He broke his jaw? What about the 62 year old lady eating and going through a red light? Everybody breaks bones , maybe now he'll wear a helmet? Besides, he's now getting more publicity then Evil Canevil (spelling?).PuckMercury wrote:
lol, well at least no one is losing sleep over it.PspRpg-7 wrote:
They hate you too.PuckMercury wrote:
<looks at "location">
Alright, I'll give you 3 guesses. I'll even give you a hint ... they finally pwned the Patriots.
As for the Cowboys? Get this - they were going to make a stadium with a retractable top. They neared completion and had the hole, but ran out of money. They couldn't complete the doors. So. Now, when asked why the stadium is left open, the owner responds with, "So God can look down on his team."
God I hate the Cowboys.
As for Roethlisberger - how dumb do you have to be to be the quarterback of the defending superbowl champions and go riding around on your crotch rocket without a helmet and manage to get yourself fucked up in an accident?
Last edited by ZCor3x (2006-07-25 16:38:36)