I have to say Jesus would win. Ill toke on this question.....
Who would win in a fight? Jesus or Superman
Jesus | 66% | 66% - 79 | ||||
Superman | 33% | 33% - 39 | ||||
Total: 118 |
Niether would win, they are both fictional characters, end poll.
"I'm not normally a religious man, but if you're up there SAVE ME SUPERMAN!"
- Homer Simpson.
If Homer put his faith more in Superman than Jesus, it must mean that Superman could kick Jesus' arse.
Homer > Al
I mean All.
- Homer Simpson.
If Homer put his faith more in Superman than Jesus, it must mean that Superman could kick Jesus' arse.
Homer > Al
I mean All.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
Superman > Jesus.
But Jack Sparrow > Superman.
But Jack Sparrow > Superman.
Sorry, I'll refrain from now on. I guess I'll take the poll more seriously next time.Madhadda1 wrote:
enough chuck noris crap....Pug wrote:
I null voted - it's a trick question. Chuck Norris is both Superman AND Jesus.
im beggining to hate this site....
Let me start over - what kind of car does Jesus drive?
Last edited by Pug (2006-07-22 22:36:00)
jesus won't even fight..
To everyone saying God is on Jesus' side, God didn't help Jesus out the first time around, I don't think he's going to stop our little mock duel here.
I ma unsure Superman is pretty much indestructible and he can fly but Jesus seems to have millions of people that would be willing to do anything for him despite never actually meeting him and having only read a book about him and then thinking wow thats the greatest story ever i am going to devote my life to this book that was writtin by a man (yes a real person) and do whatever it says!!! So i null vote But if i really had 2 its clear that Superman would win before you could finish the word FIGHT!
Superman maybe a ficticious character but jesus was a normal person, with NO supernatural powers, no matter what the bible (best selling ficiont book) may tell you. So basically superman vs normal dude with long hair. Superman FTW!!!!!!
A couple of nails, and a tree?specialistx2324 wrote:
you cant kill jesus, not even with kryptonite . you can with superman
Superman would kick the shit out of Jesus - if they weren't both fictional and if either of them had any inclination to fight each other - Jesus can't fight, he's a big pussy.
superman wears underwear over his leggings......
so jesus PWNS him
so jesus PWNS him
Since Jesus is a fictional character, I'm gonna have to say superman.
What a stupid poll ... Jezz kiddies
Did you see Criss Angel? He want walk on water and levitate like Jesus
they are both fictional characters, but if they magially got into a fight wouldnt superman win??? i mean jesus is all about love and peace etc etc and superman can FLY!!! and jesus was just a wacko who believed he was gods son, not actually god for those of you who actually read the worlds best selling fiction book (AKA the bible) and i mean superman has those cool LASER EYES!!! so liek superman FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jesus would win because he has God but if he didn't then superman would kick ass.
Superman would win. No pansy Romans ever strapped his ass to a cross.
Superman ftw. What is Jesus gonna do keep multiplying bread and fish to throw at him, walk on water, thought jesus was a bit of a pacifist anyway (Hippy if you like, you choose, he had long hair and wore sandles - hippy in mine and rimmers book). I suppose he could try n get superman drunk (keep turning water into wine) and knee him in the nuts when he is drunk. The only advantage is that Jesus will keep coming back to life, which may piss superman off eventually.
lmao yeah I saw superman walking down the street just the other dayShotYourSix wrote:
Since Jesus is a fictional character, I'm gonna have to say superman.
I Love Jesus
But Jesus is all peace and love and wouldn't dare to hit superman! Superman would punch his teeth out and then Jesus would forgive him! So in theory Superman would vaporise him!
God would just nerf superman's power so he could compete with Jesus, i say its a stalemate.
You should be more specific about the Jesus you're talking about though....I mean.....Jesus does my landscaping, actually, I think like 2 or 3 of them are named Jesus
I'm thinking the son of God would have the upper hand there...