U.S. > Iran
Hello everyone,

I am actually posting this, to get some input on my thoughts, mainly input from people who have been in or are in the U.S. armed forces now.  To start off, Im 21.  I considered joining the army when I was 18 and right out of highschool, but at the time, obviously I decided not to.  I am used to hearing about people join the army/military because they didnt have anything better to do, and they always say that it sucks and its not all its cracked up to be.  I am considering enlisting in the Army Reserve.  Some of you may crack jokes, about it being part time Army, but really I dont care.  As I said before, I thought of enlisting right out of school when all of my friends did...
Friends in the service:
2 in USAF
2 in USMC
3 in Army Nat'l Guard
1 in US Navy
And one friend who was previously in full active duty Army but since has gotten out

Ever since I was a kid, Ive always had a fascination with military tactics, weapons, etc.  Ive always thought that if I were to enlist, I wouldnt want to be attatched to anyone at home.  But my g/f of 2 1/2 years is getting ready to start college, as I will be finishing within the next year (2 year school).  She knows I have always had, I guess you could say a passion, or even a natural want to do it, and she encourages me to do it if I am going to regret not doing it later in life.....which I am afraid of.  I just feel like having not enlisted, I am missing out on something that I should be doing.  It may sound a bit wierd, but I feel like it is almost a natural calling and I wonder if because of this, if I should enlist.  I have some hesitations, mainly, as wussy as this may sound, I almost dont want to go off to basic, and AIT for about 6 months, leaving my g/f behind....and even worse, getting deployed for a year at a time.  While I have these thoughts in the back of my head, I still feel as if I am depriving myself of an experience that has always called me.  But being who I am, Ive always made sure others were ok, before helping myself. 

So Im asking, what are your thoughts?
+152|6844|London (At Heart)

If it is what you want, do it.

If the American military is anything like the British, you can withdraw after basic training if it isn't for you.
+56|6937|Massachusetts, USA
I thought about it seriously out of high school....my buddy joined the Marines and was in Desert Storm 1....

For him, it was probably the best thing he ever did.  Paid for his college, gave him some great experiance (his job was to be on the front lines and triangulate or direction find radio communications of the enemy and call in art. or air strikes on the locations).  He ended up finishing college after and became an electrical engineer.  The military experiance is highly sought after in the corporate world - shows initiative, fearlessness and leadership.

On the other hand....with all that is going on today - I would be really careful what you get yourself into - expecially with the "global climate" heating up - we have a ton of potential conflicts, not only in the middle east, but Korea as well, that will most definitely flare up.  Maybe think of that when you are trying to decide on the branch - flying heli's would be pretty cool....and much better than sitting in a HUMVEE on some corner in the middle of Iraq.

Good luck whatever you decide to do!
I sometimes regret I wasn't in the Army, but at the time I was drafted I was still in University and when I got out the drafting of soldiers here in the Netherlands was cancelled.

Colleques that were in the Army say it was the best time of their life.

One thing you have to keep in mind is that a career in the Army is VERY bad for your relationship.
Your GF has to be a VERY STRONG woman to accept the fact that there will be times she will not see you for a long time and has to live with the fear of you dying.

If she is not the woman of you life this is not a problem, but if she is, than this will be a tough call.

About your fear for Basic training.... It is hard, but remember that you are not alone. You are in there with you buddies, forging that bond between men that you can only understand when you have been in the military.

Damn you lucky bastard for beeing so young you can still make all the choices you want in life....
Go make em... and never regret any choice you make... for all choices have a good and a bad side.
Whisky Tango Foxtrot?
+201|6996|Broadlands, VA
Tank - you owe it to yourself to check out the Coast Guard also.  They see alot more action with drug interdiction & such things.  It's a bit tought to get in to.

Is the Merchant Marine still active?
U.S. > Iran
Not sure if Merchant Marines are still around or not.  The reason I consider Army Reserve, and not full time Army is because of the whole "1 weekend a month, 2 weeks a year" thing and I can keep my job outside of the Army, and while on deployments or training exercises, the company by law has to preserve my job.  I guess you can say, the only REAL set back is making the decision to go off and leave my g/f here.  She is a strong woman and if need be, can put up with not seeing me for long periods of time as long as shes able to have some communication such as email, letters, phone call etc.  I love her alot, and dont want to do anything that will really discourage our relationship, but I cant help debate the thought of enlisting when she tells me she would be proud of me and wants me to do it if I am going to regret doing it later in life.
YOUR mom goes to college
I am currently in the USAF.  Joined at 24 and have been in for three years.  Is it the best thing that ever could have happened to me?  Not necessarily, but it's certainly isn't bad...and it was really the best option I had.  Things have worked out pretty well for me so far.

I would say, if you're going to join, go AirForce.  It sounds like you want to, but that maybe you like your civilian life too and don't want to totally lose that.  AF is the closest branch to civilian life you'll find but it's definately still military.  Depending on your career field in the AirForce you could deploy for 4 months, 6 months, or one year.

As for basic training and deployments, regardless of which branch you join you will most definatly go through both of those.  If you think you can join the military and be able to slip through the cracks and not get deployed...you are wrong.  But, it's really not as bad as you might think.  I was deployed to Balad AB, Iraq last year (granted, it was only for about 5 months) but it wasn't too bad.  The worst part was being away from my wife and kids for that amount of time.  But if you are not married, and your gf is in college anyway, it's not going to have a huge impact.

If you aren't satisfied with where you're at now and you're looking for a change, I say try it.  Worst case scenario if you don't like it, get out after four years and get college paid for and have a great bullet on your resume.  Not to mention the experience of seeing more of the world...even if it's some of the crappy parts.  In the past three years, I've been to Turkey, Iraq, and Quatar for deployment reasons.  I currently am stationed in northern Italy and have been able to visit Venice, Rome, Austrian Alps, Slovenia (country north of Italy), and Paris France.

In the end, it's a choice for you, and you alone.  Good luck.
U.S. > Iran
I dont expect to "slip thru the cracks" and not get deployed lol.  Going military is going to ensure deployment at some point.  I know that my friend who is in the USAF is security forces, and his deployments are 6 months.  Atleast he was in Afghanistan for 6, and is scheduled to be in Baghdad for 6 and leaving next month.  Thanks for the input, Im really thinking about something, because like I said, Im fearful of regretting not enlisting....but Im also fearful that if I do, it could damage my relationship which I do not want to do.
+5,233|6846|Global Command
Do it brotha!

I wouldn't join any army which has a wacko president on top of it.
U.S. > Iran
Thanks for the input bernadictus, but who is in office isnt really a concern of mine, shit can happen regardless of who is in that chair.
Well, as far as i can see i'd say "do what you think is the best for you".
i (22 years) also thought about re-joining the Austrian forces for a international assistance operation, if you wish to see what they do take a look at http://www.bundesheer.at/english/index.shtml

I have other (sad) reasons for rejoining, but i think it would be a great experience. I also think it will help me forget that fuckin shit that happened the bygone year.
Another helpful reason for it is the good payment.
U.S. > Iran
ok, 3 hours later.....anyone else have any input?
+164|7082|Normal, IL
I went to the marine recruiter right out of high school... took all the tests and whatnot. was told i could have any job i wanted. backed out at the last minute to go to college instead. now that I have my degree, Im thinking of going back to the marines. Good thing now is that I have my degree I could become an officer right off the bat (go through ocs first....) so.... instead of being the guy kicking in the doors and cleaning the shit bucket, I would get to tell others to do it....

get a degree first, become an officer. Im thinking of trying to go into the marine air division and pilot some fucking choppers. man, that would be my dream job.

oh, and my edit is that when i went to the recruiter right out of high school it was june of '01.... three months of boot camp later.... guess where i'd be now????

Last edited by comet241 (2006-08-11 13:42:22)

When I joined college I started doing the AF ROTC program because I thought I had an interest in the military.  Ended up not continuing that program after the first semster but it gave me a lot more respect for the military.

I would do a lot of reading, go to recruitment centers and ask LOTS of questions.  Try to get as many different perspectives as you can.  If you think the military is for and decide to join... mad props man... you like all service memebers get my respect.
I left for boot camp right out of high school leaving a pregnant girlfriend (now wife) behind. I would do it all over again if I had the chance. I got to travel the world, meet tons of different people (favorite was the British they could drink their ass off) and done things I never would have had the chance to do as a civilian. Now it is helping me pay for college. Not to mention college is pretty much paid for in the service at least the Marine Corps it was but the best thing I can tell you is when you wake up in the morning and the first thing you think about is being in uniform then its definitely right for you. Well good luck in your decision.
I think its something you really need to think about.  Think car fully on which branch also.  They all have there pluses and minuses.  Me personally I always wanted to join the Army.  I ending up enlisting in the Marines.  It just seemed more of a challenge.  No matter what you join all the benefits are the same.   O and BTW I'm a reservist and if I could do it again I would go active.  You miss out on all the different things active duty military people get to do.  Basically your stuck at home, being a civilian the you go "play army" on the weekend.
Man do not go. Those terrorists can go fuck themselves. You can die, and for what. For some people who do not care if they receive freedom or not. In my opinion all the guys should go home, and let them solve their own problems. And to scary you. A soldiers from my country got shot in his head. Maybe by sniper. I think the bullet went through the lower part of his head. And another guy also got shot in the head, but he was protected by his helmet. Maybe the first one will be vegetable.
Fat guy in speedos
Stay home and enjoy all the pussy and recreational substances you can, when you get old you will look at this post and say "Damn this guy was a genious"

comet241 wrote:

I went to the marine recruiter right out of high school... took all the tests and whatnot. was told i could have any job i wanted. backed out at the last minute to go to college instead. now that I have my degree, Im thinking of going back to the marines. Good thing now is that I have my degree I could become an officer right off the bat (go through ocs first....) so.... instead of being the guy kicking in the doors and cleaning the shit bucket, I would get to tell others to do it....

get a degree first, become an officer. Im thinking of trying to go into the marine air division and pilot some fucking choppers. man, that would be my dream job.

oh, and my edit is that when i went to the recruiter right out of high school it was june of '01.... three months of boot camp later.... guess where i'd be now????
uugghh.. another one of those i went to college so i can order you around now types.  It'll last about 10 seconds before you get put in your place by a Gunny who's been in for 15 years.  Keep that in mind if you decide to go to the Dark Side.


I served 5 years in numorous roles in the USMC, from 0311 ground pounder to designated marksman sitting atop a roof with a spotter for hours on end.  Its once experience you won't regret, the people you get to meet you'll never forget.  The training you recieve is highly sought after in the civilian world. I graduated early from high school, went to boot camp and made it back in time for graduation as a *Marine* then it took off from there. School of Infantry, off to Basic Security Guard school, had a blast with 2nd FAST Co (Fleet antiTerrorism Security Team), deployed to Afghanistan with 2nd Fast, then with experience gained and as a young Corporal i was transfered to Marine Corps Security Force Co, Bangor Wa to teach other Marines about combat, antiterrorism etc, where i also went to Designated Marksman School, Close Quarters Battle School, SERE.  Then it was off to the AntiTerrorism Bat. Where i did security operations in Iraq then got out, came home and became a Sheriff's Deputy.  I also managed to complete my college in achieving a Bachelors in Criminal Justice..
Having spent 8 years in the navy, about 4 of that on a sub as a navy nuke I will tell you some things.  First, I commend you for trying to find out some stuff besides what a recruiter may tell you.  Second, if anything, you need to find a job that does something for you on its own when you do get out.  I mean, ground pounder is fine but what are the job possibilities with that training after?  After going through the nuke pipeline I can now say that I can find a job anywhere in the country doing just about anything.  I'm currently working for a Elevator company but am soon going to a nuke plant as a reactor operator.  I did get a B degree in th navy.  This is what I would say to you.....envision where you want to be in 10 years, find tou what you need to do to be there, and use the military as a stepping stone to get there.   Don't go in figureing something will happen.  Go in prepared.

Also, if you do join, make sure you get everything that goes wrong with you documented in your medical record.  The VA will rate you when you get out and you could qualify for VA compensation and disability.  Right now I'm rated at 50% for stuff that happened to me and its about as much as a house payment per month.   Helps out alot. 

Also, you need to figure out how much time you want to enlist the more techincal job (ie better training) require more time committed.

Here is a good break down on the armed forces
Army-you get shot at but alot of glory
Air force-90% of the AF is supply and spend most tend to only spend short times away from home if any. Slow advancement.
Navy- On the average, you spend more time away from home than the other forces but its broken up more.  Fastest advancement (because ussually the job is hard and its a lot of time away from anything), offers some of the better training (and outside job chances) you can find.
Coast Guard- good advancement, spend some time away but not as much as navy, not as good training
I would also like to add..employers do look for anyone with military backgrounds.  Try to find the MOS that offers a leg up.
Wish I could join, I am 32 years old and married with a 8 month year old. Could'nt do it. But, sometimes I think about the early years and wish I had joined then.
dunno about USAF but most military services are not all that good with long term relationships.
But if its what you want to do, you'll have to make some sacrifices.
[1FR]S3v3N I agree with ya about comet241.  LOL GD Ogangers....remember this comet..that guy cleaning that shit bucket very well might be the guy who pull your ass out of the fire or takes out the guy who had you dead to rights....Always respect those above and below you as if your life was in thier hands...because it is.

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