
Orcarina of Time or Majora's Mask?

Orcarina Of Time89%89% - 58
Majora's Mask10%10% - 7
Total: 65
Derived from this topic: http://forums.bf2s.com/viewtopic.php?id=35909 (Kind of got offtopic )

Mostly this:

PunkX wrote:

FFLink13 wrote:

...OoT was my first zelda game, and thats wat got me hooked, gr8 story all the way from the beginning and truly an amazing game.

MM was just as good as OoT, maybe more so as of the masks. you could also get one of the greatest characters of all time in it, fierce deity:

http://students.thiel.edu/acosentino/im … 20link.jpg

http://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c398/ … niLink.jpg

omg the mammoth sword owned...

I much preffered OoT over MM, i believe that they failed with MM on the sence that you had to go back in time everytime the big moon was about to crash into the town square, which would piss me off somtimes, you would be really stuck in one place while the moon is crashing into the earth (at an incredibly slow rate might i add). Kinda bored me too, although i liked the fac that you could change form to a goron or a deku thingy. which made the game worth playing, rolling around as a goron was always fun .

In my opinion, SquareEnix and Nintendo should do a joint game, Final Fantasy: The Lagend Of Zelda. Would be sweet, i'd imagine somthing like Kingdom hearts but replace Goofy and Donald with Cid from FF and Link from TLOZ

So i ask you, which one is better?
Mr. Bigglesworth
I never played MM but OoT was the shite. Man I wanna break out the old N64 just to play again.
ocarina FTW! i played mm but it kinda sucked that everytime you had to do things over again cause if i remember right you only had 3 days i think. my cousin past that game in one week. but dam when the hell is princess twilight coming out. dam its being pushed back like halo 2. shit did someone hack the game code again
ocarina of time majoras mask was too... wierd... ocarina was fun

rawls2 wrote:

I never played MM but OoT was the shite. Man I wanna break out the old N64 just to play again.
Dude, thats what i did, ofcourse me and my friends were half drunk, but man, we pulled it out and just played all   night, it was  abitch finding the old chords for it too, stayed up all night playing SSB, Virtual Pool, Star Fox and all those other old classics.

Played doom 64 yesterday, game is so sick on a 40" plasma
Oh, something i forgot to add, does anyone remember OoT that was released for PC for about 2 months than recalled? Where would be the best place to get a copy? I though ebay but i wouldnt wanna go nuts against those zelda scary people with their 'dress up like a zelda character' events >.o
6 x 9 = 42
+298|6840|Portland, OR USA

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

ocarina of time majoras mask was too... wierd... ocarina was fun
agreed, MM just seemed like one long minigame

i liked mm and thoguth it was a great game. had a much darker feel to it than oot but it wouldnt exist without oot and oot is just classic
Donald O' Brien
I thought it was a lot of fun collecting all of the masks in Majora's Mask.  Plus, I had a blast following all of the people in town and learning their schedules.

Oh, and Fierce Deity Link owns all.
There is.
+1,380|7004|Devon, England
majoras mask! fierce deity owned!

and you got the great fairy sword, you know, the giant pink one.

id say they are both the same kinda, but if i had to pick, it would be MM all the time.

the only thing i didnt like about it was the fact that you couldnt play as cool "all grown up" Link.

but zora Link was cool.
Laid Back Yorkshireman
+183|6904|Scarborough Yorkshire England
Both games ruled. Just I played OOT first which was where I lost my zelda virginity so it has a special spot in my heart.
Terror in the Skies
nothing beats ocarina of time - its simply one of the best videogames of all times
if i had more time i would play it again
There is.
+1,380|7004|Devon, England
when i first played OoT i was about 7 or summut, and got all the way to the end but couldnt beat gannon watso ever. it rly upset me...

anyway, years later i got all zelda games for the gamecube, and kicked ganons ass!

in MM, did any1 fight majora without fierce deity? it was so easy...
Null vote coz I don't like any Zelda game 1 bit

CRIMS0N_W0LF wrote:

Null vote coz I don't like any Zelda game 1 bit
then you shouldnt consider yourself a gamer.

Last edited by cyborg_ninja-117 (2006-07-22 05:24:45)

Nade Spammers Must Die
Ocarine of Time = Best Game Ever. Absolutely nothing beats it
Ocarina : Easy, fun and relaxing. No stupit time to look over all the time, and a verry fun and enjoyable game, a bit on the easy side though.

Majora's : New features and fun, Though the time brings alot of new features, i don't like watching the time all the time, it removes the relaxing feeling, and some castles ( especialy the stone tower ) are pretty hard, atleast harder than Ocarina.

I like them both as they are, but the original, ocarina, cannot be beaten.
There is.
+1,380|7004|Devon, England
stone tower was quite anoying, i fink i had trouble with twinmold at the end, i didnt realise you cud get more magic power from the rocks...
6 x 9 = 42
+298|6840|Portland, OR USA
psh what would someone named FFLink know about Zelda ... or Final Fantasy for that matter


prince of insufficient light
I would have to say ocarina, mostly just because it was bigger. I mean, 3 dungeons, then to an adult, then 8 dungeons, then to the final boss. Geez, that's huge! Majora was good for as long as it lasted, maybe better, but only 4 dungeons? I didn't think they were even that hard, even saying the first two were sub-par an the diffuculty scale, and the last two were about as tehy should be, I got stuck maybe two or three times. I think what really made the game was screwing around with the masks, I had to get the guide to get the last few.

Haha, after I got the guide, I was looking through the dungeons I already did to see what I missed (like secret but unimportant rooms) and I saw that in the Goron one, I used a ramp to do a jump I wasn't supposed to be able to do and skipped over five rooms. Maybe that's why that was short.

Oh yeah, and Fierce Diety pwns. Anyone use the glitch to get it out of the boss room? Somehow you could glitch out of the boss room into the overworld, and pwn jellys with your bigass sword.
Corrosion Inhibitor
ocarina is the shyte but majora has all the fun sub quests.
ive creamed them both. it really depends on what you feel like doing. kinda of a mood thing. i dont compare them to eachother cause both have some great stuff in them.

wind waker is the bomb. he looks so cute lol.
prince of insufficient light


ocarina is the shyte but majora has all the fun sub quests.
ive creamed them both. it really depends on what you feel like doing. kinda of a mood thing. i dont compare them to eachother cause both have some great stuff in them.

wind waker is the bomb. he looks so cute lol.
Windwaker is a great game too, except for the sailing...

Don't get me wrong, it was great for awhile, but if I wanted a meaningless task like that I'd go get a job at a factory. On some of the longer runs, I'd literally leave my controller and go get something to eat, only to have to rush back to get back in my boat after some damn sharks knocked me out. Even after the warping, I thought going any more than one square away was awfully damn tedious...

And don't get me started on the tri-force shards...
Phorum Phantom
OOT is the best as i said in the other one. Its so much longer than any other zelda game i think, it had 8 main dungeons, while MM had 4, and thats not including the mini-kid-link dungeons. MM was great, ya, but it doesnt quite compare to OOT. Now i have the collectors edition for the cube, its amazing, and was originally free, now probly 15 at your local game store, but it has the full version of OOT and MM, and TLOZ 1 and 2. amazing. I also have master quest, its a new twist to the original OOT. Both of these are awsome.

Ya, Flaming_Maniac, you could get Fierce Diety outside, but you did it in Sakons(think thats his name, the thief) cave, when you and Kafei go to get his mask, or, the cheating way, on the third day, use the bunny hood and roll at the crack by his cave door, sometime you get in if you just keep rolling at it. Well once your inside, you switch off as link and Kafei. Keep the Bunny hood on as Link, then when you play as Kafei, hit start and change the Bunny hood for the Fierce Diety Mask.(dont try the giant mask, it causes the game to freeze) then when you play as link again, you will change, and be able to run around as the Diety. there might be something about not going back in time tho, so be careful.

Ya, getting the masks was fun, and i got the mask guide in Nintendo Power issue 140 - January 2001. Yup, i still have it, its a bit worn tho. What do you guys think the hardest mask to get was(not including Diety, you need all the others to get it)? I think it was the all night mask, you had to beat the oceanside spider house on the first day to get the big wallet, then buy it at the curio shop.
+153|7061|Norway/Norwegen/ Norge/Noruega
Hmm, hard to say. I love all Zelda games. My favourite must be..... Zelda 3 or Link.
prince of insufficient light

Paco_the_Insane wrote:

OOT is the best as i said in the other one. Its so much longer than any other zelda game i think, it had 8 main dungeons, while MM had 4, and thats not including the mini-kid-link dungeons. MM was great, ya, but it doesnt quite compare to OOT. Now i have the collectors edition for the cube, its amazing, and was originally free, now probly 15 at your local game store, but it has the full version of OOT and MM, and TLOZ 1 and 2. amazing. I also have master quest, its a new twist to the original OOT. Both of these are awsome.

Ya, Flaming_Maniac, you could get Fierce Diety outside, but you did it in Sakons(think thats his name, the thief) cave, when you and Kafei go to get his mask, or, the cheating way, on the third day, use the bunny hood and roll at the crack by his cave door, sometime you get in if you just keep rolling at it. Well once your inside, you switch off as link and Kafei. Keep the Bunny hood on as Link, then when you play as Kafei, hit start and change the Bunny hood for the Fierce Diety Mask.(dont try the giant mask, it causes the game to freeze) then when you play as link again, you will change, and be able to run around as the Diety. there might be something about not going back in time tho, so be careful.

Ya, getting the masks was fun, and i got the mask guide in Nintendo Power issue 140 - January 2001. Yup, i still have it, its a bit worn tho. What do you guys think the hardest mask to get was(not including Diety, you need all the others to get it)? I think it was the all night mask, you had to beat the oceanside spider house on the first day to get the big wallet, then buy it at the curio shop.
I think the hardest mask was that marriage one, where you had letters that had to go to the right places and then meet at the courtyard at night or something. Required at least 3 specific time events.

I also have Master Quest, I got it from reserving TWW, but I got pretty hard-core stuck on the Spirit Temple. don't know if you did too, but I think it had something to do with using keys in the wrong places, like what you could do in the Water Temple.

On another note, who's going to get Twilight Princess, looks amazing with 50 hours of straight dungeon gameplay! really wish it would come out though, I reserved it at the same time I reserved BF2, will have had it on reserve for a year and a half by the time it comes out at its current release date. If that isn't dedication, I don't know what is.

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