The age old debate: Pirate vs. Ninja, Ninja vs. Pirate, is undoubtedly the most fought over subject in the history of the internet and post millennium pop culture.  An un-dieing conflict that will probably never be resolved due to the fact that most "Real Pirates" and most "Real Ninja's" are all dead.  They have gone the same path as the Knight, the Samurai, and the Cowboy, lost to history and buried under the attention of modern warriors. 

But, recently the battle has spilled over into the BF2s forum and is quickly turning the population into a North Vs. South mindset which could erupt into an all out e-civil-war.  It is in this light that I, Cougar, shall examine both sides in depth and formulate a hypothesis on what would happen if the two major powers of awesomeness where to actually meet in a real life physical confrontation.


Pirates are probably the most well known of the two, with huge blockbuster movies and folklore abound.  However, most of these things are exaggerated to a ridiculous state.  To understand a Pirate, you must understand a Pirates history.  One of the most famous Pirates of all time was Blackbeard The Pirate.

Blackbeard (real name Edward Teach) was born around 1680 in Bristol, England.  He died in 1718 making him roughly around 38 years of age.  Now, Blackbeard is the most famous Pirate and most would say the most awesome and badass Pirate of them all.  I beg to differ.  First off, lets look at his flag:
Blackbeards Emo Flag

Balckbeards flag contains a demonic being, holding a spear against a bleeding heart and in the other hand an hourglass.  NOT, a skull and crossbones flag, and pretty damned Emo looking if you ask me.  Everyone hates Emo's+Blackbeards Emo flag=1 strike for Pirates.  The original Skull & Crossbones flag was Edward Englands flag and the Skull and Swords belonged to Calico Jack. 

Blackbeard himself was a blundering buffoon.  He had a nice run of being a Pirate for a whole 2 years, before running his ship aground and getting himself killed.  Most Pirates you read about will either have been captured, killed, sank or just disappeared.  Meaning that they hardly ever (if ever) live.  Strike 2 for Pirates.

Next we will look at a Pirates appearance:

Well...first off he's missing a frecking leg and is dependent on a crutch, which also takes away use of his left arm.  In his right hand he has a single shot flintlock pistol, so I hope he is a good shot because he's going to have to sit down to reload that bitch.  Just from the look of him I can tell he stinks like shit, so the element of surprise is gone.  Another thing, he wearing panty hose?  Strike 3 for the Pirate.  Pirates Suck.


Ninja's are probably most renowned for their stealthy and silent killing methods.  Basically to kill something or someone without them or anyone else knowing what the fuck just happened, IF they noticed at all.  Ninja's are also known for their attitudes towards being caught, and the art of honorable suicide, meaning in a ain't capturing these sons of bitches...ever.  There really aren't any "famous" ninja's, mainly because they are so stealthy, secretive and never get caught.  Pictures of real ninja's are also rare, but I did manage to find one:

This image is over 60 years old.  The person who took the picture was killed.  Apparently, legend has it that the man who took the picture was sitting on his porch fiddling with his camera.  All of the sudden  Hiroshima blew up behind him and as he turned to look he saw the ninja and his falling dead body hit the capture button on the camera.  The man's body, believed to have been killed by the blast, wasn't officially classified as a ninja death until 50 years later when his decaying corpse finally revealed a Shuriken buried in his skull.  This evidence prompted medical examiners to re-examine his film only to find a ninja on the roll.  The poor quality is attributed to the thermo-nuclear device exploding in the background.

Where Pirates use crap weapons like rusty ass swords and flintlock pistols that are un-accurate and have poor loading times, the ninja use shuriken or "ninja stars".  These things are swift, shiny, silent and very very deadly.  They come in an assortment of colors, shapes and sizes but here is one just for example:
Ninja Shuriken

Much more badass and deadly than a sword in my honest opinion.


Ninja is the Winner.
Ninja's can't swim...
Interesting story on the Ninja picture
Pulls out gun, Watch him run

GrinchWSLG wrote:

Ninja's can't swim...
And they get sea sick lmfao.

GrinchWSLG wrote:

Ninja's can't swim...
Neither can Pirates apparantly.....
Cal players > BF2s
+40|6898|Columbus,Ohio-THE Ohio State U
You forgot to even mention that pirates have huge ass ships, with huge ass guns...And how far do you think a ninja can throw a star?  About 30 yds at best?

ToXiC888 wrote:

You forgot to even mention that pirates have huge ass ships, with huge ass guns...And how far do you think a ninja can throw a star?  About 30 yds at best?
Ahhhhh!!!  But the arguement was never Ninja vs. Pirate Ships.  It was Ninja vs. Pirates.

Last edited by Cougar (2006-07-22 21:16:51)

Dont forget that ninas have those badass Bows. That would give them range. But I dont think that ninjas would fight on the open seas. If the pirites came on land they wouldnt even know what hit them. Poor bastards.
Ninjas all the way.
Mass Media Casualty

Blackbeard was impressive in the way he tied lit fuses to his Dreadlocked beard as he viciously attacked people. His flag... well, not the best.
My favourite historical Pirate is Calico Jack. Sure he dressed like a fag, (hence the name 'Calico',) but he had the coolest flag:
Also he sailed with the only two female Pirates in History, Anne Bonny and Mary Read. He was captured and hung... not the best death like dying in battle, but at least he didn't commit suicide like a common ninja.

Now to try and discredit Cougar further, (a difficult task given most members here seem to be more swayed towards Ninjas.


Emo? Doubtful for both, but if you were willing to take an equally unfair outlook on Ninjas as Cougar has for Mr. Teach, you could say that they are Emo for wearing nothing but Black.

All limbs attached? Good point one would think. However as far as masculinity is concerned, a Ninja who was injured to the same extent as a Pirate would be rendered useless and probably commit sucide himself rather than battling on.

Silent Killers? Well, you got tha one right, but how important and impressive is silent killing when Pirates have the balls to attack battleships full of armed soldiers to take booty, rather than sneaking in to silently cut a solitary man's throat? I'll leave that up to you anyways.

Ever get caught? Another fairly good point, although the reason few Ninjas get caught is because if their position is comprimised, they will kill themselves. Also the general rule in Shogun Japan was that Ninjas should be killed on sight, (a more common occurence than folklaw would have you believe.) Meanwhile if someone caught a Pirate, there was a great celebration and the Pirate was executed in a manner fit for a respected enemy rather than a commonplace assassin.

Badass looking? Well, one can figure that out for themselves. One is either partial to ragged finary or black pajamas, but like I said, I'll leave that up to you.

Uses pussy weaons? Well, another one which is a matter of opinion. Sharp stars and daggers or cannons, cutlasses and blunderbusses. Personlly I think few weapons are 'pussy' as such, but as far as Pirates having pussy weapons, I'd have to disagree.

Uses manly weapons? Like above, except I even more stongly disagree wih Mr. Cougar. How can a shiney star be considered manly, or a thin dagger? Personally I think they can be considered perfect accessories to the "Pound" bar on Dixon Street Wellington, (if you didn't catch any of that, it is a gay bar.)
Hidden away, nicely fitting with the aforementioned black pajamas, or mean weapons, obviously well-used, roughly strapped to one's sides because the wearer knows no-one's going to mess with one looking as mean as him anyway.

Skilled? Another one which applies to both. Different skills of course. A Pirate has no need for the skills of an assasson, like the Ninja has no need fo nautical skills. For an example, lets swap their roles around. If a Pirate was an assassin, sure maybe he would not be as subtle as the Ninja, but killing is second nature to most men. Hardly an 'elite' skill. Put a Ninja on a boat in th open water and he wouldn't know what to do. He'd die of thirst or starvation, or be boarded by Pirates. I daresay he would have comitted suicide before he let anything that horrible happen to him though. Pussy.

Lucky? Well, depends on the person. Honestly I think this is irrelevent as all people have some sort of luck. A Pirates luck though, good or bad, is taken as granted. They live on regardless. However, if luck turned foul for a Ninja, no doubt he would again resort to taking his own life... what was this about Ninjas not being Emo again?

Defeats > Victories? A Ninja only needs to be defeated once and he is finished. A Pirate can suffer many defeats and still go on. I suppose this is where this lopsided opinion comes from.

Victories < Defeats? Well that depends. A Ninja's victory means he has killed one man and got out scot free. A Pirates victory means he and his crew have overrun an enemy ship and taken captives and booty. I know which kind of victory I'd prefer.


As to the winner, I have no doubts that it is the Pirates. Pirates live on in today's culture, you'll even find them still existing, (although now they don large T-shirts an outsized glasses and call themselves "Software" Pirates.) You'll see them in recent movies - yes, I know Johnny Depp's drunk, cowardly Pirate is somewhat of comic relief, but what was the last Ninja you saw on the silver screen? Chris Farley in "Beverly Hills Ninja"?

Thank you for you time. Thought you might like to hear both sides of the story.

Up yours Cougar.

- Calico Ty.
[Blinking eyes thing]
I shall retort after my lunch break is finished.
Mass Media Casualty

Looking forward to it.
[Blinking eyes thing]
First off, it's "ninjas" and "pirates" not "ninja's" and "pirate's." Strike 1 ninjas for being illiterate.

Secondly, ninjas are pussies who commit suicide once captured. Pirates take it like men. Strike 2.

Third of all, pirates are actually men. The only exception is Anne Bonny, who is a respected female pirate. We've got balls, she's got breasts. Strike 3.

Since you are stereotyping all pirates by saying they dress "stupid" then I will stereotype ninjas like this:

Stop trying to be the Maddox of BF2s.

Case closed.

Last edited by TheCanadianTerrorist (2006-07-22 21:59:50)


In a fight between a pirate and a ninja, the ninja would win. Unless he sucked ass.
tiga tiga tiga tiga tiga woods ya'll

Cougar wrote:

ToXiC888 wrote:

You forgot to even mention that pirates have huge ass ships, with huge ass guns...And how far do you think a ninja can throw a star?  About 30 yds at best?
Ahhhhh!!!  But the arguement was never Ninja vs. Pirate Ships.  It was Ninja vs. Pirates.
But the pirates own the ships, just like the ninjas own the stars
Ninjas just jump around alot.

Pirates stand there, get stabbed, take it like a man, then slit your throat.


They laugh before the throat-cutting.

Last edited by TheCanadianTerrorist (2006-07-22 22:00:42)


TheCanadianTerrorist wrote:

Ninjas just jump around alot.

Pirates stand there, get stabbed, take it like a man, then slit your throat.


They laugh before the throat-cutting.
I dunno, I'd rather slink around in the darkness, then get stabbed. Though it could just be me.

TheCanadianTerrorist wrote:

First off, it's "ninjas" and "pirates" not "ninja's" and "pirate's." Strike 1 ninjas for being illiterate.
First off, illiterate means you can't read. Strike one for you for being an idiot.

Last edited by PspRpg-7 (2006-07-22 22:03:56)

Mass Media Casualty

Yes, but Pirates don't generally fight one on one, they fight dirty. One Ninja v Crew of Pirates... well depends on the ninja, but in most cases he would just give up and commit suicide. That is the leading flaw in the argument - Ninjas commit suicide if he know they're fucked while Pirates fight on.

And TheCanadianTerrorist, read my post. Anne Bonny is not the only exception with her crewmate Mary Reed, (both sailing under Jack Rackham - more commonly known as Calico Jack.)
[Blinking eyes thing]

PspRpg-7 wrote:

TheCanadianTerrorist wrote:

Ninjas just jump around alot.

Pirates stand there, get stabbed, take it like a man, then slit your throat.


They laugh before the throat-cutting.
I dunno, I'd rather slink around in the darkness, then get stabbed. Though it could just be me.
Despite our differences, I noticed your usertitle. It is right, unlocks do suck.

Last edited by TheCanadianTerrorist (2006-07-22 22:03:59)

Aspiring Objectivist
ouch that was harsh lol , btw that was one of the 2 movies I have walked out on.

I see no one mentioning penguins I had thought they were in the mix as well.
Penguins and Carebears are too stupid to be mentioned at all.

Last edited by TheCanadianTerrorist (2006-07-22 22:05:06)


TrollmeaT wrote: … bevnin.jpg
ouch that was harsh lol , btw that was one of the 2 movies I have walked out on.

I see no one mentioning penguins I had thought they were in the mix as well.
Penguins are animals, therefore, even a pirate could kill one. /fail penguins.

gburndred wrote:

Cougar wrote:

ToXiC888 wrote:

You forgot to even mention that pirates have huge ass ships, with huge ass guns...And how far do you think a ninja can throw a star?  About 30 yds at best?
Ahhhhh!!!  But the arguement was never Ninja vs. Pirate Ships.  It was Ninja vs. Pirates.
But the pirates own the ships, just like the ninjas own the stars
The pirates own the cutlasses and all the other weaponry. Ninjas would definitely win hand-to-hand combat.

Last edited by PspRpg-7 (2006-07-22 22:06:37)

Except a pirate can handle pain alot better. Hit me once, shame on you, hit me twice, YOUR FACE IS SMASHED IN THE GROUND YOU NINJA SON OF A BITCH!

Har har har!
tiga tiga tiga tiga tiga woods ya'll
Think of it this way.
Your about to fight someone, you get to pick either a ninja or a pirate

Pirates weapon:
Flintlock Pistol: Ball of metal. travels around 1200 fps. Just aim and fire, that simple.

Ninjas weapon:
Throwing star: Star shaped weapon, sharpe points along the edges, travels around 250 fps. Can be deadly when known how to throw.

I couldn't really give a fuck how they dress. I just care about the weapon i use.
Pirates don't need to be sneaky, all they do is blow everything up.

Except when it comes to knowledge, pirates aren't known for their smart brains.

Last edited by gburndred (2006-07-22 22:10:16)

Aspiring Objectivist

TheCanadianTerrorist wrote:

Penguins and Carebears are too stupid to be mentioned at all.
you just had to bring the Carebears in this...
scary stuff, not stupid.

TheCanadianTerrorist wrote:

Except a pirate can handle pain alot better. Hit me once, shame on you, hit me twice, YOUR FACE IS SMASHED IN THE GROUND YOU NINJA SON OF A BITCH!

Har har har!
A ninja would fuck up a pirate so bad, he'd break his arms, his legs, and snap his neck before he could throw a second punch.

And this is a bit retarded, but when have you heard "1337 pirate hacks" or "Wow, he totally pirated us with his knife! (or anyother weapon)"

Last edited by PspRpg-7 (2006-07-22 22:12:24)

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