l::.:LIAM:.::l wrote:
half life 2
Total Annihilation...omg, can't wait for Supreme Commander.
Best game ever ? TETRIS ! Everybody has played TETRIS at least once, even non-gamers. That's a sign, isn't it ?
THIS is the best computer game ever.
Deus Ex
original C&C was the first and best computer game I ever played- it started it all for me and it still kicks ass but no one has modems so O can't play online. It's the game that introduced the mammoth tank, COME ON!imdead wrote:
Im old so I have to take Command and Conquer or Combat Flight Simulator
RTCW best game ever for scrim/matches .ShotYourSix wrote:
RTCW was the first multiplayer game to ever take me hostage....I never thought a game could take over my world like that. Enemy Territory continued the trend, and BF2 is in 3rd place. All great games, but I'm looking for a new fix. ETQW is my best hope but who knows, 2142 is a runner up. I expect one of those 2 to keep me fixated into the near future....It's anybody's guess which will take the crown.
EDIT: As far as older games go, the original Wing Commander was the first PC game that made me realize that I would be forever a gamer until the day I die. Also, to whoever mentioned Thief.....I'm with ya man, those games were pure gaming goodness. Unfortunately, MP gaming has pretty much ruined SP gaming for me. As bad as MP gaming can be, it still far surpasses the single player experience.
There is still a very small gaming community based it Europe that plays rtcw at a competive level
Its called
Heres a screen shot of the most famous rtcw map ever :-

Last edited by Knight`UK (2006-07-31 07:24:22)
Quake 2 rocked, not played in ages though. I remember having to make my first upgrade to play it after Quake 1, from a 2mb card to an AWSOME 8 meg card sheeeeeeeit. I still remember how I felt, and my jaw dropping open at the 3d graphics in it. Used to LOVE the Catch The Chicken mod, regularly fell about laughing my bollox off at it, hiding round a corner and throwing the chicken at someone running full tilt after you, and blowing them to bits as they caught it. Great stuff. (I'm easily pleased)
Loved Quake one too, it started me into online gaming, but christ that was a fast game!
Loved Quake one too, it started me into online gaming, but christ that was a fast game!
lol @ north & south, had to rack my brains to think of it but i remember now. Even had to d/l it n play for 10 mins still makes me chuckle!EvilRuediger wrote:
How about Max Payne?
And if can somebody remember North and South for the C64 (I know I'm old)
+1 for the memory
Glad no one has put Halo
The first time I almost fell out of my chair from playing a pc game.

Classic Heart Attack Moment.

Classic Heart Attack Moment.
rise of the triad is till my all time fav
Starcraft bitches!!
All your base are belong to usgenius_man16 wrote:
Starcraft bitches!!
pong FTW
ive got the same stuff too, seems to be a popular build. though i plan on upgrading my ram again.Shem wrote:
Indeed they can, I know, as that's what I havecyborg_ninja-117 wrote:
yesh agree, that game has the best graphics and an ATI X300 can play it on all high on 1280X1024 (no AA or AF though, doesnt really make a difference in HL.) and still get no lag, fps around 24-30 w/ 1gb of raml::.:LIAM:.::l wrote:
half life 2
The first time I almost fell out of my chair from playing a pc game. … full02.jpg
Classic Heart Attack Moment.
Baldur's Gate & Shadows of Amn, Fallout 1 & 2, Civilization II (I have III and IV as well, they're of course better than II, but no game has had me coming back again and again and again like Civ II). Sorry for listing 5 titles, but I just can't decide between them.
Coming in as the second best group: Command & Conquer (not the entire series, just the first one), Warcraft series, Total Annihilation.
Some have posted Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War as their favourite, only just bought the game and between work, playing BF2 and WOW, I haven't had much time to try it out but what little time I have spent with it I can say that I haven't felt this way about an RTS since those listed in the second group.
Coming in as the second best group: Command & Conquer (not the entire series, just the first one), Warcraft series, Total Annihilation.
Some have posted Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War as their favourite, only just bought the game and between work, playing BF2 and WOW, I haven't had much time to try it out but what little time I have spent with it I can say that I haven't felt this way about an RTS since those listed in the second group.
Last edited by Rosse_modest (2006-07-31 12:49:16)
of course. slightly unbeatable.genius_man16 wrote:
Starcraft bitches!!
Im going to put GTA: San Andreas simply because Half Life 1 and 2 suck and no one seems to see it
Ignore Jeremy (aries) hes jus tryin to be a fool cos he's got no mates to play console games with (its like it says in the timesplitters FP loading screen, "got no mates, play with bots" but the bots won't even play with him). They're so much more fun to play with friends cos you're all actually there. Great times have been hadFFLink13 wrote:
and wats wrong with console shot em ups?Aries_37 wrote:
lol at console shoot 'em upsbennisboy wrote:
James Pond!!! nah jus kidding. I would say Black on the PS2, but there is no (co-op)multiplayer, which would kill every other game. I'm goin with HL2, yeah no co-op but the game rocks. Thing with Black is the level of graphics is insane for a PS2 game, especially the explosions. I blew up a petrol tower with an rpg, the explosion was better than anything I've witnessed in HL2 or BF2. Thing was it actually lit up the area and the explosion was blue at the bottom through to orange at the top. Gotta say I never thought graphics like that were possible on PS2, even the guns look in the same league as BF2, infact I'm off to play right now.
iv had some of the best times of my life with my m8s playing halo 2 and timesplitters 2 and the such.
one of our famous times went like this:
Me: "Joe, Joe! they're in our base!"
*Barbie (Joe) was killed
Joe: "i concur."
had us laughing for ages...
oh shit how could I forget it, it owned my life, I've put more hours into that game than any otherPernicious544 wrote:
Im going to put GTA: San Andreas simply because Half Life 1 and 2 suck and no one seems to see it
FAIL!! its terrible!Phatso wrote:
Deus Ex