I tried to nab it on Ebay but I wasn't willing to spend USD$200+ on it.sheggalism wrote:
Yeah, just a bit, in a famous video games shop in Paris, and yes this game was absolutely awesome but unfortunately too rareRygar wrote:
Have you ever played Panzer Dragoon Saga for the Saturn? I hear it's one of the best RPGs ever made, only few copies were made.sheggalism wrote:
Seiken Densetsu II (my first RPG) and Final Fantasy VI (my beloved RPG), too hard to make a choice.
Saturn : Shining Force III !
The SNES games here at a used store (similar to EB cept it sells comics, d&d stuff, all that kind of collectable) go pricey too (FF3 is 150, a lot more at 50 bucks).