Not counting some of the common complaints, here are a couple things that currently bug me:
Favorites list is broken, I can't add to it, and if I refresh all the existing favorites are gone.
CTD is a common thing now, for clients AND servers.
Sadly, no one should expect a perfect game when they buy it, especially from EA, but I do expect it to not be more made unstable as patching goes on. A solution (even if it means rolling back the patch) should not be months in the coming either (or longer...**cough** red tag bug **cough**). I can cope with gameplay changes (even if they do take away from the game), but stability is the very foundation of any software. If you can't get that don't have a good product (popular != good).
At best, I'll not buy 2142 at realease, but will do just like I did with BF2 and let a few patches come out. At worst, having seen how much they are willing to change gameplay and even go so far as that BS ROE childishness, not to mention the instability, and the general point whoring that the stat system creates, I'm having my doubts I'll be interested in 2142 at all.