GunSlinger OIF II

Cougar wrote:

Well technically, telling gang members to fuck off probably wasn't the brightest idea you've ever had. 

I suggest moving to the other side of town and not telling anyone.
true, but damn it.  Ive been to Iraq, who the fuck are these fuckers to talk with kid gloves.  I didnt tell em to fuck off till a few weeks ago really when one of these fuckers came to my house telling me "my rent is due for the hood"  i almost started busting out laughing when he told me that and i could tell homie was getting mad but he knew better than to start acting up when, like I said, always an arms length away.
Peruvian Cocaine
+261|7081|Toronto Canada

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

kessel! wrote:

isnt below the waist not considered attempted murder?
if you shoot the thighs, you may hit the a large blood vessel, you will die in 2 minutes.
true but legally its not attempted murder and or murder even if you do hit them in the artery
i have been a concealed weapons carrier for about 8 years now.. thank god that i havent even had to use it.  although reading your situation ... you need to update yourself on the local gun laws in your area. Find out what the truth is..  get a ccw permit, call the police tell ppl !  this will be your only recourse if things do go bad, and you have to kill someone.. thats right shoot to kill!!  dead men tell no lies!
The law here in washington state is pretty clear... pull your gun only to shoot someone,  only if you feel that your life or someone elses life is threatened!  be very clear not to just pull and fire wildly in the air to"threaten"... this will lead you straight to jail.

here is a link to a good summary of gun laws for california

well hope this was helpful and goodluck to you sir!
Dead Meat
Moving would surly be the best choice but not the easiest as rent is good and family near by.
I say just never talk to them and if you have to, just feed them some bullshit like you respect them but you are going your own way in life. I don't know maybe they will just see it for what it is and leave you alone.
If not, no matter what don't do anything illegal unless you are backed into a corner. (I guess that wouldn't be illegal then)

Getting the police involved may help or it could make it worse depending on how much influence the gang has. I don't know much about gangs.
I say good for you for changing your life and hang in there. Good luck my non-gang banger friend.

Last edited by spacebandit72 (2006-07-25 23:15:08)

just nothing
Nothing wrong with defending your property. The only thing is that you may only use enough force that is necessary to protect the property, that means not deadly force.

Then again, if they set one foot inside your house you can shoot to kill. You have to wait until they step foot inside before you can claim perfect self defense, as opposed to imperfect self defense. Under no circumstance may you shoot a man in the back running away from you though. That is NOT self defense.
GunSlinger OIF II
wow, thanks for the outstanding fucking feedback everybody.  really appreciate it. 

I have no quams calling the cops on these fuckers, im not with that whole street culture  dont snitch bullshit because Im not 15 years old anymore, ya know.  I wouldnt mind having the cops "come to my rescue"  im just more concerned about what these failures in life would do to my car.  my ride aint much but it represents all the money I saved up in Iraq. All those long, long patrols where I would just daydream about what im gonna do with my civilian time and my deployment money.  That car is an extension of time in Iraq.  I got my license a day after I came back and my car day after that and these fuckers love smashing up cars and running away.

but unlike the army, threat to property, as far as I know, isnt equal to deadly force.  that right there boggles the mind.

Last edited by GunSlinger OIF II (2006-07-25 23:27:06)

Too X-Core
+100|6876|laguna beach, ca
i don't know what your situation is exactly, but if it was me, my safety would be much more important than the amount of money i'm spending on rent.  if you are really in the situation in which your life is in danger, get the hell out of there.

yes i know i'm stating the obvious, but one of my buddies was attacked by a gang and almost died.  he suffered two stab wounds.  gangs can really be serious, man, i know.
+99|6952|New York
Just go down to Q's in old town and  have a few beers with them every now and then and keep things cool.
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6865|Southeastern USA
get an M! from a gun show and aim for the kneecaps, but if you were defending your property, and their violence escalated, need for deadly force would be arguable, there is a way which I shouldn't post on here to attach a capacitor to your battery and the car's frame, whoever grabbed any grounded sheetmetal, which your car would have plenty of unless it's a saturn or similar, would be in for quite a shock
+5,233|6845|Global Command
+1,153|6946|Washington, DC

If they're harassing you, harass back. If they scratch up your car, wait till they run off then sneak up behind them and bust their knees with a baseball bat.

From what I know of CA laws, you'd do some time for that. It's a shame you can't seek out proper justice against these people... I know that at least in DC the cops are more interested in getting money through ticketing speeders and parking violators than enforcing other laws. Pretty stupid. We've got MS13 runnin around here and yet I never see anything on the news regarding the capture of major people in gangs or a criminal caught. But god forbid someone speeding by a traffic camera!

Last edited by ExecutionerStyle (2006-07-29 16:05:24)

Copenhage master

Donald O' Brien wrote:

Is it legal to carry a concealed weapon in California?  That's something they are fighting for here in Wisconsin.
haha we have it here in Minnesota!!! but yeah...if they fuck with ur shit pop off some rounds to show you mean business...thats what id do anywayz:p

nem420hunter wrote:

i have been a concealed weapons carrier for about 8 years now.. thank god that i havent even had to use it.  although reading your situation ... you need to update yourself on the local gun laws in your area. Find out what the truth is..  get a ccw permit, call the police tell ppl !  this will be your only recourse if things do go bad, and you have to kill someone.. thats right shoot to kill!!  dead men tell no lies!
The law here in washington state is pretty clear... pull your gun only to shoot someone,  only if you feel that your life or someone elses life is threatened!  be very clear not to just pull and fire wildly in the air to"threaten"... this will lead you straight to jail.

here is a link to a good summary of gun laws for california

well hope this was helpful and goodluck to you sir!
Nem has an AWESOME collection of guns. He's my homie. (Camping next weekend BTW)

Gunslinger, move.

Retard gangbangers don't know when to quit. This is the shit they live for. Your best option is to move or it's gonna get worse.
Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it
462nd NSP653
Devout Moderate, Empty Head.
Sucks you made the right turn in life and these knuckleheads can't just let it go. Ya think they'd show you some honor since you used to run with them but how's the saying go about "no honor amongst thieves..." guess same applies to bangers.

Let the PD know (doubt it will help much though) and try to acquire a video camera. I'm sure if they are as lowly as you say they are, you'd never get reparation in court, even if you did catch them on camera but at least it's something...

Do they play video games? Maybe get them a copy of BF2 ($40 is cheaper than car repairs) may just take over all their free time as it has mine.. :-)  Then instead of out bangin their catching rez burn in front o' the monitor...

I've said it to you before, I truly appreciate all you and your fellow armed services personnel do. Wish I could help ya back with something more than advice.

Last edited by 462nd NSP653 (2006-07-29 17:07:39)

Dont tread on me
+77|7011|Mountains of West Virginia

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

im not with that whole street culture  dont snitch bullshit because Im not 15 years old anymore, ya know.
We have a big problem with this in Baltimore. People love to wear shirts like this around the East Side.

Its a joke if you ask me. I understand you have the right to protect your property, but spending time in jail is not worth your car is it? Be the bigger man and turn away from it.

You seem to have a pretty sound head, I think you will pull through ok.
No place like
+76|7011|Gold Coast,QLD,Australia
Just pop a cap in dose bizatches fazes, yar know what im saying?


cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

If they start brining knives and shit, fire warning shots, then if they really do become a threat, shoot their legs.
make sure it is belwo the knees so it wasnt attempted murder
+1,153|6946|Washington, DC

Snipedya14 wrote:

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

im not with that whole street culture  dont snitch bullshit because Im not 15 years old anymore, ya know.
We have a big problem with this in Baltimore. … _shirt.jpg People love to wear shirts like this around the East Side.

Its a joke if you ask me. I understand you have the right to protect your property, but spending time in jail is not worth your car is it? Be the bigger man and turn away from it.

You seem to have a pretty sound head, I think you will pull through ok.
I should make a shirt like those that say


and on the back says "if you can't do the time, don't do the crime... noobz"
+23|6947|Chicago, IL

TriggerHappy998 wrote:

Nothing wrong with defending your property. The only thing is that you may only use enough force that is necessary to protect the property, that means not deadly force.

Then again, if they set one foot inside your house you can shoot to kill. You have to wait until they step foot inside before you can claim perfect self defense, as opposed to imperfect self defense. Under no circumstance may you shoot a man in the back running away from you though. That is NOT self defense.
Exactly, and if your shot takes him out of the house you had better drag him back in.... make sure he was in the house!
+1|7070|Nellis AFB
Park your car in the garage to alleviate some of the worry? Then they will have to damage/break into the house to truely harass you. Once inside it would be much easier to get away with killing one of them.
Anger is a gift
+174|6949|Sin City

Hey Gunslinger, props to you for having the balls to stand up to those little turds. I can tell you firsthand though as a cop in Vegas, you can't blow thier asses up for tearing up your car if you catch them. Which of course, in my opinion is complete bullshit.  You can't use deadly force against somebody unless you or somebody else is at risk of "death or substantial bodily harm". California is about as liberal as they come when it comes to people defending themselves or their property, so I wouldn't count on any help from the court system there. The cops will of course be more than happy to show up and take care of buisness if you call them while it's goin on, so that would be my suggestion. Besides, most gang bangers have no balls and refuse to fight fair so if you come out and start handing out ass-whippins one will probably pull out a knife or a gun. Of course, then you would be justified in shooting them if they did. Anyway, good luck bro....and thanks for serving in Iraq.
Combat medic

The#1Spot wrote:

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

If they start brining knives and shit, fire warning shots, then if they really do become a threat, shoot their legs.
make sure it is belwo the knees so it wasnt attempted murder
So much as aiming can be considered as using deadly froce, here in FL, if I clear leather with my CCW 1911, it means you intend to use deadly force, even if you don't shoot. 

Also NEVER fire a "warning shot", to much risk to bystanders and it will kill you in court.
hell gunslinger you were in the army so you should know how to hand out ass kickings in numbers

and like D6717C said if they pull a gun then your certainly at risk and i would say you would be justified putting a round or two in the air

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