+38|6934|Houston, TX
I am from Texas and yes we all have guns.  "Don't mess with Texas."
Pusher of sausages Down Hallways

Viper007Bond wrote:

Do all of you Brits have really horrible teeth? Are there no dentists there?

You really shouldn't pay attention to stereotypes and you should realize that the US is more than just Texas or whatever. Hell, I only know a couple people who own a gun and I've never seen one in person.
Never heard of THAT stereotype :S
+9|6892|Doctor Evils Lair, Near You!

Mongoose wrote:

i like cookies
Me too us aussies like our "home made cookies" from the cookie monster who visits at night..... I also like it when the GREEN MONKEYS visit and take me on a wonderful colourful flying experience though my window and out over the sea......... i once even landing on the Wake Island map and saw myself running towards the Airfield...............
Will fly for food.
+120|6825|Daytona Beach, FL

pfc_toecutter wrote:

I am from Texas and yes we all have guns.  "Don't mess with Texas."
I'm from Texas and I don't own a gun.. that's because I don't have money for one... I'm gonna have to rely on my Chuck Norris moves for self-defense until I can get a rifle after college.
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6865|Southeastern USA

Viper007Bond wrote:

Do all of you Brits have really horrible teeth? Are there no dentists there?

You really shouldn't pay attention to stereotypes and you should realize that the US is more than just Texas or whatever. Hell, I only know a couple people who own a gun and I've never seen one in person.
dude calm down, I saw nothing in his post cerogatory to americans, it just seems he's more curious than anything

in response to the thread author
the laws vary greatly from state to state, mostly they restrict the purchase of firearms according to age, but if your uncle gives you a 12 gauge as mine did when I was 9 years old no ones going to throw him in jail, yes you can purchase lasers, flashlights, mags, drums, flash suppressors, pretty much anything you can think of, certain modifications are illegal, such as making a semi-auto a full-auto, on the other hand, most places you can own a full auto if you have a certain license and as long as you purchase it already full auto capable, again I am trying to speak in the broadest terms possible, there are exceptions to many of the laws according to where you live, for instance Massachusetts, where John Kerry resides in the senate, you practically have to ask permission to take your legally owned firearm on a hunting trip

I got my first gunpowder firearm around 8 years old (a .22 squirrel rifle), and now have several rifles and shotties, but no pistols yet, operative word being yet, my toughest decisision now is whether to get a pistol or a WW2 rifle for my next purchase, seems I've found a great deal on some of hitler's own unused Mausers, ORIGINAL STOCK NEW CONDITION!!! Damn, I hate to pass that up but I really had my heart set on a Beretta.
'twice cooked beef!'
the class III license that allows you to own a fully automatic gun is meant for dealers and the like. it must be renewed annually for several thousand dollars, i forget the exact cost. it's not exorbitant, but it's not chump change either.

supressors are illegal.

i think .50 cal is the largest gun that a civilian can own? does anyone know how the law works regarding things like civil war cannon and the like? they have them for war reenactments and whatnot, and i'm pretty sure they're bigger than .50. maybe blank firing only?
Togs8896 is my evil alter ego
+567|6947|New Hampshire, USA

elite wrote:

or your tv shows tell alot of bullshit
Oh man, you have no idea the extent of the bullshit some of the shows sell
+2|6801|East Lansing Mi
In Michigan you need to be 18 to purchase a pistol, you may inheret one earlier.   All guns sold must go thru a ffa dealer to be lawful.  You cannot legally recieve a gifted gun, or give it away. 

I am 35, and have 1 pistol,  FN Herstal 5-7.  I also have a CPL (concealed pistol license) and can carry it about anywhere,  there are like 9 types of places you cant carry a gun, unless you are law enforcement.  In Michigan a pistol can have 20 rounds, my gun came with 20 round mags.  I did notice that some internet places were stating that they could replace the 20 rounds with 10 rounds, so it can get by state laws.

But to answer your question, out of my imidiat family of 6, I am the only one that owns a gun.  .177 ball guns (bb guns) are not considered firearms and the same with painball guns.  I do have a .177 pellet gun (still powered by air) that is a "firearm"
'twice cooked beef!'
i thought FN didn't sell 5-7s to civilians?

Last edited by Krappyappy (2006-07-27 08:33:48)

Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6865|Southeastern USA
I meant the ones that just direct the flash to the side to keep it out of your line of sight, not the ones that eliminate it altogether like a silencer, as for the caliber I think there's a way to get just about anything you want, there are private owners with everything from operational tanks to AA trucks, but then they do pay handsomely for the privilege and get a visit from the secret service every time a diplomat comes to town
+5,233|6845|Global Command

kr@cker wrote:

Viper007Bond wrote:

Do all of you Brits have really horrible teeth? Are there no dentists there?

You really shouldn't pay attention to stereotypes and you should realize that the US is more than just Texas or whatever. Hell, I only know a couple people who own a gun and I've never seen one in person.
dude calm down, I saw nothing in his post cerogatory to americans, it just seems he's more curious than anything

in response to the thread author
the laws vary greatly from state to state, mostly they restrict the purchase of firearms according to age, but if your uncle gives you a 12 gauge as mine did when I was 9 years old no ones going to throw him in jail, yes you can purchase lasers, flashlights, mags, drums, flash suppressors, pretty much anything you can think of, certain modifications are illegal, such as making a semi-auto a full-auto, on the other hand, most places you can own a full auto if you have a certain license and as long as you purchase it already full auto capable, again I am trying to speak in the broadest terms possible, there are exceptions to many of the laws according to where you live, for instance Massachusetts, where John Kerry resides in the senate, you practically have to ask permission to take your legally owned firearm on a hunting trip

I got my first gunpowder firearm around 8 years old (a .22 squirrel rifle), and now have several rifles and shotties, but no pistols yet, operative word being yet, my toughest decisision now is whether to get a pistol or a WW2 rifle for my next purchase, seems I've found a great deal on some of hitler's own unused Mausers, ORIGINAL STOCK NEW CONDITION!!! Damn, I hate to pass that up but I really had my heart set on a Beretta.
Those Mausers from that company in Fountain Valley, charter arms, I think are the shit.
They shoot as good as a new $700.00 rifle, have history and a swastika.

Last edited by Alexanderthegrape (2006-07-27 08:38:15)

'twice cooked beef!'
i have a thing for the SKS simonov. those things are sexy.
Wow....just realized....why DO American TV shows always have bad hair, bad toothed britains? All my british friends have really happy teeth. Cheerio
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6865|Southeastern USA

classic.timing wrote:

Wow....just realized....why DO American TV shows always have bad hair, bad toothed britains? All my british friends have really happy teeth. Cheerio
that's a leftover stereotype from the WW2 era, when britain was undergoing war rationing for a few years longer than the US, toothpaste and cosmetics took a backseat to supplying the war effort, the effects of the lack of dental care really showed up in the following decades for the people that grew up in the 40's

have you got one alex? I'll send you the link when I can, the company also sells pretty much all the accessories from mag belts to the bayonets, currently all I have from WW2 is a jap army officers sword (one of the early ones when they had money, the scabbard is steel not wood), a red handled Nazi dress dagger, and .........this is Enfield spike, that's right, not the whole rifle, just the spike, to be fair to myself the spikes are harder to find than the bayonet, and when I saw one I had to grab it on the spot cuz I didn't know if I would ever see one again

Last edited by kr@cker (2006-07-27 08:50:04)


Krappyappy wrote:

the class III license that allows you to own a fully automatic gun is meant for dealers and the like. it must be renewed annually for several thousand dollars, i forget the exact cost. it's not exorbitant, but it's not chump change either.

supressors are illegal.

i think .50 cal is the largest gun that a civilian can own? does anyone know how the law works regarding things like civil war cannon and the like? they have them for war reenactments and whatnot, and i'm pretty sure they're bigger than .50. maybe blank firing only?
The Class III is for sales/manufacture.  You can get a $200 tax stamp as a civilian for life(provided you commit no crimes and they take it away)

Supressors are LEGAL.  It takes a $200 tax stamp similar to the full auto.  I know, i have several friends with legally owned and used supressors.  Not as cool as one might think, they are a waste of $$ for a civy

Any MODERN firearm in excess of .50BMG is considered a destructive device and it gets very pricey and touchy to own/fire.  But you can still get many.  You could buy a 40mm M203 grenade launcher if you have more $$ than brains, and it'd be legal.

Civil war cannons can be real, hell a ww2 reenactor a buddy of mine knows owns a real german 88 from WW2, and the civil war rifles are like .58 or .68 cal i think.

*edit* for wording

Last edited by Jaguar (2006-07-27 08:54:07)

Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6865|Southeastern USA
I think the suppressor is another state by state thing, now that I think about it there's a vendor not too far from here that had some not too long ago, Georgia has pretty good gun regs, wouldn't surprise me if they're legal here, but you're right, in reality they sound like someone slamming a car door rather than the pfft pfft you hear on tv and movies, I think that's only acheivable with an extremely small cal like a .22 and a very large silencer

kr@cker wrote:

I think the suppressor is another state by state thing, now that I think about it there's a vendor not too far from here that had some not too long ago, Georgia has pretty good gun regs, wouldn't surprise me if they're legal here, but you're right, in reality they sound like someone slamming a car door rather than the pfft pfft you hear on tv and movies, I think that's only acheivable with an extremely small cal like a .22 and a very large silencer
Yes, true true on the State to State, etc.

A good .22LR pistol with a small Suppressor and subsonic ammo will sound like a pfft pfft + the sound of the firearm mechanics(slide moving back and forth).  My buddy has a suppressor for a .223 AR15 (M4) and is sounds like an unsuppressed AR15 without the ouch factor to the on the muzzle crack.  Also a suppressed 9mm MP5 (not the MP5SD unfortunately) and with subsonic ammo, you don't hear much more than the action moving and mild pop pop.

The key to the *pfft pfft* is muzzle velocity and 'can' size.  No matter how large a can, if the ammo/caliber is supersonic(any rifle, and several handgun calibers), it will be loud to the user.  Get subsonic, and the noise can be reduced to no more than the sound of the firearm cycling.

*edit* for additional content

Last edited by Jaguar (2006-07-27 09:11:34)

'twice cooked beef!'

Jaguar wrote:

The Class III is for sales/manufacture.  You can get a $200 tax stamp as a civilian for life(provided you commit no crimes and they take it away)
cool, never heard of those. i'll have to get one.

Almost everyone I know has guns and lots of them. Here's some of our guns:

My roomate just got an AR. I'm soooo jelous!!
Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it
GunSlinger OIF II

elite wrote:

why do you guys think we have dam bad teeth.....your schools must really suck or your tv shows tell alot of bullshit
the same could be said for any stupid stereotype about Americans as well.  dont throw glasshouses in a stone.
Infamous meleeKings cult. Est. 2003 B.C.
+82|6855|The Lost Highway
I've owned, and been around guns all of my life. They're bad-fuckin'-ass!
+2|6801|East Lansing Mi

Krappyappy wrote:

i thought FN didn't sell 5-7s to civilians?
the 5 - 7 was only restricted because of the ammo they shot.  The restricted ammo is armor class 3b piercing, which most law enforcement dont use that grade.   

I believe that ss-192 was the name of that ammo.   

You can buy the ss-195 (lead free) and the ss -196  (plastic tip) metal jacket ammo.

The 192 was made of 2 metals the very tip, an alloy that was super sharp, enought to get thru woven armor and what not, then that would produce a tumbling effect for the rest of the bullet.

If you look at the 5-7 ammo, its wierd, the cassing and shell remind me of an old Coke bottle, yes when they were glass, you have tons of powder pushing something that is about .223 caliber.

Just as a note, the 5-7 uses the same ammo as the p90, also that caliber is the same as the m4/m16.

ozzie_johnson wrote:

the brits dont have flouride in their drinking water unlike Aus.
americans do as well.
+38|6934|Houston, TX

King_County_Downy wrote:

Almost everyone I know has guns and lots of them. Here's some of our guns:
I'm afraid to ask what that thing is in the center of the looks like a bull ejaculator.  (Not that I'm experienced with that sort of thing.  I saw it on "Dirty Jobs")  But, really, what is it?
It is a matter of personal choice, and where you live.

In my case, I don't hunt, but like mechanical devices, and have been shooting since I was a kid. Now, I own;

Beretta 92FS 9mm (Unmodified)
Remington 870 12ga Shotgun (With tactical flashlight mount, collapsable stock)
Bushmaster XM15 Assault Rifle (With Harris Bipod  Legs, Lepers 10x50 Scope, modified pistol grip)
Ruger 10/22 (Unmodified for the kids)

I only get to shoot them a few times a year, but it is fun. I feel sorry for anyone who doesn't have the freedom to own and shoot a firearm. It doesn't have anything to do with being macho or pretending to be a badass. Knowing you can shoot a firearm gives a certain amount of confidence should the need arise. Also, it is an interesting hobby for those who are mechanically inclined. Taking each weapon apart for cleaning after shooting them lets me tinker.

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