Hey, I know there are some guitar players in this forums. Well, I need your help.
I´m planing to upgrade my equipment with a new amplifier. I´ve used diffrent kinds of Marshall JCM800, JCM900 and Krank Krankensteins so far. And I want to stay with those amps because they did an excellent job so far. But now there is time for a new baby, becausu after 15 years of playing guitars I´m becoming sick of multieffects, 19" rackstuff and the whole protools thingys.
I´m thinking about a DIEZEL (Herbert or VH4) amp or a Mesa-Boogie Rectifier (although I never would like to join the Boogie hype).
So, are there any opinions about this brands or amps? The Diezel´s are pretty expensive as far as I have seen for now, but reviews about those monsters look impressive.
Any input, you´re welcome and I apreciate every usefull answer with a karmacookie.
Anybody wanna sell his Boogie or Diezel amp? Well, tell me what you want, maybe we can make a deal about it.
SPAM or useless stuff will be deleted!
BTW: I want to use the new amp for diffrent kinds of metal from Deathmetal, Trashmetal to some highspeed Shredding like Petrucci or Loomis do (not that I nearly can play it )
I use the following equipment most for this stuff:
Ibanez RG 7 7620 7string tuned A
B.C. Rich KKV KerrY King Handmade US customshop tuned C
Ibanez Les Paul tuned E
Gibson Les Paul 57 ebony tuned C
Gibson Les Paul custom w. EMGs (I know!!!) tuned C
B.C. Rich Ironbird Handmade US customshop tuned D
Caparison Handmade tuned H
Bernie Rico Virgin tuned H
Ibanez Universe (the gay white Steve Vai one) tuned E
Ibanez Randy Rhoads w. EMG 81/85 ZakkWylde
I´m planing to upgrade my equipment with a new amplifier. I´ve used diffrent kinds of Marshall JCM800, JCM900 and Krank Krankensteins so far. And I want to stay with those amps because they did an excellent job so far. But now there is time for a new baby, becausu after 15 years of playing guitars I´m becoming sick of multieffects, 19" rackstuff and the whole protools thingys.
I´m thinking about a DIEZEL (Herbert or VH4) amp or a Mesa-Boogie Rectifier (although I never would like to join the Boogie hype).
So, are there any opinions about this brands or amps? The Diezel´s are pretty expensive as far as I have seen for now, but reviews about those monsters look impressive.
Any input, you´re welcome and I apreciate every usefull answer with a karmacookie.
Anybody wanna sell his Boogie or Diezel amp? Well, tell me what you want, maybe we can make a deal about it.
SPAM or useless stuff will be deleted!
BTW: I want to use the new amp for diffrent kinds of metal from Deathmetal, Trashmetal to some highspeed Shredding like Petrucci or Loomis do (not that I nearly can play it )
I use the following equipment most for this stuff:
Ibanez RG 7 7620 7string tuned A
B.C. Rich KKV KerrY King Handmade US customshop tuned C
Ibanez Les Paul tuned E
Gibson Les Paul 57 ebony tuned C
Gibson Les Paul custom w. EMGs (I know!!!) tuned C
B.C. Rich Ironbird Handmade US customshop tuned D
Caparison Handmade tuned H
Bernie Rico Virgin tuned H
Ibanez Universe (the gay white Steve Vai one) tuned E
Ibanez Randy Rhoads w. EMG 81/85 ZakkWylde