+72|7035|Indianapolis, IN
I have been asked by a member of this board to write out the article I found in the Indianapolis Star yesterday.  The title of the thread is indeed the title of the article that was written by Kathleen Parker who happens to be a syndicated columnist for The Washington Post.  So without further ado:

   It takes chutzpah, as they might say in Haifa, to declare that Hezbollah and Israel wouldn't be fighting now if John Kerry were president.
   Kerry, who did declare that, apparently has more chutzpah than nuance, as it turns out.
   "If I was president, this wouldn't have happened." said the Massachusetts senator, during a lunchtime visit to "Honest? John's Bar and No Grill Inc." in Detroit while campaigning for Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm.  "The president has been so absent on diplomacy when it comes to issues affecting the Middle East.... We're going to have a lot of ground to make up (in 2008) because of it."  Because of Bush's focus on Iraq, Kerry said, the president failed to address threats posed by other terrorist organizations.
   "He made it so much worse because of his lack of reality in going into Iraq," said Kerry.  And then, "We have to destroy Hezbollah."
   It's impossible, of course, to know what we'd have been watching on television the past several days had Kerry been elected president.  Would Hezbollah not have attacked Israel?  To answer that, we have to back up a few steps and first ask whether we would have been less focused on Iraq had Kerry been elected in 2004.
   Over time, Kerry clearly changed his mind about our position in Iraq, so might we gather that he'd have done things differently?
   Let's pretend - after all, Kerry is pretending - that he could have soothed insurgents and terrorists alike and that, by now, most American troops would be home and Iraq would be enjoying the fruits of a fully functioning stable, democratic government.    We'll give him that tea leaf.  Having managed postwar Iraq better than the Bush administration, what about Iran?  Without Iran's support and provision of munitions, Hezbollah wouldn't be kidnapping Israeli soldiers and launching rockets into Israel right now.  Might we also assume that under the aura of a President Kerry, the Iranians would have passed on electing the Jew-hating, Holocaust-denying Mahmoud Ahmadinejad?
   If only John Kerry had been president, might Iran's powerful clerics have decided instead to back a more pragmatic Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani?  Might we never had heard clerics urging voters to the polls with words like this: “Every vote you cast is a bullet in the heart of America?”
   Perhaps, perhaps, but we’ll never know.  Given that Iran’s elections were arranged in advance by the country’s clerics, it seems likely we’d be right where we are: Trying to keep Iran from developing nuclear weapons and from keeping its promise to erase Israel from the map through its terrorist arm, Hezbollah.
   Finally, we come to Lebanon, Syria and the Palestinians.  With his broader focus, could Kerry have dissuaded Palestinians from electing Hamas to govern them?  Or Syria to stop funding Hamas?  Or prevented southern Lebanese from electing 14 members of Hezbollah to represent them in that country’s Parliament?  These are but some of the events that have transpired in the past year and a half.  Whether a different approach to Iraq would have simplified our present task of stabilizing the region is unknowable.  But Kerry’s boast in the midst of chaos, death and ruin is an embarrassing expression of political hubris that should make even loyal Democrats cut and run.
   Kerry did get one thing perfectly right when he said we need to destroy Hezbollah.  Israel apparently is aiming to do just that.  Whatever might have been two years ago, Israel today must be grateful that George Bush – not John Kerry – is its wingman.

I am sorry for any spelling or gramatical errors, although I did check it.  So now, please discuss.
bad touch

Kerry cried when he lost the election, i dont think he would have done a better job than Bush
+276|6968|United States of America
If Kerry was elected president he would have just dragged us into a war over Ketchup.

Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6914|132 and Bush

My first name is Kerry, love the title of the topic
Xbone Stormsurgezz
I'm not a kerry supporter or anything I would have voted for Pee Wee Herman had he ran against Bush, but I do have a question to Republicans. What would kerry have done that would been so bad for America? My sister seems to be very anti-dem and Kerry but without any real examples about how would do worse than Bush.

My prediction is either near 2008 or just beyond Bush will be regarded as the worst president America ever had since or maybe moreso than Nixon. Hes allready the most stupid award.
+127|6971|WPB, FL. USA
Just imagining John Kerry as President still scares the shit right out of me - he couldn't change his mind once he backed down and pulled our troops out of the terrorist nest in the Mid-East and then say he really meant to leave them there before he pulled them out after hundreds of thousands died. 

I don't thinks he gets it or ever will - IT"S NOT ABOUT HIM!!!!   It doesn't matter who is the President  - terrorist would behead, shin alive, and hang from the highest spot possible either Bush or Kerry. 

I believe that if you manage a personality you can manage a person - that being said then you need to understand that in a terrorist culture weakness is what is going to be exploited - if they want to die then buy them a one way ticket to hell!!!

What if John Kerry was president - go ask his wife since she has his balls in a ketchup bottle 

Last edited by AAFCptKabbom (2006-07-27 22:26:07)

+5,233|6842|Global Command

ﻍﻏﺱﺖﻇﻸﮚ wrote:

I'm not a kerry supporter or anything I would have voted for Pee Wee Herman had he ran against Bush, but I do have a question to Republicans. What would kerry have done that would been so bad for America? My sister seems to be very anti-dem and Kerry but without any real examples about how would do worse than Bush.

My prediction is either near 2008 or just beyond Bush will be regarded as the worst president America ever had since or maybe moreso than Nixon. Hes allready the most stupid award.
Thats only because you think he's stupid.
Could it be that he's acting more like a Churchill than a Carter and thats why you think he's stupid?
     Many in England wanted to listen to Hitler when he said, don't do this and we won't invade Poland. Churchill said that it was an evil that need to be confronted. He was unpopular for many years after the war.
     History regards him now as a great wartime leader.
     Kerry would have been bad for American because you cant have a cringing military hating traitor/coward as commander in chief during a time of war. If I give Kerry any credit it's for being consistantly antiwar. He didn't even think we should have expelled Sadam from Kuwait.
     Not dealing with terrorist actions got us 9-11.
     No sane person can lay the blame on Bush because he was only in office 8 months or so, the plot took years to develop. Now Bush is confronting evil in our time and of course peoiple are going to be squeamish about it. He has at least responded to the terrorist, it is fairly certain Kerry would not have.
     It is also fairly certain that if he had, the majority of Democrates would be in support of it because the press would have sold it as a humanitarian crusade just like they did in Kosovo. We would be doing mostly the same thing. The president chooses from a list of actions to take presented by military leaders. Not bombing somebody was not one of the options after 9-11.

Alexanderthegrape wrote:

Kerry would have been bad for American because you cant have a cringing military hating traitor/coward as commander in chief during a time of war. If I give Kerry any credit it's for being consistantly antiwar. He didn't even think we should have expelled Sadam from Kuwait.
You are aware that while Bush was dodging service in Vietnam in the national guard applying to be a mail courier Kerry was IN vietnam? If ANYONE is a coward its Bush. The flip flopping is truly garbage rhetoric invented by the Bush camp during his reelection. Whats more scary is Bush commenting that hes aware of opinion polls disagreeing with his foreign policys but does them his way anyhow. An American president is a voice for the people not a father figure who makes decisions for you. Its a representative democracy and Bush doesnt have any interest in executign the will of the people over his own intentions.

Kerry didnt opose Gulf war 1 he has said many times he voted against it because he wanted to use diplomacy more .. and then soon after he publicly stated he supported Bush Sr's decision he also voted for OIF.

Comparing Churchill to Dubyah must be a joke. One reason I think hes a moron (aside from his cabinets's ineptitude) is because his public speaking is just around cerebal palsy level i can come up with a dozen videos right now where Bush says something completely ignorant. Churchill was a great man and Bush is nothing like him. Churchill wasnt unpopular because of the war he became unpolular because they didnt think he was a proper leader in peace times.

Alexanderthegrape wrote:

Now Bush is confronting evil in our time and of course peoiple are going to be squeamish about it. He has at least responded to the terrorist, it is fairly certain Kerry would not have.
Actaully thats not certain.. I think the opposite i think he would have concentrated on Afghanistan but no matter what anyone thinks NOTHING is "certain". Oh except maybe one thing .. had Bush been in service during OIF he would be looking to dodge service again and instead being a combat pilot he would have probably looked into some cropdusting or maybe doing flyby's at football games.
+5,233|6842|Global Command
I bet you think Al Gores a genius and Jane Fondas misunderstood too.
Satan's disciple on Earth.
+160|6999|Hell's prison
Jane Fondas a traitor, Al Gore is a retard, and kerry is a chocolate cake for oil pussy.
smells like wee wee

d3v1ldr1v3r13 wrote:

Jane Fondas a traitor, Al Gore is a retard, and kerry is a chocolate cake for oil pussy.
so what does that make bush?

Condy's little dog who has to ask permission to go to the toilet? … /img/1.jpg

Alexanderthegrape wrote:

I bet you think Al Gores a genius and Jane Fondas misunderstood too.
i bet you think you know me and think im a democrat.. youd be wrong about all of this
+5,233|6842|Global Command
Kerry supporter, Bush hater, all the same " lack of any better idea " rhetoric to me.
It's not enough to just be in opposistion to everything Bush has done. I'm still waiting for the part where every person who hate Bush argues inteligently about what realistically could have done differently.
bad touch

Al Gore invented the internet. no shit.
Cynicism is an art, right?
+13|7044|It Rarely Rains in Seattle
The name actually attached to the title of President of the United States is virtually irrelevant today, and most definitely in respect to the world conflicts currently in progress. Sympathy with a culture that ceased any and all progression after expulsion from Spain and continues to exist in a manner that denotes nothing more than contrived supplications of falsified religious doctrine is tantamount to barbarism as well. These conflicts have been in the making for decades, and centuries, and thinking that a position rapidly heading the way of the English Kind and Queen has a tremendous impact on international affairs that have been brewing for much longer than the US has existed is a tragic waste of thought.

Would Kerry have prevented the current progress of our culture into a pseudo-Weimar Republic?
Would Kerry have prevented the terrorist attacks that are sure to come in the coming months and years?

Pacifism does not work in a culture of violence.

Alexanderthegrape wrote:

Kerry supporter, Bush hater, all the same

ﻍﻏﺱﺖﻇﻸﮚ wrote:

I'm not a kerry supporter or anything
I got nothing against you really but im really not fond of you labeling me or putting words in my mouth.

Bush is such a pathetic president that it is far too simple to say what you would do better. Firstly i wouldnt lie to my country to push an agenda for war. I would respond to crises better such as new orleans. And i would manage the economy better instead of pushing a surplus into record deficit. I could go on ..
ok when ppl said bush didnt do anything when the terrorists attacked, he still sat there it was coz he was in shock. stalin locked himself in his room for a week when the germans crossed the border, like other great leaders, bush was in shock.
You know, as a European, I love these kind of threads.
It gives a good view on the opinion of the USA people.
Beats the news everytime, carry on, friends
the "Commander"
+102|6836|the Netherlands
wasn't he in Apocalypse now ?

Last edited by Tjasso (2006-07-28 02:30:48)

+72|7035|Indianapolis, IN
Please keep the personal attack out of this thread.  I am enjoying the opinions coming out.

*sits back with bag of popcorn*

ﻍﻏﺱﺖﻇﻸﮚ wrote:

I'm not a kerry supporter or anything I would have voted for Pee Wee Herman had he ran against Bush, but I do have a question to Republicans. What would kerry have done that would been so bad for America? My sister seems to be very anti-dem and Kerry but without any real examples about how would do worse than Bush.

My prediction is either near 2008 or just beyond Bush will be regarded as the worst president America ever had since or maybe moreso than Nixon. Hes allready the most stupid award.
Bush is the worst president in history. Really. … in_history

But Im not getting into this again. Just food for thought.

Last edited by Mason4Assassin444 (2006-07-28 08:54:00)

+5,233|6842|Global Command

??????? wrote:

I got nothing against you really but im really not fond of you labeling me or putting words in my mouth.
And I have nothing against you. Heres some karma. Just so I know where your coming from would you care to label yourself?  I didn't mean to seem like I was putting words in your mouth, I meant to state , my interpretation of what the meaning of what you were saying.

??????? wrote:

Bush is such a pathetic president that it is far too simple to say what you would do better. Firstly i wouldnt lie to my country to push an agenda for war. … e=20060725

??????? wrote:

I would respond to crises better such as new orleans. And i would manage the economy better instead of pushing a surplus into record deficit. I could go on ..
We are in agreement here, except that the tax cuts are bringing the deficit down faster than was expected.
+302|7049|Salt Lake City

My flame retardent suit is at the cleaners right now, so I think I'll just sit back and watch this one unfold.
+5,233|6842|Global Command
Who's flaming,  dolts?
Horseman 77
One would wonder why anyone would turn to "Rolling Stone" for "food for thought."

post soon to be closed by non-progressive, intolerant tyrant

Last edited by Horseman 77 (2006-07-28 09:16:49)

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