Well theres been a bulletin going around like this:
Dear Freshmen....
Congrats....now you're the lowest of the low,
Here are just a few helpful words of advice:
1) You are Not cool.
2) Everyone Does Hate You.
3) You are annoying.
- Do not wear ripped jeans and an Abercrombie shirt because you want to make "a variety of friends."
- Do not slick your bangs to your face and wear "bracelets" in you're ears because you think that you're Hood.
- Sex doesn't make you cool, and if you do have sex don't tell anyone. Nobody cares, really.
- You are a F-R-E-S-H-M-A-N.. not a "Freshie".. shut up you sound gay.
- Don't think you're smart because you filled up water bottles with vodka and snuck it onto your 8th grade field trip. We've all done it.. so don't be proud.
- Don't try the Emo scene. Just don't do it.
- DO NOT think that the upperclass girls/guys are your best friends.
- Don't think that you have privacy now that you're in high school. Once you're here, your business is everyone's business, yes there IS still drama, probably even more.
-Don't think that just b/c you know some upperclassmen ur not gonna get picked one,b/c you WILL!
- Don't try to sit at upperclassmen lunch tables. You will be picked up and thrown onto the floor.
- You'll never be as hott as the '07, '08, and '09 people. So don't try.
- Don't try to act older than you really are. The way you walk, dress, and talk just has freshman written all over you.
- You're "The Class of '10'" haha.. enough said.
- If you are black, hispanic, etc. WE GET IT, You love your country! Thats peachy but dont make everything a race related issue because your poo still stinks.
- PLEASE NO MORE XXXXL shirts and ridiculously baggy pants on skinny white kids, nobody likes white chocolate. Allow me to kick you in the face.
- If you are going to try and rebel, it most likely won't work.
- Don't be a slut. This should be the number one rule.
- DO NOT crowd our halls like cattle, because the upper classmen can (& most likely will), push you out of the way. You will get hurt.
- Don't try to get with a boy/girl who's older than you. Chances are, if they are attractive they are taken, & their girlfriend/boyfriend will have no problem effing you up & there most likely using u for sex
Welcome to hell.
Believe me---You can't win. Have fun being a freshman...for a fun-filled year with no life and no opinion whatsoever.
-The Classes of '07, '08, and '09
-If you're an UpperClassmen: repost this
Do you see how stupid that is? The whole, we're older now we're better than you by a year this is crap so....
Here's my revamped version:
Dear Sophomores....
Congrats....now you're the lowest of the low,
Here are just a few helpful words of advice:
1) You are Not cool.
2) Everyone Does Hate You.
3) You are annoying.
- Do not wear ripped jeans and an Abercrombie shirt because you want to make "a variety of friends."
- Do not slick your bangs to your face and wear "bracelets" in you're ears because you think that you're Hood.
- Sex doesn't make you cool, and if you do have sex don't tell anyone. Nobody cares, really.
- You are a S-O-P-H-O-M-O-R-E.. not a "Sophire".. shut up you sound gay.
- Don't think you're smart because you filled up water bottles with vodka and snuck it onto your 8th grade field trip. We've all done it.. so don't be proud.
- Don't try the Emo scene. Just don't do it.
- DO NOT think that the upperclass girls/guys are your best friends.
- Don't think that you have privacy now that you're in 10th grade. Once you're here, your business is everyone's business, yes there IS still drama, probably even more.
-Don't think that just b/c you know some upperclassmen ur not gonna get picked one,b/c you WILL!
- Don't try to sit at upperclassmen lunch tables. You will be picked up and thrown onto the floor.
- You'll never be as hott as the '06, '07, and '08 people. So don't try.
- Don't try to act older than you really are. The way you walk, dress, and talk just has freshman written all over you.
- You're "The Class of '09'" haha.. enough said.
- If you are black, hispanic, etc. WE GET IT, You love your country! Thats peachy but dont make everything a race related issue because your poo still stinks.
- PLEASE NO MORE XXXXL shirts and ridiculously baggy pants on skinny white kids, nobody likes white chocolate. Allow me to kick you in the face.
- If you are going to try and rebel, it most likely won't work.
- Don't be a slut. This should be the number one rule.
- DO NOT crowd our halls like cattle, because the upper classmen can (& most likely will), push you out of the way. You will get hurt.
- Don't try to get with a boy/girl who's older than you. Chances are, if they are attractive they are taken, & their girlfriend/boyfriend will have no problem effing you up & there most likely using u for sex
Welcome to hell.
Believe me---You can't win. Have fun being a sophomore...for a fun-filled year with no life and no opinion whatsoever.
Myspace sucks ass
Yes...whoever started the original Dear Freshmen thread, I have completely revamped it to Sophomores. You wanna know why? Because Myspace is fucking gay. Oooooo yeah....fuck you
Msyuscpkascaess (read between the lines)
Dear Freshmen....
Congrats....now you're the lowest of the low,
Here are just a few helpful words of advice:
1) You are Not cool.
2) Everyone Does Hate You.
3) You are annoying.
- Do not wear ripped jeans and an Abercrombie shirt because you want to make "a variety of friends."
- Do not slick your bangs to your face and wear "bracelets" in you're ears because you think that you're Hood.
- Sex doesn't make you cool, and if you do have sex don't tell anyone. Nobody cares, really.
- You are a F-R-E-S-H-M-A-N.. not a "Freshie".. shut up you sound gay.
- Don't think you're smart because you filled up water bottles with vodka and snuck it onto your 8th grade field trip. We've all done it.. so don't be proud.
- Don't try the Emo scene. Just don't do it.
- DO NOT think that the upperclass girls/guys are your best friends.
- Don't think that you have privacy now that you're in high school. Once you're here, your business is everyone's business, yes there IS still drama, probably even more.
-Don't think that just b/c you know some upperclassmen ur not gonna get picked one,b/c you WILL!
- Don't try to sit at upperclassmen lunch tables. You will be picked up and thrown onto the floor.
- You'll never be as hott as the '07, '08, and '09 people. So don't try.
- Don't try to act older than you really are. The way you walk, dress, and talk just has freshman written all over you.
- You're "The Class of '10'" haha.. enough said.
- If you are black, hispanic, etc. WE GET IT, You love your country! Thats peachy but dont make everything a race related issue because your poo still stinks.
- PLEASE NO MORE XXXXL shirts and ridiculously baggy pants on skinny white kids, nobody likes white chocolate. Allow me to kick you in the face.
- If you are going to try and rebel, it most likely won't work.
- Don't be a slut. This should be the number one rule.
- DO NOT crowd our halls like cattle, because the upper classmen can (& most likely will), push you out of the way. You will get hurt.
- Don't try to get with a boy/girl who's older than you. Chances are, if they are attractive they are taken, & their girlfriend/boyfriend will have no problem effing you up & there most likely using u for sex
Welcome to hell.
Believe me---You can't win. Have fun being a freshman...for a fun-filled year with no life and no opinion whatsoever.
-The Classes of '07, '08, and '09
-If you're an UpperClassmen: repost this
Do you see how stupid that is? The whole, we're older now we're better than you by a year this is crap so....
Here's my revamped version:
Dear Sophomores....
Congrats....now you're the lowest of the low,
Here are just a few helpful words of advice:
1) You are Not cool.
2) Everyone Does Hate You.
3) You are annoying.
- Do not wear ripped jeans and an Abercrombie shirt because you want to make "a variety of friends."
- Do not slick your bangs to your face and wear "bracelets" in you're ears because you think that you're Hood.
- Sex doesn't make you cool, and if you do have sex don't tell anyone. Nobody cares, really.
- You are a S-O-P-H-O-M-O-R-E.. not a "Sophire".. shut up you sound gay.
- Don't think you're smart because you filled up water bottles with vodka and snuck it onto your 8th grade field trip. We've all done it.. so don't be proud.
- Don't try the Emo scene. Just don't do it.
- DO NOT think that the upperclass girls/guys are your best friends.
- Don't think that you have privacy now that you're in 10th grade. Once you're here, your business is everyone's business, yes there IS still drama, probably even more.
-Don't think that just b/c you know some upperclassmen ur not gonna get picked one,b/c you WILL!
- Don't try to sit at upperclassmen lunch tables. You will be picked up and thrown onto the floor.
- You'll never be as hott as the '06, '07, and '08 people. So don't try.
- Don't try to act older than you really are. The way you walk, dress, and talk just has freshman written all over you.
- You're "The Class of '09'" haha.. enough said.
- If you are black, hispanic, etc. WE GET IT, You love your country! Thats peachy but dont make everything a race related issue because your poo still stinks.
- PLEASE NO MORE XXXXL shirts and ridiculously baggy pants on skinny white kids, nobody likes white chocolate. Allow me to kick you in the face.
- If you are going to try and rebel, it most likely won't work.
- Don't be a slut. This should be the number one rule.
- DO NOT crowd our halls like cattle, because the upper classmen can (& most likely will), push you out of the way. You will get hurt.
- Don't try to get with a boy/girl who's older than you. Chances are, if they are attractive they are taken, & their girlfriend/boyfriend will have no problem effing you up & there most likely using u for sex
Welcome to hell.
Believe me---You can't win. Have fun being a sophomore...for a fun-filled year with no life and no opinion whatsoever.
Myspace sucks ass
Yes...whoever started the original Dear Freshmen thread, I have completely revamped it to Sophomores. You wanna know why? Because Myspace is fucking gay. Oooooo yeah....fuck you
Msyuscpkascaess (read between the lines)