Did a search, nothing came up so here it is.
Reason I am posting is because alot of people cry over the fact the jets in bf2 rearm when you fly over, I like how they did that, but thats my opinion.
In-flight rearming
The US Air Force's research lab in New York is developing a system will allow fighter planes to be rearmed, as well as refuelled, in mid-flight.
Full Story: http://www.newscientisttech.com/article/dn9615
Reason I am posting is because alot of people cry over the fact the jets in bf2 rearm when you fly over, I like how they did that, but thats my opinion.
In-flight rearming
The US Air Force's research lab in New York is developing a system will allow fighter planes to be rearmed, as well as refuelled, in mid-flight.
Full Story: http://www.newscientisttech.com/article/dn9615