Tyferra wrote:
Blackbeard was impressive in the way he tied lit fuses to his Dreadlocked beard as he viciously attacked people. His flag... well, not the best.
My favourite historical Pirate is Calico Jack. Sure he dressed like a fag, (hence the name 'Calico',) but he had the coolest flag:
http://www.vicandbob.net/images_jim/Cal … _small.jpg
So if you saw a gay guy running down the street holding hands with Richard Simmons....but he was wearing a cool shirt, that all of the sudden makes him a hardcore badass?
Tyferra wrote:
Also he sailed with the only two female Pirates in History, Anne Bonny and Mary Read. He was captured and hung... not the best death like dying in battle, but at least he didn't commit suicide like a common ninja.
Ahh, but as you state yourself later in the post, different places, different cultures, different methods. Where he may look like a hero for allowing himself to be hung in the West, in the East he would have been seen as a coward for not ending himself and allowing others to send him into the next life. I side with the ninja's here. I look at it like this:
If you were surrounded by Zombies and the only was out was the one bullet in your gun or to be eaten alive, what would you do?
Tyferra wrote:
Now to try and discredit Cougar further, (a difficult task given most members here seem to be more swayed towards Ninjas.
Hardly. Look at the thread thus far.
Tyferra wrote:
Emo? Doubtful for both, but if you were willing to take an equally unfair outlook on Ninjas as Cougar has for Mr. Teach, you could say that they are Emo for wearing nothing but Black.
For stealth. Special Operatives of todays armies also wear black. Not as a fashion statement, but rather as a survival tool.
Tyferra wrote:
All limbs attached? Good point one would think. However as far as masculinity is concerned, a Ninja who was injured to the same extent as a Pirate would be rendered useless and probably commit sucide himself rather than battling on.
Limb is to Ninja as Boat is to Pirate. I'm sure a Pirate would go down with his ship before swimming to the winner and begging for help. Just as a Ninja would suicide before seeking medical attention.
Tyferra wrote:
Silent Killers? Well, you got tha one right, but how important and impressive is silent killing when Pirates have the balls to attack battleships full of armed soldiers to take booty, rather than sneaking in to silently cut a solitary man's throat? I'll leave that up to you anyways.
Most Ninja's work alone, as where Pirates have an entire crew. Pirates are also on water in giant ships, it's a bit hard to be stealthy. Ninja's operate on land.
Tyferra wrote:
Ever get caught? Another fairly good point, although the reason few Ninjas get caught is because if their position is comprimised, they will kill themselves. Also the general rule in Shogun Japan was that Ninjas should be killed on sight, (a more common occurence than folklaw would have you believe.) Meanwhile if someone caught a Pirate, there was a great celebration and the Pirate was executed in a manner fit for a respected enemy rather than a commonplace assassin.
Ninja's were killed on sight, becuase if you didn't kill them as soon as possible the ninja would find a way to kill you, whereas a pirate is pretty much done and no longer a threat when his ship and crew are gone.
Tyferra wrote:
Badass looking? Well, one can figure that out for themselves. One is either partial to ragged finary or black pajamas, but like I said, I'll leave that up to you.
Once again, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Tyferra wrote:
Uses pussy weaons? Well, another one which is a matter of opinion. Sharp stars and daggers or cannons, cutlasses and blunderbusses. Personlly I think few weapons are 'pussy' as such, but as far as Pirates having pussy weapons, I'd have to disagree.
One shot from the pistol, missed, throw the gun down, pull out the sword, put hand on hip and proceed to dance around like a sissy until someone gets stabbed.
Ninja's just throw a steel star that cracks your skull open and instantly kills you without a sound and then moves on to the next guy.
Tyferra wrote:
Uses manly weapons? Like above, except I even more stongly disagree wih Mr. Cougar. How can a shiney star be considered manly, or a thin dagger? Personally I think they can be considered perfect accessories to the "Pound" bar on Dixon Street Wellington, (if you didn't catch any of that, it is a gay bar.)
Hidden away, nicely fitting with the aforementioned black pajamas, or mean weapons, obviously well-used, roughly strapped to one's sides because the wearer knows no-one's going to mess with one looking as mean as him anyway.
Now, I love me some guns, beleive me I do. But if I saw two guys fighting, one with a gun and one with a shiny star, and the guy with star won.....yeah he's a badass. If the guy with the gun won, your kinda like...meh.
Tyferra wrote:
Skilled? Another one which applies to both. Different skills of course. A Pirate has no need for the skills of an assasson, like the Ninja has no need fo nautical skills. For an example, lets swap their roles around. If a Pirate was an assassin, sure maybe he would not be as subtle as the Ninja, but killing is second nature to most men. Hardly an 'elite' skill. Put a Ninja on a boat in th open water and he wouldn't know what to do. He'd die of thirst or starvation, or be boarded by Pirates. I daresay he would have comitted suicide before he let anything that horrible happen to him though. Pussy.
Illogical Comparison. Ninja's have no need to board a boat in the first place, just as Pirates have no need to be stealthy.
Tyferra wrote:
Lucky? Well, depends on the person. Honestly I think this is irrelevent as all people have some sort of luck. A Pirates luck though, good or bad, is taken as granted. They live on regardless. However, if luck turned foul for a Ninja, no doubt he would again resort to taking his own life... what was this about Ninjas not being Emo again?
We covered this already.
Tyferra wrote:
Defeats > Victories? A Ninja only needs to be defeated once and he is finished. A Pirate can suffer many defeats and still go on. I suppose this is where this lopsided opinion comes from.
meh, all the famous Pirates are dead. Everyone heard about it too. Ever hear of a Ninja being defeated? Didn't think so.
Tyferra wrote:
Victories < Defeats? Well that depends. A Ninja's victory means he has killed one man and got out scot free. A Pirates victory means he and his crew have overrun an enemy ship and taken captives and booty. I know which kind of victory I'd prefer.
Or perhaps the ninja gets paid more for killing one man than Pirates do for killing an entire crew. Either way, perhaps the Ninja's do it out of loyalty to some head Ninja master. Pirates just run around like stray dogs, stinking up the ocean. Ninja's are like purebred elite warriors. Pirates are scroungy, ill-groomed mutts.
Tyferra wrote:
As to the winner, I have no doubts that it is the Pirates. Pirates live on in today's culture, you'll even find them still existing, (although now they don large T-shirts an outsized glasses and call themselves "Software" Pirates.) You'll see them in recent movies - yes, I know Johnny Depp's drunk, cowardly Pirate is somewhat of comic relief, but what was the last Ninja you saw on the silver screen? Chris Farley in "Beverly Hills Ninja"?
Thank you for you time. Thought you might like to hear both sides of the story.
Up yours Cougar.
- Calico Ty.
Up yours to buddy.