professional soldiers. In the strictest sense of the phrase. The legion is a group of soldiers who couldn't really care that much about "nations", so join the legion because they know they will get to fight. Their reasons for wanting to fight are varied, but they are definitely real soldiers.

Second, before you can join you have to have your fingerprints cleared with Interpol, and it's still a national force fighting in the interests of France. They do not let anyone in, only people who are good soldiers without (Interpol) criminal records.
Great success!
+216|6894|Chandler, AZ
If it's what you want to do, do it. Your girlfriend should understand, and I think you already mentioned that she supports you in it. If you're having a hard time with the thought of leaving her, think about the man you'll be when you get back, and how proud she'll be of you when you're home. Not to mention you're putting your neck out on the line to protect hers, along with the rest of the civies.

The bottom line is this. It's your life, and the man you see in the mirror every morning is you. You don't look at that reflection and see anyone else but you. You've got to make the decisions that are best for you, and if you rob yourself of an opportunity that you really feel passionate about because of someone else...well, just remember that you'll have to continue to look at that man in the mirror every morning.

Do what's right for you. Whether that's serving or starting full-time work and continuing that relationship that way, it's your call. And you have to make it for yourself.

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