
Sarrk wrote:

BF2Craglyeye wrote:

dhoar4 wrote:

Are you fucking stupid?  I even quoted what you said about Victoria, and you're still not with fuck some of your greek friends...Piss off from this forum
Fuck off, your probably one of these fucking Brisbane surfie fuckfaces, brush your hair out of your eyes you wanker.

True I said a cold hole for Canberra, a minor descrepency with one word. quoted me but YOU still couldnt do that right, maybe instead of doing surfing as a subject at school, you should have done the English class one that teaches how to deal with people, without being a complete and utter cockmunch.

Im done dealing with you now, so please fuck of from this forum.

(oh and a gamearena player, really tells the story now doesnt it)
[Imho Gamearena is better too, there are no whining cry babies, if you cant stand the rape, then you leave]
Lets not derail this thread anymore by talking about the spastics that inhabit the gamearena servers.

I can handle a bit of rape from planewhores and spawn raping pussies on Karkand. But the Teamkilling from  Corporal butthead, but not being limited to lower ranks, even Major jackass snipes away at you or drives vehicles infront of planes and etc. That you rightfully obtained by sheer virtue of the fact you were there first.

Nothing good comes from those servers except for the variety.
+65|7010|las vegas
come to vegas. we have two seasons

hot as fuck

and cold as a witch's tit

it was 123 today in northern las vegas, 119 in western

record temps

although it has been higher since i moved in 98. once or twice

it's in the 30's lower 20s in the winter

in oct u have perfect weather for 2 or 3 weeks..then it takea  major dump.

anyway wish i could go to austrailia. but im to broke
iPod is broken.
+1,048|6982|NT, like Mick Dundee

Spark wrote:

Camski wrote:

a hole????

No it's not....

Canberra is worse if you ask me

BUT! If you're into all this politics etc. etc.... then you might be interested in ACT, other than that, i'd steer clear... Oh acctually, it's good for people getting their licence!

In NSW, when you're on your P's (RED) you're limited to 90Km/h, but in ACT, i think it's 110Km/h
Hang on... we don't HAVE any 110 streets here...

Just don't come here for the weather. The most beautiful day can turn to the heaviest rain you've ever seen within 5 minutes and go back to the beautiful day within another 5. And the wind is pretty strong, too.

And make sure you know how to fight a fire.

At least the traffic is good. Which is more than I can say for Sydney (urgh - the streets look as if they were copied from some toddlers scribble onto a map)
You sure you've never been to Gove? Same shit happens... They predict climate up here, they get weather for their efforts. Friggin rain...
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.

Spark wrote:

Just don't come here for the weather. The most beautiful day can turn to the heaviest rain you've ever seen within 5 minutes and go back to the beautiful day within another 5. And the wind is pretty strong, too.

And make sure you know how to fight a fire.

At least the traffic is good. Which is more than I can say for Sydney (urgh - the streets look as if they were copied from some toddlers scribble onto a map)[/b]
Yeah true, especially in the mountains it gets freezing in winter and boiling hot in summer with the usual bushfire terrors..

Also we've been in a drought for ages, water your plants at the wrong time and you'll get fined haha

I hate driving anywhere near Sydney.

And I hope you don't end up moving to some scummy suburb like Lakemba or something, that'll totally ruin the impression the rest of Australia would give.
+151|6852|Forest Lake, Australia

BF2Craglyeye wrote:

dhoar4 wrote:

BF2Craglyeye wrote:

Are you fucking stupid?  I even quoted what you said about Victoria, and you're still not with fuck some of your greek friends...Piss off from this forum
Fuck off, your probably one of these fucking Brisbane surfie fuckfaces, brush your hair out of your eyes you wanker.

True I said a cold hole for Canberra, a minor descrepency with one word. quoted me but YOU still couldnt do that right, maybe instead of doing surfing as a subject at school, you should have done the English class one that teaches how to deal with people, without being a complete and utter cockmunch.

Im done dealing with you now, so please fuck of from this forum.

(oh and a gamearena player, really tells the story now doesnt it)
HAHAHAHAHAHA...A surfie...HAHAHAHAHAHAHA...You're more stupider than I thought...HAHAHAHAHA

Do I look like a surfie to you?

As a matter of fact, you'll probably find I'm better at english than you!
So again, visit the fucking cities first, before rating them as low as you did.  Everybody knows Melbourne is full of faggots
Pwned so often there's an IPO.
+29|6822|Melbourne, Australia

dhoar4 wrote:

Everybody knows Melbourne is full of faggots
Actually this is true. Melbourne has the largest openly gay, lesbian and bisexual population in Australia.

And yes we are also home to the largest Greek community outside Greece.

And we are also home to the only state police force in Australia that has not had a major corruption scandal.

And we are the state with the highest per capita contribution to national GDP.

And we are even more notable for being the only state with the capability of being entirely self-sufficient for food, water electricity and gas.

So not only are we the most sustainable, we are the biggest contributors to the economy AND the least bigoted and most accepting of people's differences.

Frankly I find that something to be very proud of.

Property of BF2s©
+112|6899|Brisbane Australia

Windrider_Melb wrote:

dhoar4 wrote:

Everybody knows Melbourne is full of faggots
Actually this is true. Melbourne has the largest openly gay, lesbian and bisexual population in Australia.

And yes we are also home to the largest Greek community outside Greece.

And we are also home to the only state police force in Australia that has not had a major corruption scandal.

And we are the state with the highest per capita contribution to national GDP.

And we are even more notable for being the only state with the capability of being entirely self-sufficient for food, water electricity and gas.

So not only are we the most sustainable, we are the biggest contributors to the economy AND the least bigoted and most accepting of people's differences.

Frankly I find that something to be very proud of.

No police scandals but I remember as a teenager growing up in Glen Waverley there was plenty of scandal concerning police use of weapons.

BANG!!!!....stop or Ill have the right to remain.....dead.
Pwned so often there's an IPO.
+29|6822|Melbourne, Australia

4_Phucsache wrote:

Windrider_Melb wrote:

dhoar4 wrote:

Everybody knows Melbourne is full of faggots
Actually this is true. Melbourne has the largest openly gay, lesbian and bisexual population in Australia.

And yes we are also home to the largest Greek community outside Greece.

And we are also home to the only state police force in Australia that has not had a major corruption scandal.

And we are the state with the highest per capita contribution to national GDP.

And we are even more notable for being the only state with the capability of being entirely self-sufficient for food, water electricity and gas.

So not only are we the most sustainable, we are the biggest contributors to the economy AND the least bigoted and most accepting of people's differences.

Frankly I find that something to be very proud of.

No police scandals but I remember as a teenager growing up in Glen Waverley there was plenty of scandal concerning police use of weapons.

BANG!!!!....stop or Ill have the right to remain.....dead.
Yeah I remember that.

Now they simply train them less...

"Stop or I shoot!" Blam!.....Blam!....(bugger) Blam! Blam! Blam!....(screw this)...Blam!..(aha!)

They have capsicum spray now too. There's an inquiry into police holsters going on right now - an officer got killed by a suspect when his own pistol was pulled from its holster during a scuffle.

+42|7160|Waikato, Aotearoa
I have been told that sydney is a lot like Auckland.
The traffic is utter shite with ppl being gridlocked most of the time and the main roads are toll ways, the trains are worse, and the population is mainly made up of expat Aucklanders ...... In my most humble opinion, Sydney would be Australia's arsehole (much like the same way that Auckland is NZ's arsehole)

But apart from all that, its rather nice living there

Last edited by -101-InvaderZim (2006-08-03 18:46:00)

Cheeseburger Connoisseur

-101-InvaderZim wrote:

I have been told that sydney is a lot like Auckland.
The traffic is utter shite with ppl being gridlocked most of the time and the main roads are toll ways, the trains are worse, and the population is mainly made up of expat Aucklanders ...... In my most humble opinion, Sydney would be Australia's arsehole (much like the same way that Auckland is NZ's arsehole)

But apart from all that, its rather nice living there
Ok ok, caaaaalm down. Sydney aint that bad. its only really the city that gets gridlocked, and yes, while our trains suck sooo much ass, it isnt that big a problem.
and while the weather is a bit unpredictable, it GENERALLY follows the seasons - most of the time....

Good luck with the move mate.
+788|6972|Brisbane, Australia

Alright enough of this, the OP wanted an answer, so lets not all get into a big flame fest about the cities, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder

But, good choice on coming down to Australia, what are your reasons? Relatives, Work, Change of Scenery?

Whatever it is, I hope you enjoy living in Australia

The beaches are great, check em out one day
Pwned so often there's an IPO.
+29|6822|Melbourne, Australia

Sarrk wrote:

Alright enough of this, the OP wanted an answer, so lets not all get into a big flame fest about the cities, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder

But, good choice on coming down to Australia, what are your reasons? Relatives, Work, Change of Scenery?

Whatever it is, I hope you enjoy living in Australia

The beaches are great, check em out one day
Good points.

How about we describe our fine cities in terms of which BF2 map they are most like?

Brisbane is like Dragon Valley because of the idyllic river valley thing happening.
Melbourne is like Warlord because you've got construction at one end (Docklands) and a Palace at the other (Parliament House)
Canberra would be Mashtuur because its landlocked, there is little traffic, a temple in the middle (Parliament) and only 2 petrol stations.
Adelaide would be Gulf of Oman because of the beaches and the river or maybe Dalian because of docks and the mountains with a road cut through them.

So I guess that means Redfern is Karkand

(Oh c'mon! Even you Sydney guys should find that funny!)


dhoar4 wrote:

BF2Craglyeye wrote:

dhoar4 wrote:

Are you fucking stupid?  I even quoted what you said about Victoria, and you're still not with fuck some of your greek friends...Piss off from this forum
Fuck off, your probably one of these fucking Brisbane surfie fuckfaces, brush your hair out of your eyes you wanker.

True I said a cold hole for Canberra, a minor descrepency with one word. quoted me but YOU still couldnt do that right, maybe instead of doing surfing as a subject at school, you should have done the English class one that teaches how to deal with people, without being a complete and utter cockmunch.

Im done dealing with you now, so please fuck of from this forum.

(oh and a gamearena player, really tells the story now doesnt it)
HAHAHAHAHAHA...A surfie...HAHAHAHAHAHAHA...You're more stupider than I thought...HAHAHAHAHA

Do I look like a surfie to you?

As a matter of fact, you'll probably find I'm better at english than you!
So again, visit the fucking cities first, before rating them as low as you did.  Everybody knows Melbourne is full of faggots
Now someone go and fetch me.... my fishing pole....Ive hooked one in, line and sinker.
Thanks for playing dhoar4 you were a much worthy opponent if not nice and willing for a fight.

Now for the real list of good cities to appease my flaming friend.

Brisbane: Beutiful city with good people willing to have a drink and yarn, the niceset beaches, mainly because there is more sun. Nice and warm, and no not everyone is a surfie.
Sydney: Cultural hub, corporate hub, harbour is nice. people are moderately nice I mainly found that they seem rushed, but might just be the lifestyle.
Adelaide: Havent been then for a awhile, but it just like a small town except bigger some interesting characters there
Perth: Find it similar to Brisbane, except less used.
Melbourne: Worlds most liveable city, nice people, multicultural, best football code in the world. Main shopping areas and food eateries are top notch.

Now GeneralSherman, any city you come to in this country is just as better as the next, cause its the greatest country in the World

=W=GeneralSherman wrote:

Big McLargehuge wrote:

Where are you moving from? And why?
2)self explanitory
Please explain #2 for me, cause I ain't gonna read thru 5 pages to see if you did.
+151|6852|Forest Lake, Australia

BF2Craglyeye wrote:

Now GeneralSherman, any city you come to in this country is just as better as the next, cause its the greatest country in the World
I can agree to that, and infact, I'll give you a +1 for it

Last edited by dhoar4 (2006-08-03 23:22:06)


usmarine2005 wrote:

=W=GeneralSherman wrote:

Big McLargehuge wrote:

Where are you moving from? And why?
2)self explanitory
Please explain #2 for me, cause I ain't gonna read thru 5 pages to see if you did.
I dont think he did.

but have you ever known to not involve a woman??
#2 being Pres bush haha
can some one repost that URL for that site that talks about imigration into country and sets up the stuff...looks white with boxes aorta like a 'So your moving to sydney!' kinda website
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6866|Southeastern USA

Windrider_Melb wrote:

~Smokey~ wrote:

kr@cker wrote:

there's a wonderful aussie documentary available called "welcome to woop woop", quite in depth, well thought out, and very educational
Try All Aussie Adventures with Russel Coight

Thats educational for ya.
The Adventures of Bazza McKenzie!
have either of you seen "woop woop", are yours similar? :p
anyone else?
Ninja's > BF2s
australia is a fun place.
Cold Fussion
72% alcohol
+63|6984|Sydney, Australia
Bring alot of water, as we currently have none

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