The evidence from the Moussaoui 9/11 trial has been release for public view.  The evidence includes, video's, sound clips and photo's from the attack, people affected by the attack and evidence linking Moussaoui to the attacks.  This information can be viewed in it's entirety at the following link:

United States v. Zacarias Moussaoui--Prosecution Trial Exhibits

Viewer discretion is advised.
Witch hunt.

bad touch

good old American Judicial System, only took them 5 years.

edit: that doesnt even include the discarded/blast pattern evidence, which also is the most gruesome (i.e. includes peoples arms, legs, heads, burn patters, bones.)

sickening, really

Last edited by stryyker (2006-07-31 22:42:21)

Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6851|Long Island, New York
Agreed, stryyker. It definately shouldn't have taken this long.

I'm glad he's gonna rot in jail in solitary confinement. it's better this way.

Scary thing is, one of the pictures they took in evidence was a family friend. (See Kevin Williams pictures) … 00257.html

The woman was one of my teachers. We were good friend with her, and her son. It's so sickening just to think what happened when he was in that building.
+127|6971|WPB, FL. USA

HeimdalX wrote:

Witch hunt.

They spent millions of dollars and four years and three hundred and sixty-four days too long to convict him.  And he doesn't get the needle but instead gets a life sentence - a life!  Something he would've taken from you and me in a blink of an eye!!!

Amazing how this spec of shit was afforded the opportunities of our republic, that of which was never given to the thousands of innocent people his fellow terrorist slaughtered.  And image this - had he and others succeeded that day he would be celebrated as a martyr and many many more innocent people would've been slaughtered.   

Just think - God let you live that day and every day since just so we can read your words of ignorance - Wake The Fuck Up!!

Peruvian Cocaine
+261|7078|Toronto Canada
It really is a witch hunt, especially if you subscribe to the "loosechange" mentallity
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|7003|Tampa Bay Florida
A life is a life.  That's all I have to say.  I hope he rots in his cell and thinks about what his fellow terrorists did and suffers for the rest of his miserable life.

AAFCptKabbom wrote:

And he doesn't get the needle but instead gets a life sentence - a life!  Something he would've taken from you and me in a blink of an eye!!!
That's right.  We are giving this man his life, when we could've easily taken it with no remorse.  That takes great wisdom and guts to do that, especially considering what he would've done.  His life and soul will forever be humiliated in US history books because, despite the fact that we could've easily taken his life, we didn't.

Ever seen Schindler's List?  Power isn't taking someones life, power is holding back, and not executing them, even when we have every justification to do so.  Though he said that to a psychotic Nazi who was murdering dozens of innocent Jews everyday, I still believe the quote applies to almost every situation where someone is being subjected to execution.

If I were in his position, I'd want a quick, painless death.

Last edited by Spearhead (2006-07-31 23:47:49)

smells like wee wee
Whats sad is that 1 person has been brought to trial and convicted over 9-11. Where are the rest?
+5,233|6842|Global Command
Getting their virgins in hell.

Alexanderthegrape wrote:

Getting their virgins in hell.
Actually many of them are confirmed as alive and well in other countries. Somehow they survived crashing a plane into a skyscraper...
Mr. Bigglesworth

Alexanderthegrape wrote:

Getting their virgins in hell.
I bet THEY are the virgens in hell, getting butt rammed by Satan's 12" fire spitting penis.
+5|6800|New Brunswick, Canada

jonsimon wrote:

Alexanderthegrape wrote:

Getting their virgins in hell.
Actually many of them are confirmed as alive and well in other countries. Somehow they survived crashing a plane into a skyscraper...
Good call man!!

President Bush signed secret document W199-eye two months before the attack of September 11, threatening US agents and obstructing their investigations of Al-Qaeda (BBC Newsnight Transcript, November 6, 2001:  “Has Someone Been Sitting on the FBI?”; Times of India, November 7, 2001: “Bush Took FBI Agents off Bin Laden’s Trail”; AFP, November 7, 2001 “Bush Thwarted Probe Against bin Ladens”; Ananova, November 7, 2001:  “US Agents Told to Back off bin Ladens”; The Guardian, November 7, 2001: “FBI and US Spy Agents Say Bush Spiked bin Laden Probes Before 11 September”).

The people were pre-conditioned before all of these attacks to give up their liberties so that the government could protect them from terrorists. However, we must look at who really stands to gain from these acts and at who has the motive.  Take the case of the Oklahoma City Bombing.  The government tripled the FBI’s anti-terrorism funding in 1996 after the attack, but, of course, more funding and police powers in the hands of the Feds only insured that the next attack would be worse. Now the government is demanding even more power and funding. They didn’t protect you in 2001 from Al-Qaeda, did they? No, instead they funded and protected the terrorists.

Empires are built and maintained by it. Populations rally during times of war. Nothing on earth centralizes power like war. Throughout history, leaders have used this unifying force to control populations. Humans instinctively shift into mindless “group think” when faced by an outside threat—whether real or manufactured. Now, in the twenty-first century the system of control continues, but with more sophistication. If there isn’t an enemy to fight, one has to be manufactured. Do you need examples? Here are a few.
Nero and Rome--Nero torched Rome and blamed it on the Christians

The Maine and the Lusitania--On February 15, 1898, William McKinley’s navy committed treason when it blew up its own ship in Havana Harbor to create a pretext for war with the Spanish government.  Simply by blowing up this ship, the Maine, the United States was able to finally dominate the Western Hemisphere and take control of dozens of islands in the Pacific.  Then in World War I, when the American population was reluctant to enter the European conflict, the British sailed one of their largest naval auxiliary ships, the Lusitania, through waters known to be heavily patrolled by German U-boats.  The Germans ran multiple full-page warnings in the New York Times, telling Americans not to travel on this ship which they knew to be heavily laden with armaments destined for the trenches.  When German torpedoes sunk the Lusitania, Americans were faced with casualty lists of their dead countrymen and finally succumbed to war-fever. 

Hitler’s Reichstag---And then, of course, we have the notorious Nazi regime’s use of the Hegelian dialectic.  Adolph Hitler had already been elected president, but he wanted to abolish the chancellery and to make himself Führer. To do that, he had to create enough of a crisis to create massive levels of fear in the population so that they would willingly lay down their republic and give it into the hands of his monstrous system. Historical documents from Nazi archives show that on the night of February 27, 1933, Adolph Hitler’s Stormtroopers burned the Reichstag government building to the ground.

FDR and Pearl Harbor--It may have been a surprise attack to the American people, but it wasn’t to the federal government and the military. Months before the attack, they knew the Japanese were preparing for an all-out assault in the Pacific.
The History Channel and many historical records have reported that twelve days prior to the attack, Roosevelt knew the actual date of the strike.

The Cuban Missile Crisis and the Operation Northwoods Document--In the early 1960s, the federal government needed an excuse, a pretext, to invade Cuba. The government actually put the plan to paper in the notorious Operation Northwoods document.  The story was first reported in James Bamford’s Book, Body of Secrets and carried in published media reports on ABC News (ABC News, May 1, 2001: “Friendly Fire: U.S. Military Drafted Plans to Terrorize U.S. Cities to Provoke War with Cuba”) as well as in the Baltimore Sun (Baltimore Sun, April 24, 2001: “New book on NSA sheds light on secrets: U.S. terror plan called Cuba invasion pretext”).

The 1993 World Trade Center Bombing--The October 28, 1993, edition of the New York Times ran an article headlined, “Tapes Depict Proposal to Thwart Bomb Used in Trade Center Blast” (see also October 31, 1993, New York Times; Chicago Tribune, December 15, 1993:  “Informants’ Recordings Show FBI Had Prior Knowledge of the Bombing”). The federal government was caught on tape by their informants ordering them to let the bombing go forward, to cook the bomb, to give the terrorists the detonators, to create yet another crisis . . . this time to usher in a police state and a war upon the American people.

Oklahoma City Bombing--Oklahoma City’s NBC affiliate, KFOR, in a live broadcast immediately after the bombing, reported:
“. . . devastation that that one explosion caused, because here is now what we are starting to learn about the succession, or what someone obviously hoped would be a succession of explosions. The first bomb that was in the Federal Building did go off. It did the damage that you see right there. The second explosive was found and defused. The third explosive that was found—and they are working on right now as we speak, I understand—both the second and third explosives—if you can imagine this—were larger than the first. So try to imagine two or threefold happening what we’ve already seen there. It is just incredible to think that there was that much heavy artillery that was somehow moved into the downtown Oklahoma City Federal Building.”

A few minutes later, Oklahoma City CBS affiliate KWTV’s Jennifer Reynolds had the following to add:
“We just saw, if you were watching, there was a white pickup truck backing a trailer into the scene. They are trying to move people out of the way so they can get it in. It appears to be the Oklahoma City bomb squad—their bomb disposal unit essentially is what it is—and it is what they would use if the report that we gave you just a few moments ago turns out to be correct, that they have found a second explosive device of some kind inside that building. They will back that trailer down there, and the bomb squad folks will go in and they will use that trailer. . . . This is how they would transport the explosive device away from this populated area to try to do something with it.”

At the same time, CNN reported:
“The Justice Department is reporting that a second explosive device has been found in the A.P. Murrah Building in downtown Oklahoma City. Mike, you’re still with us aren’t you?”
[Mike Arnett, an attorney in downtown Oklahoma City, on phone with CNN] “Yes, and in addition to that, what we were told at the scene a few minutes ago was that in fact two different explosive devices were found in addition to the one that went off, for a total of three.”

It would have been an incredible help to have been able get a hold of those unexploded bombs. Unfortunately the BATF agents, according to police and firefighter testimony, were inside removing them and spiriting them away, because they had to keep their story straight (that there was only one bomb, a truck bomb)

September 11, 2001--- “What is at stake is more than one small country. It is a big idea. A new world order, where diverse nations are drawn together in common cause to achieve universal aspirations of mankind—peace and security, freedom and the rule of law. Out of these troubled times, our fifth objective, a new world order, can emerge. Now we can see a new world coming into being, a world in which there is the very real prospect of a new world order.”—President George Bush, State of the Union Address, September 11, 1991
The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)—an organization publicly sworn to destroy American national sovereignty and to usher in a tyrannical police state—could not contain its glee on September 14, just days after the tragic attack, when its members announced their New World Order. At a meeting broadcast on C-Span, Gary Hart, co-chair of the U.S. Commission on National Security in the 21st Century, stated: “There is a chance for the president of the United States to use this disaster to carry out what his father, a phrase his father only used once, and it hasn’t been used since—and that is a New World Order.”

There it is. The CFR actually admitted that this crisis was helping it to bring in a New World Order, a global government.

Last edited by cosmichippo (2006-08-01 09:04:31)

Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6914|132 and Bush

jonsimon wrote:

Alexanderthegrape wrote:

Getting their virgins in hell.
Actually many of them are confirmed as alive and well in other countries. Somehow they survived crashing a plane into a skyscraper...
Where are all the dead passengers?
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Junglist Massive

Kmarion wrote:

jonsimon wrote:

Alexanderthegrape wrote:

Getting their virgins in hell.
Actually many of them are confirmed as alive and well in other countries. Somehow they survived crashing a plane into a skyscraper...
Where are all the dead passengers?
Well, if Global Hawk technology was used and not suicide pilots then they are exactly where the reports say they are...

Last edited by UnOriginalNuttah (2006-08-01 13:19:49)

Pope of BF2s
+355|6939|Sea to globally-cooled sea

AAFCptKabbom wrote:

HeimdalX wrote:

Witch hunt.

They spent millions of dollars and four years and three hundred and sixty-four days too long to convict him.  And he doesn't get the needle but instead gets a life sentence - a life!  Something he would've taken from you and me in a blink of an eye!!!

Amazing how this spec of shit was afforded the opportunities of our republic, that of which was never given to the thousands of innocent people his fellow terrorist slaughtered.  And image this - had he and others succeeded that day he would be celebrated as a martyr and many many more innocent people would've been slaughtered.   

Just think - God let you live that day and every day since just so we can read your words of ignorance - Wake The Fuck Up!!

Regardless of whether we are for or against the death penalty, this man deserves solitary confinement.  Since his ultimate goal and desire is to become a martyr, that is--to volunteer his life, hand it to the enemy (the west), and lose it for his shit ass religion--we should make him sit, bored as hell for the rest of his life as a failed muslim who is gonna get 90 year old grandmothers with crabs instead of beautiful virgins.
+19|6955|portsmouth uk

AAFCptKabbom wrote:

HeimdalX wrote:

Witch hunt.

They spent millions of dollars and four years and three hundred and sixty-four days too long to convict him.  And he doesn't get the needle but instead gets a life sentence - a life!  Something he would've taken from you and me in a blink of an eye!!!

Amazing how this spec of shit was afforded the opportunities of our republic, that of which was never given to the thousands of innocent people his fellow terrorist slaughtered.  And image this - had he and others succeeded that day he would be celebrated as a martyr and many many more innocent people would've been slaughtered.   

Just think - God let you live that day and every day since just so we can read your words of ignorance - Wake The Fuck Up!!

superbly put my friend cant add anything else enough said ,but why don't we exact revenge on their families?
+127|6971|WPB, FL. USA
A message for COSMICIPPO

I will not waste space in this or any forum to quote any of the complete and utterly fucked-up garbage you posted.  I can see you have way too much time on your hands and worse than that - you probably read and believe your own rantings!

I respect everyone and their views and opinions, including yours, but really man - CHECK YOUR FUCKING OXYGEN GAGE! - you gotta get out more.  Use your god given brain and think for yourself and try to educate yourself before you twist other peoples writings. 

You really think anyone survived and is living elsewhere, you really think the President {a man, a human being} could or would do such a thing, you really think that there is a plan put to action to remove our liberties and make us dependent so others become more powerful, etc.   Well of course you do - I seriously believe you need professional help, no I mean it seriously - ever see "A Beautiful Mind"?

God save us from ourselves,
+5,233|6842|Global Command
cosmichippo = fail.
bad touch

UnOriginalNuttah wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

jonsimon wrote:

Actually many of them are confirmed as alive and well in other countries. Somehow they survived crashing a plane into a skyscraper...
Where are all the dead passengers?
Well, if Global Hawk technology was used and not suicide pilots then they are exactly where the reports say they are...
are you saying that the government rammed a plane with 100 passengers aboard into a financial headquarters. forshame for your ignorance.
+5,233|6842|Global Command
It's amazing the way the 9-11 kookball nutjobs keep puking up the nonsense about empty planes and explosives in the towers.
bad touch

i want to prove to them the government conspiracy that bullets no longer kill people, by putting a pistol to their head and pulling the trigger.

moreover, Dylan Avery deserves to go to hell.
+5|6800|New Brunswick, Canada

AAFCptKabbom wrote:

A message for COSMICIPPO

I will not waste space in this or any forum to quote any of the complete and utterly fucked-up garbage you posted.  I can see you have way too much time on your hands and worse than that - you probably read and believe your own rantings!

I respect everyone and their views and opinions, including yours, but really man - CHECK YOUR FUCKING OXYGEN GAGE! - you gotta get out more.  Use your god given brain and think for yourself and try to educate yourself before you twist other peoples writings. 

You really think anyone survived and is living elsewhere, you really think the President {a man, a human being} could or would do such a thing, you really think that there is a plan put to action to remove our liberties and make us dependent so others become more powerful, etc.   Well of course you do - I seriously believe you need professional help, no I mean it seriously - ever see "A Beautiful Mind"?

God save us from ourselves,
The fact of the matter is, I have done my research, and yes, I most certainly believe my conclusions. 9 of the hijackers are still alive. I don't necessarily beleive that there were 19 hijackers on that plane. It's so easy for you to pass off anything other than the "norm" or mainstream news as "conspiracy theories". Instead of just bashing somebody for their views, why don't you seriously try and educate yourself!! Tell me this, don't beat around the "Bush" either, what happened to building 7?? Explain please.

You keep avoiding every single point made, even with "YOUR" mainstream media links that I provided.

I'm the one here going out on a wim. You are the one who is buying every lame story your Govt and Media throw at you. Why don't you use "your" own  brain to come to your own conclusions. You just roll over and take it. LOL will see shortly that my shared views are very very true. Please explain the patriot act 2? According to that, YOU are a terrorist or have the potential to be one. And yes, BUSH would do something like that, what are you retarted? Hitler was a human being too.

Its obvious that you don't like your perfect little bubble world interrupted. Yes I have seen a Beautiful Mind, did you forget the outcome of the movie dumbass? John Forbes won a Nobel Prize.
Hopefully you take my insults as well as I took yours.

Last edited by cosmichippo (2006-08-02 06:28:47)

+5|6800|New Brunswick, Canada

stryyker wrote:

UnOriginalNuttah wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

Where are all the dead passengers?
Well, if Global Hawk technology was used and not suicide pilots then they are exactly where the reports say they are...
are you saying that the government rammed a plane with 100 passengers aboard into a financial headquarters. forshame for your ignorance.
You people make me sick. Have you even taken the time to read Operation Northwoods. Declassified F.B.I documents. Explain them please. GAWD you people are naive.  --a decent overview … hwoods.pdf ----why don't you read this, seriously, my good God, your own Govt is giving you the ammunition, the smoking gun, use the information. FFS
Junglist Massive

stryyker wrote:

UnOriginalNuttah wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

Where are all the dead passengers?
Well, if Global Hawk technology was used and not suicide pilots then they are exactly where the reports say they are...
are you saying that the government rammed a plane with 100 passengers aboard into a financial headquarters. forshame for your ignorance.
Actually, I didn't say anything about who was behind it.  There isn't really any proof of who did, at least none is available to the public.  I merely pointed out that saying the passengers are dead so it must have been suicide pilots is pointless, as doesn't take into account the possibility of remote piloting.

There is no proof that is was Al Qaeda, no proof that is was CIA and no proof that is was Mossad agents. 

Just lots of circumstantial evidence:

The clouding and coverup of the facts and the half-arsed investigation could also be considered circumstantial evidence, but they don't actually prove anything.  It could be just incompetence that lead to most of steel building being recycled without extensive and publicised forensic examination.
+5|6800|New Brunswick, Canada

UnOriginalNuttah wrote:

stryyker wrote:

UnOriginalNuttah wrote:

Well, if Global Hawk technology was used and not suicide pilots then they are exactly where the reports say they are...
are you saying that the government rammed a plane with 100 passengers aboard into a financial headquarters. forshame for your ignorance.
Actually, I didn't say anything about who was behind it.  There isn't really any proof of who did, at least none is available to the public.  I merely pointed out that saying the passengers are dead so it must have been suicide pilots is pointless, as doesn't take into account the possibility of remote piloting.

There is no proof that is was Al Qaeda, no proof that is was CIA and no proof that is was Mossad agents. 

Just lots of circumstantial evidence:

The clouding and coverup of the facts and the half-arsed investigation could also be considered circumstantial evidence, but they don't actually prove anything.  It could be just incompetence that lead to most of steel building being recycled without extensive and publicised forensic examination.
Good call man

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