As most of you already know, I've written quite a few "articles" on this site.  Long articles, that are about different subjects and in these topics are various points about various issues and in between there are usually alot of cuss words.  These take a long time to make.  I don't think you people understand how difficult it is to just make this shit up off the top of your head.  Here's how it goes:

First I have to think of a subject to write about.  Then I have to figure out, what points I want to make and what message I would like to get across.  Then I have to physically type it.  Then I have to spellcheck it, then proof read it, then proof read it again.  I have to do all of this because no one wants to read 4 pages of bad grammar and it also takes away from the credibility of the article.  Once all that is done, I have a friend of mine read it first for an opinion, then I correct mistakes he found.  Then I post it up here and let all of you see it.  Needless to say, I put alot of work into my "serious" topics.  It isn't a random spam fest.

However, yesterday I received an e-mail from a person (I will leave his name out of it) accusing me of plagiarism because he had seen my article on the BF2ROE posted up on his clan site.  I was not cited and the author was, from what I could tell, using it as if he had written it.  I will not link to the forum because I have already taken care of the issue with them and do not wish to ruin any reputations....yet.  But here is the e-mail I received:

e-mail wrote:

***** from BF2S Forums has sent you a message. You can reply to
****** by replying to this e-mail.

The message reads as follows:

you faggot ass pussy you fukcing took that from my clan leader after
you went into our server and looked at our fucking forums and stole ythat
post from our site at  this exact link you faggot im going to fucking
sue your ass me and my whole fucking clan you punk ass bitch


heres your comment



BF2S Forums Mailer
Later, I received this e-mail from the same person:

e-mail wrote:

******* from BF2S Forums has sent you a message. You can reply to
*******by replying to this e-mail.

The message reads as follows:

my bad dude i misred im sorry please dont do anything and i respect you
alot youra really good player and i respect that dude just do me a
favor and bury this so im sorry for wasting your time and me and my clan
members love your post its the truth about ea and their dumbass self so



BF2S Forums Mailer
This series of event's got me curious.  I spent all night searching Google using various sentences and topic titles from my threads in the search.  I found thirty seven different forums, users and websites using crap I had posted here and claiming it as their own work.  Thirty fucking seven.  Now don't get me wrong, I'm glad my thoughts and idea's are spreading and being accepted, that in itself is an honor.  BUT, when people claim it as their own and make no effort to cite me whatsoever.....that does kind of piss me off. 

I won't post any of the websites yet, but you guys know who you are, because you obviously visit these forums.  I am also in the process of registering on each website and bringing their blatant plagiarism to their attention.  If they do not comply and take it down or at least cite me, bad things will happen. First being, the links are going onto the BF2s forum for all to see along with your BF2s username and let the Ninja's have their way with you.  After that, I'm sending the links to some friends over at TaH and let them play with your website and finally, if all else fails, I'm putting your shit up on YTMND, because those guys act like rabid dogs when they see plagiarism.  They took down eBaumsworld for Christs sake.  Like I said before, I have no problem with anyone putting anything of mine onto a website, just cite me FFS.


Also, if you see or know of any websites or forums using my material and I am not cited, please send me a PM containing the link.  I'll make it worth your while.

Last edited by Cougar (2006-08-01 16:45:56)

U.S. > Iran
werd cougar..........werd
+153|7064|Norway/Norwegen/ Norge/Noruega
Hehe, werd actually..... yeah, werd!!
Kung Jew
That one mod
+331|7062|Houston, TX
I applaud you sir.  It takes wit, time, and intelligence to create articles such as yours.  It would piss me off to no end to find something I'd taken time and thought to create, copied and credited to some one else. 

Release the hounds, send out "Guido", or do whatever you have to do, but get credit for what you do bro.

For all you other members out there, if you take source material from somewhere, give credit where credit is due.  You'd hopefully expect the same.


Kung Jew wrote:

I applaud you sir.  It takes wit, time, and intelligence to create articles such as yours.  It would piss me off to no end to find something I'd taken time and thought to create, copied and credited to some one else. 

Release the hounds, send out "Guido", or do whatever you have to do, but get credit for what you do bro.

For all you other members out there, if you take source material from somewhere, give credit where credit is due.  You'd hopefully expect the same.

I'm calling Chucky Pancamo to come bust some kneecaps and give some people cement shoes for christmas.
+68|6995|Reefersyde, CA
Fuck people that cant think of their own shit, an claim someones elses word as theirs.    PM me any perpatrators to this.    TK = Purple Heart.
U.S. > Iran
dank  is gonna make em earn purple hearts via tks lol
+447|7164|Seattle, Washington, USA

Ooh, Cougar is serious, he's pulling out the YTMND card. Any of you plagiarizers better apologize and cite him or you're in for an ownage.
bad touch

with no legal followup im afraid most anything can be gotten away with on the internet.
iPod is broken.
+1,048|6981|NT, like Mick Dundee

Nail the sunzabitches.
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
+72|7038|Indianapolis, IN
Great post, man.

+1 for all the work you put into it.
prince of insufficient light
Wow, that really sucks. At least I'm sure you got a kick out of that second e-mail, I know I was laughing.
S!l3nt But D3adly
+86|6920|Pickle Village
Kick their Ass Cougar, I'll help

Stumanbmx wrote:

Kick their Ass Cougar, I'll help
fuck all, 37 ninjas will help
Pusher of sausages Down Hallways
People underestimate how much power someone such as Cougar has over the internet.
Personal philosophy: Clothing optional.
+1,022|6940|Camp XRay

Do you see what happens, Larry? Do you see what happens when you fuck a stranger in the ass!
I'm moving to Brazil
I rarely read e-mails that I chose for this site.  If I dont know who I'm getting an e-mail from  most of the time I delete the e-mail, and sometimes it does not get through  since my spam filter  isset to very high.
Back from the Dead.

K8Kommunist wrote:

Kung Jew wrote:

It takes wit, time, and intelligence to create articles such as yours.
clearly you haven't read said articles.
That is unnecessary. Jealousy perhaps?

To Cougar:

I think that its ridiculious what has happend. But this isn't real bad anyway. We know your the author. We know your talents and skills. Take it as a compliment that these idiots stole from your ideas. Let them try to boost their pathetically small egos with your work.

Keep the posts comming. I enjoy reading them.
Germans did 911
+427|6998|Disaster Free Zone

K8Kommunist wrote:

Kung Jew wrote:

It takes wit, time, and intelligence to create articles such as yours.
clearly you haven't read said articles.
No I think he has, he just doesn't understand that very little cougar actually says, is in any way intelligent. I feel sorry for the people who wont to use his material, because it just shows they have even less intelligence to not be able to come up with something with more.... mature and useful ideas.

To cougar, I sort of agree about getting cited etc, but is it really worth the effort?? Its not like you've written any economic or scientific law, Its just a long winded opinionated rant which in most cases is wrong and/or the topic is misunderstood by yourself to the point in which you disagree with your own delusional concept of reality.
Thanks to all for the support.  I really appreciate the kind comments.

As for an update, the clan from which the person who sent the orginal e-mail belongs too has replied:

Cougar we in ** are terribly sorry about that little incident. It was a huge misunderstanding and we do apologize. Right after ****** sent that email someone noticed that the dates were one month apart. Some emotions were running high so people got mad when they thought you were plagurizing. But shortly afterwards it was realized that the accuzations were false....I hope we can just bury this incident. Yet again from all of ** I am sorry this misunderstanding happened.
Maybe in the future people will get the clans consent before speaking for the clan and sounding like a 10 yr. old smacktard lets hope that it never happens again.....ON BEHAVE OF THE WHOLE CLAN YOU HAVE OUR HEARTFELT APOLOGIES AND SINCERE HOPE THAT IT NEVER HAPPENS AGAIN
I guess it just goes to show that every great group of people has a few bad apples.  I was really happy with the way this one turned out.  For the most part, they are a mature and very cool community.  You guys know who you are.  Cheers!

1 down, 36 to go.

DrunkFace wrote:

K8Kommunist wrote:

Kung Jew wrote:

It takes wit, time, and intelligence to create articles such as yours.
clearly you haven't read said articles.
No I think he has, he just doesn't understand that very little cougar actually says, is in any way intelligent. I feel sorry for the people who wont to use his material, because it just shows they have even less intelligence to not be able to come up with something with more.... mature and useful ideas.

To cougar, I sort of agree about getting cited etc, but is it really worth the effort?? Its not like you've written any economic or scientific law, Its just a long winded opinionated rant which in most cases is wrong and/or the topic is misunderstood by yourself to the point in which you disagree with your own delusional concept of reality.
Ok.  Everyone has thier likes and dislikes and I understand that I can't entertain or make everyone happy, so no biggy.  However, I care because these are more than just words, they are idea's, MY idea's, my work, my words, my personality.  Why don't you go write a 600 word essay over American History and then let me use it to get an A.  Bear in mind, while your researching, formulating, writing, typing, spell checking, proof reading, proof reading again, and making alterations, I am in the other room playing video games.  Furthermore, a week later I have the balls to tell you that you're not the one who wrote it, I am, and even further, I'm going to sue you for stealing my work.

How would that make you feel?
Peruvian Cocaine
+261|7081|Toronto Canada
stick it to those bitches, cougar!
+35|7088|Phoenix, Az
can we please have links to those sites?
I want to check em out myself.
- rev
+1,962|7081|Dallas wrote:

can we please have links to those sites?
I want to check em out myself.
- rev
No, not yet.  If they are going to be nice about it, I don't want to send 400 angry people to their sites.  Wait until one of them decides to be a prick about it and I'll post their link.
Germans did 911
+427|6998|Disaster Free Zone

Cougar wrote:

Ok.  Everyone has thier likes and dislikes and I understand that I can't entertain or make everyone happy, so no biggy.  However, I care because these are more than just words, they are idea's, MY idea's, my work, my words, my personality.  Why don't you go write a 600 word essay over American History and then let me use it to get an A.  Bear in mind, while your researching, formulating, writing, typing, spell checking, proof reading, proof reading again, and making alterations, I am in the other room playing video games.  Furthermore, a week later I have the balls to tell you that you're not the one who wrote it, I am, and even further, I'm going to sue you for stealing my work.

How would that make you feel?
I completely understand that people are using your posts that took you along time to make up and it has pissed you off because people don't recognise you as the author of these ideas. Buts thats all they are ideas about your gripes with a game and the rules it is run under. I haven't read all your post (and never will) but can you give me  a link to a more 'serious' discussion you have made and I might change my mind about what you write.

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